15 research outputs found

    Optimizing company cash : a guide for financial professionals

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    Liquidity Management

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    After reading this chapter you will be able to: - Understand the tools of liquidity management - Review the major forecasting techniques used by cash managers - Examine the issues that are important in short-term borrowing and investing - Identify the elements that influence investment and borrowing rates - Learn how to compare different instruments and their effective yields or costs

    Managing Cash Inflows

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    After reading this chapter you will be able to: - Understand the design of a collection system given the constraints of the banking system - Appreciate the reasons for the dominance of paper transactions - Review internal techniques and bank products used to manage collection float - Learn about ancillary collection activities

    Future Trends

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    After reading this chapter you will be able to: - Review the changes occurring in collections and disbursements - Appreciate concerns relating to banking relationships and credit rationing - Understand disaster recovery and contingency planning issues - Evaluate the trends in treasury organization

    United States Banking Environment

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    After reading this chapter you will be able to: - Understand the U.S. banking system - Appreciate the role of the Federal Reserve - Review the important legislation and the impact of deregulation - Evaluate the account analysis statement - Consider some practical ideas for improving a company's use of cash management services - Understand UCC rules pertaining to banking service

    Payment Systems

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    After reading this chapter you will be able to: - Understand the basic terminology used in making payments - Evaluate the principal U.S. payment methods - Determine the benefits, costs and risks associated with each payment method - Appreciate payment system risk

    Managing Cash Outflows

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    After reading this chapter, you will be able to: - Review how funds in depository and lockbox accounts are brought together through the process of cash concentration. - Understand disbursement system approaches to sending payments to vendors, employees, and others with the appropriate timing, cost and mechanism. - Evaluate controls against fraud and other criminal activities in paper-based disbursement systems. - Learn of new approaches to purchasing and accounts payable cycles

    International Cash Management

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    After reading this chapter you will be able to: - Identify the complexities of international cash management - Evaluate the risks associated with cross-border transactions - Assess the major tools and organizational structures used to improve global cash flows - Understand how developments in Europe impact liquidity management - Review tips for treasurers with emerging international business

    Introduction to Managing Corporate Cash

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    After reading this chapter you will be able to: - Understand the importance of managing corporate cash and how cash management is instrumental to the ongoing operations of a company - Appreciate why cash managers are needed and the role they play in managing the day-to-day cash position and liquidity of the company - Review the historical evolution of cash management through to the current day - Learn the major terms, concepts and objectives of treasury and cash management This chapter sets the stage for all subsequent chapters, which will develop the topics more fully throughout the book

    Treasury Information Systems

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    After reading this chapter, you will be able to: - Understand how treasury information systems are used to expedite the communication between the bank and the company. - Review features, benefits and disadvantages of treasury workstations and Internet-based systems. - Develop a coherent strategy for the selection of a treasury information system