1,189 research outputs found
The dialectic of the end of art in Adorno : repression and rescue of the repressed sensibility.
Embora Adorno tenha abordado predominantemente o problema do ?fim da arte? como um processo repressivo
de liquida??o da arte levado adiante pela domina??o da ind?stria cultural, ele viu uma possibilidade promissora para
o conceito de desartifica??o (Entkunstung) em sua Teoria Est?tica. Ali, ele reconheceu uma tend?ncia evolutiva desse
conceito pela intensifica??o do tremor de uma subjetividade fixa atrav?s da experi?ncia da n?o?identidade e de
uma poss?vel reconcilia??o com uma natureza n?o inteiramente submetida ? explora??o. O objetivo deste trabalho
? examinar a articula??o de duas teses em Adorno: uma que antecipa o fim da arte em uma sociedade sem classes,
relacionado ? supera??o da tens?o entre o real e o poss?vel, e uma segunda que reconhece na express?o art?stica
conhecida alguma promessa de felicidade, ao apontar para uma realidade latente que insiste em retornar, na medida
em que as obras de arte s?o a ?historiografia inconsciente de si mesma de sua ?poca.?Although Adorno has predominantly approached the problem of the ?end of art? as a repressive process
of liquidation of art carried out by the domination of the cultural industry, he saw a promising possibility for the
concept of de?arting (Entkunstung) in his Aesthetic Theory. There he recognized an ?evolutionary tendency? of the
concept from the intensification of the shudder of a fixed subjectivity through the experience of non?identity and
a possible reconciliation with a nature not entirely subject to exploitation. The aim of this work is to examine the
articulation of two theses in Adorno: one that anticipates the end of art in a society without classes, related to the
overcoming of the tension between the real and the possible, and the second that recognizes in the known artistic
expression a promise of happiness by pointing out a latent reality that insists on returning, insofar as artworks are
the ?self?unconscious historiography of their epoch?
O processo de judicializa??o do ensino superior na Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo promover a compreens?o do processo de judicializa??o
da educa??o superior na Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM),
desdobrando-se, para tanto, em dois estudos. O primeiro, marcadamente bibliogr?fico,
intitulado ?A Educa??o Como Direito e a Judicializa??o da Educa??o Superior?, objetiva
conceituar e problematizar o fen?meno da judicializa??o da educa??o superior, al?m de
apresentar uma revis?o das pesquisas realizadas acerca da mat?ria. Foi demonstrado que o
termo judicializa??o pode assumir diversos significados, entre eles, a chegada aos tribunais de
quest?es de grande impacto social, pol?tico e econ?mico, as quais originalmente estavam sob
responsabilidade do Poder Legislativo ou do Executivo, e o surgimento massivo de demandas
judiciais sobre determinado tema da vida social. Considerando tais aspectos do fen?meno,
procedeu-se ? revis?o bibliogr?fica, a qual indicou certo car?ter elitista e individualista da
judicializa??o do ensino superior, al?m da exist?ncia de reflexos sobre a autonomia
universit?ria. O segundo estudo, intitulado ?O Processo de Judicializa??o da Educa??o da
Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) nos anos de 2017 a 2020?,
por sua vez, consiste em pesquisa predominantemente explorat?ria, por meio da qual pretendeu-se
expor o fen?meno da judicializa??o do acesso ao ensino superior na mencionada institui??o.
