4 research outputs found
Changes in the Canadian definitions of break‐up and freeze‐up
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Ice-flood history reconstructed with tree- rings from the southern boreal forest limit, western Québec
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Ecological effects of river ice break-up: a review and perspective
- Author
- Allen W.T.R.
- Beltaos S.
- Beltaos S.
- Bodally R.A.
- Brunskill G.J.
- Butler M.G.
- Butyagin I.P.
- Calkins D.J.
- Cameron J.L.
- Chambers P.A.
- Connell J.H.
- Culp J.M.
- Culp J.M.
- Cummins K.W.
- Cunjak R.A.
- Day J. A.
- Eardley A.J.
- Erman D.C.
- Glova G.J.
- Grimm N.B.
- Grimm N.B.
- Holtby L.B.
- Johnston N.T.
- Limburg K.E.
- Lohman K.
- Mackay J.R.
- Mackay R.J.
- Mackenzie River Basin Committee
- Mackenzie River Basin Committee
- Manabe S.
- Marsh P.
- Marsh P.
- Marusenko Ya.I.
- Nichols S.J.
- Nieuwenhuyse E.E.
- Parkinson F.E.
- Perrin C.J.
- Peterson B.J.
- Poff N.L.
- Poff N.L.
- Prowse T.D.
- Prowse T.D.
- Prowse T.D.
- Prowse T.D.
- Prowse T.D.
- Reice S.R.
- Rempel R.S.
- Rosemarin A.S.
- Rounick J.S.
- Roy D.
- Rushforth S.R.
- Ryan P.A.
- Sagar P.M.
- Scrimgeour G.J.
- Scrimgeour G.J.
- Scrimgeour G.J.
- Sedell J.R.
- Sedell J.R.
- Siegfried C.A.
- Smith D.G.
- Sparks R.E.
- Steinman A.L.
- Thompson H.A.
- Vannote R.L.
- Wallace J.B.
- Ward J.V.
- Washington W.M.
- Welcomme R.L.
- Whalen S.C.
- White P.S.
- Winterbourn M.J.
- Wuebben J.L.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The mapping of language in North America and the British Isles
- Author
- Aitchison J.
- Aitchison J.E.
- Alinei M.
- Allardt E.
- Allen J.P.
- Ambrose J.E.
- Ambrose J.E.
- Arbingast S.A.
- Awberry G.
- Baker A.
- Baker C.
- Ball M.J.
- Betts C.
- Bjorklund E.
- Bowen E.G.
- Bowen E.G.
- Breton R.J.
- Bright E.
- Browne D.
- Busteed M.
- Canada Ministry for Citizenship and Culture
- Carter H.
- Carter H.
- Carter H.
- Cartwright D.G.
- Cartwright D.G.
- Cassidy F.G.
- Census of Canada
- Cerny J.W.
- Chambers J.K.
- Colin H. Williams
- Conklin N.F.
- Cox K.
- Crawford T.D.
- Davies E.
- Detro R.A.
- Devine T.
- Dixon R.B.
- Donley M.W.
- Driver H.E.
- Durkacz V.E.
- Edwards V.
- Ellis A.J.
- English Place-Name Society
- Fennell D.
- Fernald E.A.
- Fitzgerald G.
- Francis W.N.
- Gannett H.
- Garrett W.E.
- Gentilcore R.L.
- Gilbert G.G.
- Giles H.
- Gunnemark E.
- Guralnik D.B.
- Hale. R.F.
- Harris R.C.
- Haugen E.
- Heizer R.F.
- Hewett E.L.
- Hofman J.E.
- Hughes A.
- Hume I.
- Hume I.
- Humphreys H.L.
- James C.
- James I.
- John B.S.
- Jones E.
- Jordan T.G.
- Kaups M.
- Keane M.J.
- Kenrick G.S.
- Kirk J.
- Kirkwood J.
- Kloss H.
- Kolb E.
- Kralt K.
- Krauss M.D.
- Krim A.
- Kurath H.
- Kurath H.
- Lalonde A.
- Lamb W.K.
- Lewis G.J.
- Loch. C.
- Louder D.R.
- Louder D.R.
- Louder D.R.
- Loy W.G.
- Mather J.Y.
- McDavid R.I.
- McRae K.D.
- Meyer A.H.
- Morgan B.J.T.
- Nelson M.A.
- Nicholson N.L.
- Nicholson N.L.
- Nicholson R.
- Nicolaisen W.F.H.
- North D.J.
- Ochterlony J.
- Orton H.
- Orton H.
- Orton H.
- Orton H.
- Oukada L.
- Petyt K.M.
- Price G.
- Pryce W.T.R.
- Pryce W.T.R.
- Raup H.F.
- Ravenstein E.G.
- Reader's Digest Association
- Reed C.E.
- Reed C.E.
- Richards J.H.
- Rooney J.F.
- Rudnyckyi J.B.
- Sharp E.F.
- Shortridge J.R.
- Skeat W.W.
- Skene W.F.
- Sloan C.S.
- Smout T.C.
- Southall J.E.
- Stephenson D.B.
- Stewart D.G.
- Tarpley F.
- Thomas A.R.
- Thomas C.H.
- Thomas J.I.
- Thomas P.W.
- Thomas R.M.
- Trudgill P.
- US Bureau of the Census
- Vernex J.-C.
- Waddell E.
- Waddell E.
- Wagner H.
- Wakelin M.F.
- Warkentin J.
- Watkins T.A.
- Weir T.R.
- West R.C.
- Wilbur Zelinsky
- Williams C.H.
- Williams D.T.
- Williams S.W.
- Wilson L.R.
- Wood G.R.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study