6 research outputs found

    Use of Self-Care and Practitioner-Based Forms of Complementary and Alternative Medicine before and after a Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

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    Purpose. We examine factors associated with self-care, use of practitioner-based complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and their timing in a cohort of women with breast cancer. Methods. Study participants were women with breast cancer who participated in the Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project. Self-care is defined as the use of multivitamins, single vitamins, botanicals, other dietary supplements, mind-body practices, special diets, support groups, and prayer. Within each modality, study participants were categorized as continuous users (before and after diagnosis), starters (only after diagnosis), quitters (only before diagnosis), or never users. Multivariable logistic regression was used for the main analyses. Results. Of 764 women who provided complete data, 513 (67.2%) initiated a new form of self-care following breast cancer diagnosis. The most popular modalities were those that are ingestible, and they were commonly used in combination. The strongest predictor of continuous use of one type of self-care was continuous use of other types of self-care. Healthy behaviors, including high fruit/vegetable intake and exercise, were more strongly associated with continuously using self-care than starting self-care after diagnosis. Conclusions. Breast cancer diagnosis was associated with subsequent behavioral changes, and the majority of women undertook new forms of self-care after diagnosis. Few women discontinued use of modalities they used prior to diagnosis

    Efek Konsumsi Suplemen Kalsium dan Magnesium terhadap Dismenore Primer dan Sindrom Premenstruasi pada Perempuan Usia 19–23 Tahun

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    Abstrak Dismenore merupakan gangguan menstruasi dengan prevalensi terbesar diikuti gejala sindrom premenstruasi yang mencakup gejala fisik dan psikologis. Asupan mikronutrien kalsium dan magnesium dapat membantu mengatasi keluhan ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsumsi suplemen kalsium dan magnesium terhadap dismenore dan gejala sindrom premenstrual pada perempuan berusia 19–23 tahun. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimental kuasi dengan rancangan pretes dan postes. Penelitian dilakukan di Universitas Kristen Maranatha Bandung pada bulan Juli–Desember 2016. Subjek penelitian adalah 60 orang perempuan berusia 19–23 tahun, dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara acak untuk pemberian bahan uji kalsium (1.000 mg/hari) atau magnesium (250 mg/hari) yang diberikan mulai hari kedua menstruasi sampai siklus menstruasi yang berikutnya. Kadar kalsium atau magnesium serum diukur dengan metode spektrofotometri. Dismenore diukur dengan skala nyeri visual analog scale (VAS), sedangkan skor sindrom premenstrual diukur dengan shortened premenstrual assessment form sebelum dan sesudah pemberian bahan uji. Konsumsi kalsium menurunkan skor skala VAS rata-rata pada dismenore dari 6,97 menjadi 3,80 (p=0,000**) dan skor total gejala sindrom premenstrual rata-rata dari 15,07 menjadi 10,80 (p=0,000**). Konsumsi magnesium mengurangi skor skala VAS rata-rata pada dismenore dari 7 menjadi 4 (p=0,000**) dan skor total gejala sindrom premenstrual rata-rata dari 12,27 menjadi 9,87 (p=0,001**). Simpulan penelitian ini adalah konsumsi suplemen kalsium atau magnesium mengurangi keluhan dismenore dan gejala sindrom premenstrual pada perempuan usia 19–23 tahun. Abstract Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual disorder with the greatest prevalence followed by premenstrual syndrome that includes physical and psychological symptoms. Micronutrients intake of calcium and magnesium can help overcome these complaints. This research was conducted to find out the effect of calcium and magnesium supplements consumption on dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome symptoms in 19–23 years old women. This was quasi experimental research with pre- and post-test design. The research was conducted in Maranatha Christian University Bandung from July to December 2016. The subjects of research were 60 women aged 19–23 years old, divided into two groups randomly. One group given calcium (1,000 mg/day) or magnesium (250 mg/day), which was given at the second day of menstruation until the next menstrual cycle. Serum levels of calcium or magnesium were measured with spectrophotometry method. Dysmenorrhea was measured with visual analog scale (VAS), whereas score of premenstrual syndrome was measured with shortened premenstrual assessment form, before and after treatment. The consumption of calcium lowers the VAS score average on dysmenorrhea from 6.97 to 3.80 (p=0.000**) and the mean score of premenstrual syndrome from 15.07 to 10.80 (p=0.000**). Consumption of magnesium reduces the VAS score average on dysmenorrhea from 7 to 4 (p=0.000**) and the mean score of premenstrual syndrome from 12.27 to 9.87 (p=0.001**). In conclusion, consumption of calcium or magnesium supplements reduce dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome in women aged 19–23 years old

    Culture: by the brain and in the brain?

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    Rationale and Design for a GRADE Substudy of Continuous Glucose Monitoring

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