O recorte consistiu na an?lise dos processos protocolados diante do Tribunal Regional Federal
da Primeira Regi?o por meio do sistema Processo Judicial Eletr?nico ou em formato f?sico e
transferidos para o sistema, nos anos de 2017, 2018, 2019 e 2020, sob o t?tulo de procedimentos
comuns c?veis em face da institui??o ou mandados de seguran?a c?veis motivados por atos das
suas autoridades, referentes aos interesses de estudantes ou de candidatos ao ingresso. Ambos
os estudos se relacionam na medida em que o primeiro apresenta uma constru??o te?rica acerca
da tem?tica da judicializa??o da educa??o superior que fornece as bases para a an?lise da
situa??o da UFVJM realizada no segundo. Constatou-se que a judicializa??o ? um fen?meno
presente na UFVJM e que o Poder Judici?rio promoveu de forma majorit?ria a revis?o dos atos
administrativos praticados pela institui??o.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Humanas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2021.This research has the goal to promote the understanding of the process of judicialization of
higher education at the Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri (UFVJM),
thus unfolding into two studies. The first, markedly bibliographical, entitled "Education as a
Right and the Judicialization of Higher education", aims to conceptualize and problematize the
phenomenon of judicialization of higher education, in addition to presenting a review of
research about the subject. It has been shown that the term judicialization can take on several
meanings, including the arrival in the courts of issues of great social, political and economic
impact, which were originally under the responsibility of the Legislative or Executive Power,
and the massive emergence of legal demands on particular theme of social life. Considering
these aspects of the phenomenon, a bibliographic review was carried out, which indicated a
certain elitist and individualist character of the judicialization of higher education, in addition
to the existence of reflections on university autonomy. The second study, entitled "The Process
of Judicialization of Education at the Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri
(UFVJM) from 2017 to 2020", in turn, consists of predominantly exploratory research, through
which it was intended to expose the phenomenon of judicialization of access to higher education
in that institution. The spectrum of analasys consisted of the processes filed in the Federal
Regional Court of the First Region through the Electronic Judicial Process system or in physical
format and transferred to the electronic system, between the years 2017 and 2020, under the
heading of common procedures against the institution or civil writs of mandamus motivated by
acts of its authorities, referring to the interests of students or candidates for admission. Both
studies are related insofar as the first presents a theoretical construction on the theme of
judicialization of higher education that provides the basis for the analysis of the situation of the
UFVJM carried out in the second. It was found that judicialization is a phenomenon present at
the UFVJM and that the Judiciary Power promoted, in a majority manner, the review of
administrative acts performed by the institution
Modelagem, simula??o e controle de densidade de polpa em espessadores.
Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Instrumenta??o, Controle e Automa??o de Processos de Minera??o. Departamento de Engenharia de Controle e Automa??o, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.No tratamento de min?rios a maioria das opera??es unit?rias acontece a ?mido, por isso, nos est?gios finais do tratamento, ? necess?rio separar o produto ou rejeito gerado, da ?gua. Um dos processos de separa??o ? o espessamento cont?nuo. O espessamento cont?nuo consiste na separa??o s?lido-l?quido por meio da gravidade. O objetivo ? obter uma polpa concentrada com determinada concentra??o no underflow e ?gua livre de s?lidos no overflow. Este trabalho tem como objetivo implementar um simulador por meio de um modelo matem?tico do processo de espessamento cont?nuo e projetar controladores para esse processo. As estrat?gias de controle propostas aqui ser?o validadas no simulador implementado, de forma a ser poss?vel a aplica??o dos controladores em uma planta real.In ore treatment, most unit operations are wet, so in the final stages of treatment it is necessary to separate the generated product or waste from the water. One of the separation processes is continuous thickening. Continuous thickening consists of solid-liquid separation through gravity. The objective is to obtain a concentrated pulp with a certain concentration in the underflow and solids free water in the overflow. This work aims to implement a simulator through a mathematical model of the continuous thickening process and to design controllers for this process. The control strategies proposed here will be validated in the implemented simulator, in order to be able to apply the controllers in a real plant
Como o conselho escolar pode contribuir para uma gest?o democr?tica participativa: utilizando o processo de compras da merenda pelo programa pnae.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o funcionamento do processo de aquisi??o da merenda escolar, atrav?s do Programa PNAE, na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e M?dio Professor Renato Fonseca Filho, localizada na cidade de Cuit? de Mamanguape-PB, para poder compreender se h? uma gest?o democr?tica participativa nas escolas atrav?s dos conselhos escolares, foi observado e analisado por meio de analises documentais e entrevistas n?o-estruturadas, buscou-se compreender como se d? todo o processo de compra da merenda, como aporte te?rico foi utilizado Peroni e Adri?o os quais nos deram embasamentos sobre o Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola, os portais do FNDE e os documentos presentes na escola e alguns artigos peri?dicos sobre o tema Conselho Escolar e Gest?o Democr?tica. Essa pesquisa teve car?ter qualitativo, como foco na abordagem da pesquisa aplicada, utilizando-se o roteiro de observa??o, observa??o participativa, entrevista n?o-estruturadae da an?lise documental de arquivos presentes na escola. Ap?s a an?lise dos documentos, pesquisas, entrevistas e observa??es podemos concluir que muitas medidas ainda precisam ser tomadas para que de fato haja uma participa??o maior da comunidade no processo de compra da merenda escolar
Organic-resistant screen-printed graphitic electrodes: Application to on-site monitoring of liquid fuels.
