6 research outputs found

    Modeling Integible Organizational Capital and Value Creation: The Case of Large Unlisted Moroccan Companies

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    Purpose: Aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between the components of intangible organizational capital and value creation for unlisted Moroccan firms. Methods: A conceptual model was used to establish the relationship between the components of organizational capital and value creation for large Moroccan firms. The study used a structured questionnaire to collect data from managers of 176 large firms. We used structural equation modeling through AMOS software to test the relationships between the different variables in our model. Results:  The study shows that organizational capital has a non-significant positive effect on value creation. This demonstrates that the efforts of the large firm have not been able to codify tacit knowledge and further improve organizational capital. Implications: The lack of organizational influence on value creation may signal that many firms prefer to invest heavily in physical capital without providing an adequate organizational structure. As a result, organizational capital deteriorates and leads to a lowering of the overall performance of intangible capital in addition to the value created for the company. The development of strong organizational capital can help to build an organizational culture to ensure that employees are able to innovate and deploy their know-how and experience for the benefit of the organization. Limitations:  We still do not know how organizational capital changes over time. Therefore, a qualitative longitudinal study is recommended or a content analysis of companies' annual reports

    Le capital immatériel de l’entreprise entre complexité conceptuelle et conservatisme comptable

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    L’entreprise a dépassé la représentation classique de la firme, elle n’est plus représentée comme une entité productive ayant un patrimoine et dotée principalement d’actifs physiques et vise à organiser de façon optimale ces actifs, elle est désormais de plus en plus dématérialisée et dont l’objet consiste à améliorer sa capacité d’absorber, de mémoriser, d’exploiter des connaissances et des savoir-faire (Tarondeau J.-C., 2003). Malgré cette évolution de la réalité économique et l’écart constaté entre l’entreprise réelle et son image comptable donnée par les documents de synthèse comptables, les données financières et tangibles restent prédominantes. Le présent article a pour objet d’analyser en premier temps, les différentes approches de comptabilisation des composantes immatérielles de l’entreprise et dans une seconde partie le traitement comptable inadéquat de ces éléments dans le cadre des normes marocaines et internationales (IAS/IFRS)

    L’ effet modérateur de la divulgation volontaire sur la relation entre les composantes du capital immatériel et la création de valeur : Cas des entreprises marocaines cotées en bourse

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    Cet article traite les relations entre les composantes du capital immatériel et la création de valeur pour l'entreprise en exploitant les renseignements d’une enquête menée auprès de 34 entreprises marocaines cotées en bourse. Il met l'accent sur la divulgation volontaire d’informations comme une solution à la méconnaissance comptable des immatériels et comme un moyen pour améliorer la position stratégique de l’entreprise. Pour tester les effets modérateurs de la divulgation volontaire sur la relation entre les composantes du capital immatériel et la création de valeur pour l’entreprise, nous avons exploité le modèle à équations structurelles à travers le logiciel Smart-PLS. Les résultats montrent que la relation capital immatériel-création de valeur est plus forte pour un niveau élevé de divulgation volontaire

    Factors Influencing Adoption of Islamic Banking in Morocco: An Exploratory Study

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    Purpose: The objective of this research is to explore the factors influencing the choice of Islamic banking services by Moroccan banking customers.  Methods: This study is based on an exploratory qualitative study conducted with a sample of forty active users of the banking services (having a bank account), but non-users of Islamic banking products, aged 25 to 60 in Morocco. Results: This research identified factors influencing the choice of Islamic banking services by the Moroccan banking customers, mainly the compatibility of the ethical and economic benefits provided by the Islamic banks with the needs of the potential adoption, as well as the influence of the two variables, namely the perceived complexity and the risk perceived by the potential adopter of the services and products offered by participatory banks in Morocco. Implications: This study allows managers of participatory (Islamic) banks to understand Moroccan’s views as regards Islamic banking products. The major concern of Islamic banks is to increase the number of accounts and deposits of customers to face the challenge of the liquidity crisis. To this end, Islamic banks need to understand the factors that hinder or motivate the adoption of Islamic banking by consumers in Morocco so as to focus on these factors at the level of commercial communication