44 research outputs found

    First tests of a 800 kJ HTS SMES

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    SMES using high critical temperature superconductors are interesting for high power pulsed sources. Operation at temperatures above 20 K makes cryogenics easier, enhances stability and improves operation as pulsed power source. In the context of a DGA (Delegation Generate pour l'Armement) project, we have designed and constructed a 800 kJ SMES. The coil is wound with Nexans conductors made of Bi-2212 PIT tapes soldered in parallel. The coil consists in 26 superposed simple pancakes wound and bonded on sliced copper plates coated with epoxy. The rated current is 315 A for an energy of 814 kJ. The external diameter of the coil is 814 mm and its height 222 mm. The cooling at 20 K is only performed by conduction from cryocoolers to make cryogenics very friendly and invisible for the SMES users. The cooling down has been successfully carried out and the thermal system works as designed. After a brief description of the SMES design and construction, some tests will be presented. From a current of 244 A, the SMES delivered 425 kJ to a resistance with a maximum power of 175 kW.Comment: 5 page

    Optimisation et contrÎle de la transition dynamique de percolation au sein de matériaux nanostructurés

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    International audienceL'ajout de charges carbonĂ©es au sein de matrices polymĂšres permet la mise en Ɠuvre de composites aux propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă©lectriques optimisĂ©es. La conductivitĂ© de ces matĂ©riaux dĂ©pend en grande partie de l'organisation des charges dans la matrice, notamment de la prĂ©sence de rĂ©seaux percolants. L'objectif du prĂ©sent travail est de comprendre les mĂ©canismes de structuration des nanotubes de carbone au sein de diffĂ©rents milieux. L'architecture de ces rĂ©seaux de charges a principalement Ă©tĂ© rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e par le biais de mesures Ă©lectriques et diĂ©lectriques. L'originalitĂ© de nos travaux rĂ©side dans l'utilisation de matrices liquides, notamment des huiles de silicone, a?n de s'affranchir des contraintes prĂ©sentes dans les plastiques d'une part, et de simpli?er les processus de mise en Ɠuvre d'autre part. Nos travaux rĂ©vĂšlent une agrĂ©gation des charges au cours du temps, plus connue sous le nom de percolation dynamique. La conductivitĂ© de ces matĂ©riaux a ensuite Ă©tĂ© modĂ©lisĂ©e en fonction du temps et du taux de charge Ă  partir de l'Ă©quation statique de Kirkpatrick. L'application d'un champ Ă©lectrique a permis une augmentation de la conductivitĂ© ainsi qu'une diminution du seuil de percolation. En?n, une Ă©tude des paramĂštres intrinsĂšques de la matrice a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une forte in?uence de la viscositĂ© et de la tension de surface sur la dispersion et la vitesse d'agrĂ©gation des nanotubes de carbone

    ContrÎle par percolation dynamique de la conductivité de nanocomposites polymÚres-nanotubes de carbone

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    L'effet de la percolation dynamique sur la conductivité de composites polymÚres chargés en nanotubes de carbone a été étudié. La réalisation d'étapes de recuits thermiques à l'état fondu a permis de mettre en évidence une augmentation graduelle de plusieurs ordres de grandeurs de la conductivité. Du point de vue applicatif la maitrise de la cinétique de percolation dynamique autorise le contrÎle fin et localisé de la structuration du réseau de charges. Ceci a notamment conduit à une réduction des taux de charges critiques, une augmentation de la conductivité maximale des systÚmes ainsi qu'à l'invention et la réalisation de matériaux à gradient de conductivité électrique

    Modélisations numériques des pertes en régime variable dans des tubes supraconducteurs

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    Les pertes AC dans les cùbles supraconducteurs générées par un environnement variable dans le temps impactent la cryogénie et donc la faisabilité industrielle des dispositifs supraconducteurs. Nexans est aujourd'hui sur le point de réaliser des fils cylindriques supraconducteurs pour des cùbles de forte puissance. Aucune étude numérique n'a pour l'instant porté sur le calcul des pertes AC dans un ou plusieurs tubes. Cet article présente les étapes de création d'un modÚle de calcul de pertes à l'aide d'un logiciel d'éléments finis pour une nouvelle géométrie :tube ou cylindre supraconducteur. La non-linéarité des formules E-J ainsi que les problÚmes de convergence ont été traités par l'implémentation d'une formulation en H pour la résolution numérique. Les résultats ont été comparés aux formules analytiques. Dans le but de vérifier l'exactitude du modÚle, une série de mesures expérimentales a aussi été réalisée sur un ruban supraconducteur industriel.</p

    High-Yielding Diastereoselective syn -Dihydroxylation of Protected HBO: An Access to D-(+)-Ribono-1,4-lactone and 5- O -Protected Analogues

