2 research outputs found

    Факторы риска и социально-демографические детерминанты рецидивов туберкулеза у детей.

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    Risk factors and socio-demographic determinants of tuberculosis relapse in the pediatric population.The aim of the study was to evaluate the risk factors of tuberculosis (TB) relapse in the pediatric population and to identify sociodemographic determinants for establishing the risk reduction recommendations in tuberculosis relapse development. Material and methodology: a retrospective, case-control study was conducted, which included the study group – 27 relapses of TB and the control group with 109 new cases of TB diagnosed in children (age 0-18 years) hospitalized in the IMSP Municipal Hospital of Phthisiopneumology during 2006-2021. Results: socio-demographic determinants of new cases and TB relapse are the same, and the major risk factor for relapse is the comorbid state. Maintaining the dispensa-risation of previously treated patients is one of the key principles of the clinical management.Rezumat.Scopul studiului a constat în elucidarea factorilor de risc ai recidivei tuberculozei (TB) în populația pediatrică și identificarea determinanților sociodemografici pentru stabilirea recomandărilor de reducere a riscurilor pentru apariția recidivelor tuberculozei.Material şi metodologie: a fost realizat un studiu retrospectiv, de tip caz control, care a inclus eșantionul de studiu– 27 recidive ale TB și eșantionul de control – 109 cazuri noi de TB la copii (vârstă 0-18 ani) spitalizați în cadrul IMSP Spitalul Municipal de Ftiziopneumologie în perioada 2006-2021. Rezultate: determinanți socio-demografici ai cazurilor noi și recidivei TB sunt aceeași, iar factorul de risc major al recidivei este statutul comorbid. Menținerea dispensarizării pacienților anterior tratați constituie unul din principiile cheie ale managementului clinic.Факторы риска и социально-демографические детерминанты рецидивов туберкулеза у детей. Цель исследования – оценка факторов риска рецидива туберкулеза (ТБ) у детей и выявление социально-демографических детерминант для разработки рекомендаций по снижению риска развития рецидива туберкулеза. Материал и методология: проведено ретроспективное исследование случай-контроль, в которое вошли основная группа – 27 рецидивов туберкулеза и контрольная группа – 109 новых случаев туберкулеза, диагностированных у детей (возраст 0-18 лет), госпитализированных в ЛПУ Городскую Клиническую Больницу Фтизиопульмонологии в 2006-2021 годы. Результаты: социально-демографические детерминанты новых случаев и рецидива туберкулезом одинаковы, основным фактором риска рецидива является коморбидное состояние.Диспансерный учет ранее леченных больных является одним из ключевых принципов соответствующего менеджмента случаев туберкулеза


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    Recent epidemiological studies reveal that oral pathogens are co-factors in the formation of atheroma plaques and the advanced periodontitis represents a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The pathogenic bacterial burden reprents the essential in the association of coronary artery disease with periodontitis, which is extremely relevant to the periodontal lesions that develop in the oral cavity, a space crossed by the most unexpected bacterial combinations from alimentation and air. The main objective of the study is to determine the prevalence of bacterial burden in cardiac patients with periodontal disease and to follow up the effects of dental procedures associated with low-doses of antibiotics in relation with coronary atherosclerotic disease. The study implies a lot of 92 patients undergoing the following investigations: 1. Panoramic radiography of the oral cavity, 2. Clinical examination of the oral cavity, 3. Bacterial examination on the dental plaque’s level 4. identification of the presence of serum inflammatory markers, 5. Bio-humoral examinations, 6. Cardiology specialty examination. The control of periodontal infection could lead to the improvement in the levels of systemic inflammation markers and in those of endothelial dysfunction’s markers. As far as the control of periodontal infection decreases the incidence of coronary atherosclerotic cardiovascular events can be assumed that the dental management of cardiovascular disease is in progress