7 research outputs found

    A review of models and factors for digital educational games acceptance and user experience

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    Digital educational games (DEG) are currently receiving increasing recognition thanks to how popular digital games are with the young generation as well as the potential benefits this technology has towards improving students' learning motivation and engagement. However, despite the massive efforts and monetary investments made in the academia and industry, the acceptance of DEG among students are still low. While there have been studies that review and investigate the factors that influence students to use this learning tool, most of them cover the common technology acceptance factors without comprehensively considering other key features of DEG such as user experience (UX) elements. The objective of this study is to review the acceptance and UX models and factors normally used by researchers when evaluating DEG. From the review, usefulness, ease of use, and enjoyment are frequently observed to determine students' acceptance of DEG while immersion, aesthetics, concentration, clear goals, and social interaction are among the common UX elements of DEG. There are elements between acceptance and UX that are interchangeable. Hence, an inclusive DEG acceptance model that integrates various UX elements can be developed

    Students’ educational game acceptance in higher education in Saudi Arabia

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    Studies on educational games (EG) have shown growing interest among researchers due to the potential and preferences of the younger generation. Games technology is among the most popular forms of technology nowadays with billions of transactions yearly. Compared to traditional learning, games have features to provide opportunities for more enjoyable and engaging learning. Despite their great potentials, studies done among researchers on educational-game acceptance among students and teachers are still limited. This is due to challenges to design EG that is well-balanced between fun and learning features. Therefore, it is important to explore factors that contribute to the acceptance of EG. Despite many studies done on EG acceptance, most have only focused on the acceptance factors but not on the game features themselves. Thus, this study fills the gap by integrating the game-design factors, namely feedback, challenges, goals, and rewards, into the Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that contains 10 constructs and 66 items. A quantitative study among 300 survey participants has been administered at Taif University in Saudi Arabia. Data have been analysed using the structural equation modeling by utilising the PLS-SEM tool. Findings show that game-design features, which are challenges, goals, and rewards, are significant on perceived ease of use, while feedback and challenges are significant on perceived usefulness. Features, goals, challenges, and rewards have a significant effect on perceived usefulness, while intention to use educational games is influenced by learning content, enjoyment, and perceived usefulness. In conclusion, several game-design features are important to be incorporated into EG to ensure the presence of its fun elements while not compromising the learning features. Therefore, educational-game designers and developers should integrate these factors in game design and development in order to increase student engagement and acceptance of educational games

    Towards an integrated educational games evaluation model: a review of study

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    Games for science education are gaining a huge reputation nowadays due to games popularity among younger generation. Meanwhile, traditional learning approach is considered dull due to lack of interactivity and flexibility. Adaptation of game for education is deem as a progressive approach that suits the preferences of younger generation. Educational games acceptance among students is still low despite huge initiatives and monetary fund invested by both game researchers as well as game developers. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the reasons why those games received low acceptance rates. Additionally, user experience is one of the important components for any user to use a computer-based technology. Several factors deem as crucial for user to accept or reject an information system. However, most studies only cover on acceptance factors without much on the user experience factors. This study explores on an integrated model from both acceptance and user experience factors. User experience studies are done beyond acceptance studies by looking from several different aspects of evaluation. Player experience factors is one of the prominent components that contribute to user decision to use (or not to use) the online games. This paper reviews several most related and recent studies from both acceptance and user experiences theories. It was found that studies on acceptance factors are available mostly in the last 10 years, but it is highly diverse due to complex features and nature of educational games. A specific game and a specific model were normally used to measure the student's acceptance which makes it difficult to be customized to different games with different features. Meanwhile, studies on user experience of educational games only gaining attention especially in the last 5 years, hence its importance for more exploration

    Identification of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Human Cytomegalovirus pUL89 Endonuclease Using Integrated Computational Approaches

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    Replication of Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) requires the presence of a metal-dependent endonuclease at the C-terminus of pUL89, in order to properly pack and cleave the viral genome. Therefore, pUL89 is an attractive target to design anti-CMV intervention. Herein, we used integrated structure-based and ligand-based virtual screening approaches in combination with MD simulation for the identification of potential metal binding small molecule antagonist of pUL89. In this regard, the essential chemical features needed for the inhibition of pUL89 endonuclease domain were defined and used as a 3D query to search chemical compounds from ZINC and ChEMBL database. Thereafter, the molecular docking and ligand-based shape screening were used to narrow down the compounds based on previously identified pUL89 antagonists. The selected virtual hits were further subjected to MD simulation to determine the intrinsic and ligand-induced flexibility of pUL89. The predicted binding modes showed that the compounds reside well in the binding site of endonuclease domain by chelating with the metal ions and crucial residues. Taken in concert, the in silico investigation led to the identification of potential pUL89 antagonists. This study provided promising starting point for further in vitro and in vivo studies

    Unraveling the role of salt-sensitivity genes in obesity with integrated network biology and co-expression analysis.

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    Obesity is a multifactorial disease caused by complex interactions between genes and dietary factors. Salt-rich diet is related to the development and progression of several chronic diseases including obesity. However, the molecular basis of how salt sensitivity genes (SSG) contribute to adiposity in obesity patients remains unexplored. In this study, we used the microarray expression data of visceral adipose tissue samples and constructed a complex protein-interaction network of salt sensitivity genes and their co-expressed genes to trace the molecular pathways connected to obesity. The Salt Sensitivity Protein Interaction Network (SSPIN) of 2691 differentially expressed genes and their 15474 interactions has shown that adipose tissues are enriched with the expression of 23 SSGs, 16 hubs and 84 bottlenecks (p = 2.52 x 10-16) involved in diverse molecular pathways connected to adiposity. Fifteen of these 23 SSGs along with 8 other SSGs showed a co-expression with enriched obesity-related genes (r ≥ 0.8). These SSGs and their co-expression partners are involved in diverse metabolic pathways including adipogenesis, adipocytokine signaling pathway, renin-angiotensin system, etc. This study concludes that SSGs could act as molecular signatures for tracing the basis of adipogenesis among obese patients. Integrated network centered methods may accelerate the identification of new molecular targets from the complex obesity genomics data