777 research outputs found


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    This paper documents that it is possible to measure electromagnetic fields created by physical movements of the human body-termed electrostatic body-motion effects-using readily available EEG amplifiers, and that it possible to measure the human body's capability to serve as an antenna and/or receiver for these electrostatic movements-termed the human antenna-receiver effect. Following the observation by Green et al (1991)1 that small body-motions could be detected by electrometers attached to copper walls, three experiments were conducted measuring the effects of hand-motions and foot-motions using DC amplifiers (the Synamps System by Neuroscan). Clear hand-motion and foot-motion effects could be recorded using a standard electrode box as an antenna. The electrostatic motion effect was attenuated as a function of distance of the motions from the electrode box, and by placing a wire mesh shield over the electrode box. The human body was discovered to funcrion as a strong antenna and/or receiver for electrostatic body-motions. The findings indicate that electrostatic body-motions and the human antenna-receiver effect are easily measurable, and may serve as a new method for investigating interpersonal dynamic energy system interactions in psychology, medicine and healing

    On the accretion disc properties in eclipsing dwarf nova EM Cyg

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    In this paper we analyzed the behavior of the unusual dwarf nova EM Cyg using the data obtained in April-October, 2007 in Vyhorlat observatory (Slovak Republic) and in September, 2006 in Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (Ukraine). During our observations EM Cyg has shown outbursts in every 15-40 days. Because on the light curves of EM Cyg the partial eclipse of an accretion disc is observed we applied the eclipse mapping technique to reconstruct the temperature distribution in eclipsed parts of the disc. Calculations of the accretion rate in the system were made for the quiescent and the outburst states of activity for different distances.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Adsorption-desorption kinetics in nanoscopically confined oligomer films under shear

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    The method of molecular dynamics computer simulations is employed to study oligomer melts confined in ultra-thin films and subjected to shear. The focus is on the self-diffusion of oligomers near attractive surfaces and on their desorption, together with the effects of increasing energy of adsorption and shear. It is found that the mobility of the oligomers near an attractive surface is strongly decreased. Moreover, although shearing the system forces the chains to stretch parallel to the surfaces and thus increase the energy of adsorption per chain, flow also promotes desorption. The study of chain desorption kinetics reveals the molecular processes responsible for the enhancement of desorption under shear. They involve sequences of conformations starting with a desorbed tail and proceeding in a very fast, correlated, segment-by-segment manner to the desorption of the oligomers from the surfaces.

    Testing metric-affine f(R)-gravity by relic scalar gravitational waves

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    We discuss the emergence of scalar gravitational waves in metric-affine f(R)-gravity. Such a component allows to discriminate between metric and metric-affine theories The intrinsic meaning of this result is that the geodesic structure of the theory can be discriminated. We extend the formalism of cross correlation analysis, including the additional polarization mode, and calculate the detectable energy density of the spectrum for cosmological relic gravitons. The possible detection of the signal is discussed against sensitivities of VIRGO, LIGO and LISA interferometers.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Antiferromagnetically coupled alternating spin chains

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    The effect of antiferromagnetic interchain coupling in alternating spin (1,1/2) chains is studied by mean of a spin wave theory and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). In particular, two limiting cases are investigated, the two-leg ladder and its two dimensional (2D) generalization. Results of the ground state properties like energy, spin gap, magnetizations, and correlation functions are reported for the whole range of the interchain coupling JJ_{\perp}. For the 2D case the spin wave results predict a smooth dimensional crossover from 1D to 2D keeping the ground state always ordered. For the ladder system, the DMRG results show that any J>0J_{\perp}>0 drives the system to a gapped ground state. Furthermore the behaviour of the correlation functions closely resemble the uniform spin-1/2 ladder. For JJ_{\perp} lower than 0.3, however, the gap behaves quadratically as Δ0.6J2\Delta\sim0.6 J^2_{\perp}. Finally, it is argued that the behaviour of the spin gap for an arbitrary number of mixed coupled spin chains is analogous to that of the uniform spin-1/2 chains.Comment: 5 pages, 7 ps-figure

    Angular momenta creation in relativistic electron-positron plasma

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    Creation of angular momentum in a relativistic electron-positron plasma is explored. It is shown that a chain of angular momentum carrying vortices is a robust asymptotic state sustained by the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation characteristic to the system. The results may suggest a possible electromagnetic origin of angular momenta when it is applied to the MeV epoch of the early Universe.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Faraday rotation spectra of bismuth-substituted ferrite garnet films with in-plane magnetization

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    Single crystalline films of bismuth-substituted ferrite garnets have been synthesized by the liquid phase epitaxy method where GGG substrates are dipped into the flux. The growth parameters are controlled to obtain films with in-plane magnetization and virtually no domain activity, which makes them excellently suited for magnetooptic imaging. The Faraday rotation spectra were measured across the visible range of wavelengths. To interprete the spectra we present a simple model based on the existence of two optical transitions of diamagnetic character, one tetrahedral and one octahedral. We find excellent agreement between the model and our experimental results for photon energies between 1.77 and 2.53 eV, corresponding to wavelengths between 700 and 490 nm. It is shown that the Faraday rotation changes significantly with the amount of substituted gallium and bismuth. Furthermore, the experimental results suggest that the magnetooptic response changes linearly with the bismuth substitution.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    QCD strings with spinning quarks

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    We construct a consistent action for a massive spinning quark on the end of a QCD string that leads to pure Thomas precession of the quark's spin. The string action is modified by the addition of Grassmann degrees of freedom to the string such that the equations of motion for the quark spin follow from boundary conditions, just as do those for the quark's position.Comment: REVTeX4, 10 pages, no figure

    Spontaneous Coherence and Collective Modes in Double-Layer Quantum Dot Systems

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    We study the ground state and the collective excitations of parabolically-confined double-layer quantum dot systems in a strong magnetic field. We identify parameter regimes where electrons form maximum density droplet states, quantum-dot analogs of the incompressible states of the bulk integer quantum Hall effect. In these regimes the Hartree-Fock approximation and the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximations can be used to describe the ground state and collective excitations respectively. We comment on the relationship between edge excitations of dots and edge magneto-plasmon excitations of bulk double-layer systems.Comment: 20 pages (figures included) and also available at http://fangio.magnet.fsu.edu/~jhu/Paper/qdot_cond.ps, replaced to fix figure

    f(R)f(R) gravity constrained by PPN parameters and stochastic background of gravitational waves

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    We analyze seven different viable f(R)f(R)-gravities towards the Solar System tests and stochastic gravitational waves background. The aim is to achieve experimental bounds for the theory at local and cosmological scales in order to select models capable of addressing the accelerating cosmological expansion without cosmological constant but evading the weak field constraints. Beside large scale structure and galactic dynamics, these bounds can be considered complimentary in order to select self-consistent theories of gravity working at the infrared limit. It is demonstrated that seven viable f(R)f(R)-gravities under consideration not only satisfy the local tests, but additionally, pass the above PPN-and stochastic gravitational waves bounds for large classes of parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure