2 research outputs found

    Approaching death in the training of nursing, medicine and occupational therapy professionals

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    Objective: This work is part of a research that investigated the meaning of death in the daily routine of occupational therapy, medicine and nursing students and professionals. Method: Two investigative methods were used, approaching the meaning of death and its role in the academic training as a preparation for dealing with the theme. The study has qualitative approach and is based on assumptions of phenomenological research. Data was collected through a narrative interview guided by a categorical matrix and interpreted by means of a discursive textual analysis. Nine individuals were investigated, including professionals, residents and academic students from each area. Results: The results revealed that, although death is seen as a natural and inevitable phenomenon of human existence, it has been systematically denied by society. Many people find support in religion and spirituality. Regarding the role of death in the academic training, the data clearly showed that academy prioritizes the care and attention to health and life and it does not teach to deal with death nor prepares professionals to act in the logic of palliative care. The people investigated in this research learned to deal with death from personal and work experiences. Conclusion: This study contributed to expand the discussion about the importance of support to the training of health professionals, both in terms of learning about assistance focused on palliative care, and of the need to instruct and strengthen them before the impact that death causes in their daily lives

    Terapia Ocupacional em contextos hospitalares: práticas em estágio supervisionado : Occupational therapy in hospital contexts: practical experiences in supervised internship

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    Contextualização: O presente artigo apresenta vivências práticas desenvolvidas no Estágio Supervisionado de Terapia Ocupacional em um hospital localizado no interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Processo de intervenção/acompanhamento: Foram realizados atendimentos a pacientes, pediátricos e adultos, acometidos por diversas patologias, com o objetivo de proporcionar escuta terapêutica, realização de atividades significativas para o paciente, medidas de conforto e alívio da dor, bem como o acolhimento dos familiares e cuidadores. Análise crítica da prática: As intervenções foram voltadas, principalmente, para a adaptação de lidar com o contexto hospitalar, causada pela interrupção da rotina e pelo afastamento de papéis ocupacionais assumidos antes da hospitalização, assim como o auxílio na minimização do estresse manifestado pela condição de adoecimento. Síntese das considerações: Assim, percebe-se a importante contribuição do Terapeuta Ocupacional nesse contexto, com foco na reorganização do cotidiano e na prevenção e promoção da saúde da pessoa hospitalizada. Palavras-chave: Estágio. Hospital. Terapia Ocupacional. Abstract Background: This article presents the practical experiences developed in the Supervised Internship of Occupational Therapy in a hospital located in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. Intervention/follow-up process: Pediatric and adult patients affected by various pathologies were attended to, with the aim of providing therapeutic listening, performing meaningful activities for the patient, comfort measures and pain relief, as well as welcoming family members and caregivers. Critical analysis of the practice: The interventions were mainly aimed at adapting to deal with the hospital context, caused by the interruption of the routine and the removal of occupational roles assumed before hospitalization, and helping to minimize the stress manifested by the illness condition.Summary of considerations: TThus, we can see the important contribution of the Occupational Therapist in this context, focusing on the reorganization of daily life and on the prevention and health promotion of the hospitalized person. Key words: Internship. Hospital. Occupational Therapy. Resumen Fundamento: Este artículo presenta las experiencias prácticas desarrolladas en el Internado Supervisado de Terapia Ocupacional en un hospital ubicado en el interior de Rio Grande do Sul. Proceso de intervención/seguimiento: Se atendió a pacientes pediátricos y adultos afectados por diversas patologías, con el objetivo de brindar escucha terapéutica, realizar actividades significativas para el paciente, medidas de confort y alivio del dolor, así como acogida de familiares y cuidadores.Análisis crítico de la práctica: Las intervenciones se orientaron principalmente a la adaptación al contexto hospitalario, provocado por la interrupción de la rutina y la eliminación de los roles ocupacionales asumidos antes de la hospitalización, y ayudar a minimizar el estrés manifestado por la condición de enfermedad. Resumen de consideraciones: Así, podemos ver la importante contribución del Terapeuta Ocupacional en este contexto, centrándose en la reorganización de la vida cotidiana y en la prevención y promoción de la salud de la persona hospitalizada. Palabras clave: Prácticas. Hospital. Terapia Ocupaciona