This work presents the potential application of organic-resistant screen-printed graphitic electrodes (SPGEs) for fuel analysis. The required analysis of the antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol (2,6-DTBP) in biodiesel and jet fuel is demonstrated as a proof-of-concept. The screen-printing of graphite, Ag/AgCl and insulator inks on a polyester substrate (250 μm thickness) resulted in SPGEs highly compatible with liquid fuels. SPGEs were placed on a batch-injection analysis (BIA) cell, which was filled with a hydroethanolic solution containing 99% v/v ethanol and 0.1 mol L(-1) HClO4 (electrolyte). An electronic micropipette was connected to the cell to perform injections (100 μL) of sample or standard solutions. Over 200 injections can be injected continuously without replacing electrolyte and SPGE strip. Amperometric detection (+1.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl) of 2,6-DTBP provided fast (around 8 s) and precise (RSD = 0.7%, n = 12) determinations using an external calibration curve. The method was applied for the analysis of biodiesel and aviation jet fuel samples and comparable results with liquid and gas chromatographic analyses, typically required for biodiesel and jet fuel samples, were obtained. Hence, these SPGE strips are completely compatible with organic samples and their combination with the BIA cell shows great promise for routine and portable analysis of fuels and other organic liquid samples without requiring sophisticated sample treatments
Eficiência do nitrato no desempenho de nadadores da categoria master de endurance no municÃpio de São Paulo
Introdução: Tem sido demonstrado que a suplementação com nitrato traz benefÃcios durante exercÃcios de alta intensidade, como a natação, pois acarreta um aumento na potência, no tempo de exaustão e melhora no desempenho em exercÃcios contrarrelógio. Objetivo: O propósito deste estudo foi verificar a eficiência do nitrato no desempenho de nadadores da categoria máster de endurance no municÃpio de São Paulo. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 11 atletas, de ambos os gêneros, com idades entre 20 e 55 anos. Os atletas foram submetidos a dois testes exaustivos, no primeiro dia ingerindo 500 ml de água, e no outro ingerindo 500 ml de suco de beterraba, ambos antes do treino. Foi avaliado o nÃvel de desidratação e a percepção subjetiva de esforço (Escala de Borg). Resultados: Em relação à Escala de Borg, no teste ingerindo água, 36,3% dos atletas classificaram o treino como extremamente intenso, enquanto no teste com o suco de beterraba, 45,4% classificaram como intenso. No treino com a água, a média do percentual de perda de peso foi de 0,97% e a taxa de sudorese foi de 16,9 ml/min. Já com o suco de beterraba, a perda de peso foi levemente menor, de 0,93% e a taxa de sudorese de 15,6 ml/min. Conclusão: O consumo do suco de beterraba pode apresentar-se como uma alternativa positiva na discreta melhora da percepção do esforço em atletas de natação. ABSTRACTThe nitrate efficiency in the performance of the masters category in swimmers in Sao PauloIntroduction: It has been shown that nitrate supplementation is beneficial during high-intensity exercise, like in swimming, since it causes an increase in potency, in time of exhaustion and improved performance in exercises against the clock. Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the nitrate efficiency in the performance of the masters category swimmers in Sao Paulo. Methods: The sample was composed of 11 athletes, of both genders, aged 20 to 55 years. The athletes were subject to two extensive testing, on the first day ingesting 500 ml of water and the other day ingesting 500 ml of beetroot juice, both before training. It was evaluated the level of dehydration and the subjective perception of effort (the Borg Scale). Results: In relation to the Borg Scale, the test ingesting water, 36.3% of the athletes rated the training as extremely intense, while test ingesting beetroot juice, 45.4% classified as intense. In training with water, the average weight loss percentage was 0.97% and the sweating rate was 16.9 ml / min. Already with beetroot juice, the weight loss was slightly lower, 0.93%, and the sweating rate was 15.6 ml / min. Conclusion: The consumption of beet juice can be presented as a positive alternative in the slight improvement of perceived exertion in swimming athletes
Dengue during pregnancy and live birth outcomes: a cohort of linked data from Brazil
OBJECTIVES: Dengue is the most common viral mosquito-borne disease, and women of reproductive age who live in or travel to endemic areas are at risk. Little is known about the effects of dengue during pregnancy on birth outcomes. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of maternal dengue severity on live birth outcomes. // DESIGN AND SETTING: We conducted a population-based cohort study using routinely collected Brazilian data from 2006 to 2012. // PARTICIPATING: We linked birth registration records and dengue registration records to identify women with and without dengue during pregnancy. Using multinomial logistic regression and Firth method, we estimated risk and ORs for preterm birth (<37 weeks' gestation), low birth weight (<2500 g) and small for gestational age (<10thcentile). We also investigated the effect of time between the onset of the disease and each outcome. // RESULTS: We included 16 738 000 live births. Dengue haemorrhagic fever was associated with preterm birth (OR=2.4; 95% CI 1.3 to 4.4) and low birth weight (OR=2.1; 95% CI 1.1 to 4.0), but there was no evidence of effect for small for gestational age (OR=2.1; 95% CI 0.4 to 12.2). The magnitude of the effects was higher in the acute disease period. // CONCLUSION: This study showed an increased risk of adverse birth outcomes in women with severe dengue during pregnancy. Medical intervention to mitigate maternal risk during severe acute dengue episodes may improve outcomes for infants born to exposed mothers
Optimization of a homogeneous ternary solvent system for the quantification of lead in crystal sugar samples.
During sugar production, contamination of the sugar by potentially toxic metals may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods to quantify these contaminants. Analytical method for monitoring of lead in sugar samples was developed with the use of homogeneous ternary system of solvents and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Ternary system was optimized using multivariate experiments and the best condition was: 10% water, 80% ethanol and 10% methyl isobutyl ketone. As the complexing agent, monosodium 4-(2-pyridylazo) resorcinol used. Calibration curve was linear from 0.64 to 5.00 mg L-1, ABS = 0.0873 [Pb2 +] - 0.0032 and R? = 0.9988. The limit of quantification was 0.53 mg L-1 and limit of detection was 0.45 mg L-1 with 95% confidence level, the standard addition curve was linear, ABS = 0.0736 [Pb2+] + 0.0846 And R? = 0.9971.
Three samples were analyzed in triplicate and the concentration of lead obtained ranged from 84.74 ? 3.70 mg kg-1; 69.93 ? 11.84 mg kg-1 and 76.45 ? 7.12 mg kg-1. For the standard addition curve, the concentration found was approximately 230.00 mg kg-1. Considering the Brazilian standard, the lead concentration should not exceed 2.00 mg kg-1, thus, it?s concluded that the values obtained were not within the norm for this metal
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