12 research outputs found

    Suitable Models for Describing Sulphate Desorption Kinetics in Selected Bauchi North Soils of Varying Parent Materials in the Nigerian Sudan Savanna

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    The modelling of sulphate desorption data is critical for a proper S diagnosis and fertilizer formulation to ensure profitable crop production. Five (5) models such as first-order, second-order, Elovich, fractional power, and parabolic diffusion were used to test the best model describing sulphate desorption kinetics in some soils from Bauchi-north, Sudan Savanna, Nigeria. To achieve this, soil samples were collected from three different parent materials namely Basement complex rock and two sedimentary rocks (Kerri-Kerri Formation and Chad Formation). The study showed that the parabolic diffusion and first-order models were found to describe S desorption data satisfactorily, characterized by relatively high R2 values and lowest S.E values by soil parent materials, respectively. While, the second-order, Elovich and Fractional power equations failed to describe the kinetics desorption of sulphate in all the studied soils, as judged by their high SE values. Therefore, the better fit of S desorption data to the first-order equation is an indication of probable ligand exchange of sulphate ion during the desorption process, and to parabolic diffusion equation suggests that diffusion-controlled phenomena are rate-limiting steps. Based on the findings, we concluded that the rate of sulphate desorption kinetics in these soils is mainly controlled by diffusion-controlled phenomena, which is critical for sulphate-based fertilizer formulations and applications


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    Trypanosomiasis is a major problem in developing countries most especially Africa and the incriminating agents are T. congolense, T.vivax. T.brucei in small ruminants. It has high morbity  and mortality Rates of 70% and 20% respectively . The experimental animals were four Rams which were used as control and infected group, Parameters for this experiment were recorded before infection. Following inoculation with T.congolense, 2 mls of blood was collected from the sheep in vacutainers for serum biochemical assay. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was used to assay IGG and IGM concentrations and 1ml of blood was collected in vacutainers with anti coagulant to check leucocytic and erythrocytic index.This was done every day until day 6 and then every other day. Clinical signs observed post infection were , Anemia, Hematuria ,Rhinitis, dyspnea ,emaciation and paralysis of the fore and hind limbs and death .Statistical tables and charts were used for analyses. The  role of   Hypoprotenemia , IGG and IGM  in experimental infection with Trypanosoma congolense   were looked at. The anemia was Normocytic normochromic and later became Microcytic hypochromic, PCV Recorded on the first day prior to infection was 27%  and on the last day of  infection became 6% . Leucocytosis was Degenerative and Leucopenia was also observed Perhaps due to the antigenic nature of the parasite. On first day WBC count was 8.5 x109/L and Prior to death Leucocytosis of 6.1x 109 /L. Hypoproteneimia was also seen with Blood urea Nitrogen and Alanine aminotransferase falling to values below normal 55U/L and 155mg/dl respectively. There were also fluctuations in the values of IGG and IGM  with initial values of 1.4 and 0.71 µg/ML  and terminal values of 0.34 and 0.21 /L. The organs looked at Kidneys,Lungs,Heart and Liver were all in their initial stages of destruction , they were inflamed,edematous , congested and necrotic . Hypoprotenemia, , immune suppression,dyspnea ,Anemia and Leucopenia  may be the cause of death in Trypanosomiasis. Keywords:Leucopenea,Anemia,Trypanosoma,immunogobuins,Hypoprotenemia DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/11-6-06 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Evaluation of analgesic and behavioural effects of ethanol root bark extract of Erythrina senegalensis DC (Fabaceae)

