4 research outputs found

    The analysis of Performance and Capacity at a Roundabout with metering signals

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    This paper aims to describe a method for the analyzing of capacity and performance of roundabout operating with metering signals. The use of metering signals is a found as a measure to avoid the need of a fully signalized intersection, when the low capacity conditions are observed during peak demand flow periods. Roundabout metering signals are often installed on selected roundabout approaches and used on a part time basis, since they are required, when heavy demand conditions occur during peak periods. These metering signals are used normally for alleviating the excessive delay and queues, due to the gaps created in the circulating stream. The basic principles of the operation of roundabout metering signals shall be explained. This paper shall present some analysis results, when operating with metering signals. A case study for some crucial roundabouts in Albania, shall be part of the results and conclusions must be considered to reevaluate the need, when to use metering signals, or not, at the existing congested roundabouts

    Urban land value and map of land values

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    Land is the gift of nature to mankind. It provides continuity and progress. Land is not only our biggest asset, but at the same time, the whole real source. As immovable property, land constitutes one of the most valuable assets for the country and individuals. Because land is so important, the correct determination of its value for any evaluation purposes attracts special attention. There are different purposes the land is valuating for, like buying and selling, mortgage, financial reporting, development and redevelopment, etc. Regardless of the purpose of valuation, the market value is the most required kind of value and the main basis of evaluation of the land. In their daily work, the appraisers are based generally on the market transactions, but more and more are added cases when the value maps are used on valuations. This paper firstly deals with the methods and procedures for the evaluation of urban land, even in individual and mass valuation and concludes that their applications provide us significant differences in values that can`t be negligible. Finally, after working out these differences, relevant recommendations for the "spaces" where the maps of value can be used, are given

    The model for determination the market value of residential properties based on their surface

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    The purpose of this paper is to propose a model for determining the market value of residential properties (apartments) based on their surface. Every residential property can be viewed as consisting of a bundle of attributes, some related to the physical features of the property, some related to the location and a third group related to the building design. One of the attributes of the building design is the surface of the property. Currently, the sale market of apartments makes differentiation in value (sales at half of value) only for large balconies (terraces) surfaces, while the surface in itself can be divided into primary surface (living room, bedroom) and ancillary surface (corridor, bathroom, balcony). The distinguishing feature of the apartments built in the last 20-year is the consumption of a considerable surface of the total area for the ancillary facilities. This paper, through a case study in Tirana City tends to provide a model of inclusion differently in the value of primary and ancillary surfaces

    Seismic Design Of Tunnels In Fault Zones

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    The tunnels due to their restrictions as a infrastructure work often overpass very disturbed tectonic zones. In those zones due to overthrust geological processes the rockquality are extremely poor in one side, and changes abruptly on the other side. These changes impose differential deformation on soil and tunnel linings. Especially for near faults tunnelswhere the directivity pulse and fling step phenomena plays an important role in the characterization of the seismic motion. This article gives the theoretical explanation and design consideration concerning the above mention problems. A numerical simulation whichis indented to study the behavior of the tunnel during this type of seismic events is presented.This example is taken from the design of a tunnel that shall be constructed in Albania