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    International audienceA diastereoselective chemoenzymatic synthetic pathway to D‐(+)‐ribono‐1,4‐lactone, a versatile chiral sugar derivative widely used for the synthesis of various natural products, has been designed from cellulose‐based levoglucosenone (LGO). This route involves a sustainable Baeyer‐Villiger oxidation of LGO to produce enantiopure (S)‐γ‐hydroxymethyl‐α,ÎČ‐butenolide (HBO) that is further functionalized with various protecting groups to provide 5‐O‐protected γ‐hydroxymethyl‐α,ÎČ‐butenolides. The latter then undergo a diastereoselective and high‐yielding syn‐dihydroxylation of the α,ÎČ‐unsaturated lactone moiety followed by a deprotection step to give D‐(+)‐ribono‐1,4‐lactone. Through this 4‐step synthetic route from LGO, D‐(+)‐ribono‐1,4‐lactone is obtained with d.r. varying from 82:18 to 97:3 and in overall yields between 32 and 41 % depending on the protecting group used. Moreover, valuable synthetic intermediates 5‐O‐tert‐butyldimethylsilyl‐, 5‐O‐tert‐butyldiphenylsilyl‐ as well as 5‐O‐benzyl‐ribono‐1,4‐lactones are obtained in 3 steps from LGO in 58, 61 and 40 %, respectively

    SCARLET – A European Effort to Develop HTS and MgB2 Based MVDC Cables

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    Superconducting cables have been proven in a variety of pilot projects and utility installations, demonstrating several of their advantages, including compact size and low energy losses, which can make the technology economically attractive for certain applications. It is clear though that different applications impose different requirements and challenges, but also opportunities for the cables. An interesting application is high-power DC transfer at medium voltage (MVDC). The high-current capability of the superconductor allows for a reduction in voltage while maintaining or increasing the power transfer level. In this way, one MVDC superconducting cable can replace one or more conventional high-voltage DC cables. In the European project SCARLET (Superconducting cables for sustainable energy transition), two types of MVDC cables will be developed, one based on HTS and one on MgB2 materials. Additionally, protection requirements will be considered, including the development of a modular DC fault current limiter for 10 kA. A main motivation for the development is the elimination of costly high-voltage converter stations when going from high to medium voltage, e.g., for offshore wind power plants. Another feature is the combined hydrogen and electricity transmission from generation sites to industry or mobility end users. This paper describes the superconducting MVDC cable concept as well as the main challenges and research needed to develop and type test the cables.SCARLET – A European Effort to Develop HTS and MgB2 Based MVDC CablesacceptedVersio

    HTS cable and protection system study for UK's 275 kV transmission network

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    The global shift towards zero carbon emissions has led to an increased demand for electricity, (e.g., For electrification of heat, transportation, etc.). High-temperature superconductor (HTS) cables offer a high-capacity and small-footprint solution compared to traditional cable technologies, making them ideal for densely populated areas. HTS cables, however, possess different electrical characteristics compared to conventional cables. This paper presents a specific case study of a 12.9 km long 275 kV HTS cable connecting Birkenhead Substation and Lister Drive Substation in the U.K. A dynamic electrical model incorporating the varying resistance of the HTS cable was constructed. The HTS cable model was integrated into an equivalent test network, representing conditions at the target site, to analyse its behaviour and impact on conventional power system protection performance via simulation case studies. The results indicate that differential protection operates reliably, while distance protection is impacted by the varying resistance. However, the proposed HTS cable design at the specified location presents a relatively small change in HTS cable resistance. The impact on distance protection was therefore minimal and can be addressed by considering HTS properties when determining distance protection settings. The study was conducted by considering manufacturer-supplied HTS parameters, network parameters reflective of an actual location in the U.K. grid, and protection requirements specified in the U.K. grid code. The study provides valuable insights into practicality and protection strategies for reliable HTS cable operation in a real-world transmission network. The findings can inform future HTS cable designs and installations globally, as well as provide a framework for further research in this area

    Design and economic analysis of 275 kV HTS cable for UK transmission network

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    Achieving Net Zero requires a significant increase in electricity demand for transportation, heating, and industrial sectors. However, the increase in demand poses a challenge for heavily congested urban networks. High-Temperature Superconductor (HTS) 275 kV cables offer a credible technology solution that can uprate existing cable routes up to five times higher capacity density, utilizing existing 275 kV substations and removing the need to uprate circuits to 400 kV. This paper presents a detailed technical design and cost-benefit analysis for the cable installation. The technical analysis covers location selection, power system considerations, and standards alignment. A 12.9 km long 275 kV cable has been designed using cold dielectric and three separate phases. An equivalent circuit model was built using distance and differential protection methods to study the operation during different fault scenarios. A Standard mapping exercise has been performed to understand the gaps between the HTS and conventional cables by covering seven existing standards to identify the further tests to de-risk the technology. The economic analysis by considering the full lifecycle shows HTS is the economic for the chosen location with instances where substation equipment or land expansion costs are dominant

    DC Networks on the Distribution Level – New Trend or Vision?

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    "DC networks on Distribution Level – are they a new trend or a Vision?" That is the question that has focused the efforts of the Working Group the last two years, and whose consideration is summarized in this report. This report represents the first phase evaluation of this topic and is focused primarily on medium (MVDC) and low voltage (LVDC) level applications

    Mise en forme de fils supraconducteurs (études expérimentales et numériques)

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    PARIS-MINES ParisTech (751062310) / SudocSudocFranceF