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    Background: The ethnomedicinal uses of Erythrina senegalensis including its antinociceptive and sedative properties have been documented in literature. Objective: This study evaluated the analgesic and behavioural effects of the ethanol root bark extract of E. senegalensis in mice. Methodology: Phytochemical screening and acute toxicity studies were conducted. Analgesic activity in mice was assessed using acetic acid induced writhing and hot plate method, while behavioural effects were evaluated using diazepam-induced sleeping test and hole-board test. These evaluations were carried out on E. senegalensis ethanol root bark extract at doses of 75, 150 and 300 mg/kg. Results: The intraperitoneal median lethal dose was found to be 1,137 mg/kg, while alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and reducing sugars were found to be present in the plant material. E. senegalensis ethanol root bark extract at 150 and 300 mg/kg exhibited significant (p< 0.001) analgesic activity which offered 17.6% and 25.8% inhibition above ketoprofen in the acetic acid test respectively. At 300 mg/kg, E. senegalensis ethanol root bark extract demonstrated comparative analgesia with pentazocine in hot plate test. At the same dose, it produced a significant (p< 0.05) potentiation of diazepam-induced sleeping time. A significant increase in number of head-dips was demonstrated by E. senegalensis ethanol root bark extract at 150 mg/kg. Conclusion: The study shows that E. senegalensis ethanol root bark extract possesses analgesic, sedative and anxiolytic principles, thus supporting the ethnomedicinal rationale for its uses in management of painful conditions and sleep disturbances. Keywords: Erythrina senegalensis, analgesic, sedative, behavioura

    Investigating the Behaviour of Air–Water Upward and Downward Flows: Are You Seeing What I am Seeing?

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    Understanding the behaviour of gas–liquid flows in upward and downward pipe configurations in chemical, petroleum, and nuclear industries is vital when optimal design, operation, production, and safety are of paramount concern. Unfortunately, the information concerning the behaviour of such flows in large pipe diameters is rare. This article aims to bridge that gap by reporting air–water upward and downward flows in 127 mm internal diameter pipes using advanced conductance ring probes located at two measurement locations. The liquid and gas flow rates are 0.021 to 0.33 m/s and 3.52 to 16.1 m/s, correspondingly, covering churn and annular flows. To achieve the desired objectives, several parameters, probability density function (PDF), power spectral density (PSD), Slippage Number (SN), drift velocity (Ugd), and distribution coefficient (C0) were employed. The flow regimes encountered in the two pipe configurations were distinguished employing a flow regime map available in the literature and statistical analysis. The obtained results were supported by visual inspection. The comparison between the present study against the reported studies reveals the same tendency for the measured experimental data. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) method within 4% was utilized in recommending the best void fraction prediction correlation for the downward and upward flows

    Effect of social media marketing on online retail performance of Konga Nigeria LTD

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    In Nigeria, e-commerce companies treat estimated delivery dates with a lack of confidence, as some industry insiders suggested. In an already small and addressable market, potential customers can shop on international e-commerce platform alternatives far more conveniently than on local, fragmented ones. With a market unsuitable for e-commerce, underdeveloped digital payment services and poor logistics and shipping infrastructure have resulted in high operating costs. With that in mind, this study examines the effect of social media marketing on the online retail performance of Konga Nigeria Ltd. In this study, data was collected using a questionnaire technique and a sample size of 80 employees from three corporate offices in Kaduna, Abuja, and Kano was selected and the data were analyzed using a structural equation model using PLS-SEM version 3.2. The results showed that the passive approach to social media marketing was positive and had an insignificant relationship with online retail performance, while the active approach and engagement approach had a positive and significant relationship with online retail performance. Therefore, Konga management must accurately classify key metrics to determine social media engagement, as well as the passive and active style of primary promotional activities

    Techno-Economic Analysis of Off-Grid Hybrid PV-Diesel-Battery System in Katsina State, Nigeria

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    Continuous burning of fossil fuel has a great impact on the environment. Thus, moving toward renewable energy system or hybridization of alternative energy systems can reduce the emission of hazardous gases produced by the fossil fuels. This paper presents a techno-economic analysis of hybrid PV/diesel and battery system configuration of five (5) Houses at Barhim Quarters, Katsina, Nigeria. HOMER optimization software was used for the techno-economic analysis. This paper shows how a meaningful amount of CO2 can be reduce and the impact of PV penetration by the optimized hybrid PV/diesel system configuration. Having compared the configurations such as the PV-diesel-battery, PV-diesel without battery, Standalone diesel and standalone PV system based with 0.434/kW,0.434/kW, 0.645/kW, 0.721/kWand0.721/kW and 0.908/kW respectively as their cost of energy. Considering the Net present costs, cost of energy, CO2 emission, excess of electricity generated and renewable penetration, a PV-diesel-battery Hybrid Power System (HPS) was proposed for the area under focus