1 research outputs found

    Voicing and devoicing in Nigerian English usage

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    This dissertation investigates the pattern of voicing and devoicing in Nigerian English usage. This is a feature that has not received adequate attention in most studies on Nigerian English. The dissertation reports its findings in respect of the voicing and devoicing of final fricatives in a sample from the corpus of Nigerian English consisting of 377 tokens as produced by 25 educated speakers of English in Nigeria. With level of education and first language as the independent variables, the study, out of the samples taken from conversations, finds that final devoicing is prevalent in Nigerian English. Level of education and ethnicity are found to be of no significant effect in the pattern of voicing and devoicing among the subjects. The pattern of voicing and devoicing examined is mainly with respect to phonological voicing (i.e. viewed from the point of assimilation to adjacent voiced/voiceless contexts) following the absence of reasonable data on medial voicing from the samples. Compared to the pattern reported for Standard English, Nigerian English shows a significant departure from the Standard variety, though exhibiting similar characteristics as other L2 Englishes – a tendency towards “endonormative stabilization