9 research outputs found

    Early Implant Failure: A Meta-Analysis of 7 Years of Experience

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    Background: The use of dental implant rehabilitation in the treatment of complete and partial edentulism has become an integral treatment today. This treatment is performed on healthy patients, but in some situations, also on those with associated general ailments. The presence of associated conditions increases the degree of difficulty of this type of treatment and tests the doctor’s ability to manage the clinical case. The purpose of the study was to perform a meta-analysis of dental implants inserted over seven years and evaluate early implant failure in correspondence with age, sex, region of insertion, type of implant, and general state of health. Methods: A retrospective study was performed over 7 years of experience. For the study, 213 patients who fit the established inclusion criteria were selected. Patients were grouped taking into account age, sex, the type of implant used, and general associated conditions. The collected data were analyzed using IBM SPSS STATISTICS 25.0 for windows Results: There were no highlighted situations in which the rejection of the dental implant occurred 10 days postoperatively or later during the healing period. Conclusions: Our results confirm and strengthen the existing data in the specialized literature, especially those related to the loss of implants in patients with associated general diseases

    Alveolar Bone Resorption Evaluation Around Single-piece Designed Bicortical Implants, Using Immediate Loading Protocol, Based on Orthopantomographs

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    Background: Inserting dental implants in severely atrophied jawbones is a great challenge for the dental practitioner. There are an increasing number of patients who choose dental implantanchored prosthetic restorations despite compromised bone quality and quantity. There have been numerous attempts in adapting implant design for the atrophic crestal bone. One-piece, needle-type basal implant design is a typical design for these cases. These implants are inserted in the remaining compact bone located in the basal aspect of the jawbones. If high primary stability is achieved, these implants are used for immediate loading protocol. From many points of view, this technique is based on contradictory principles compared to classic implant surgery and loading protocols. The aim of this study was to investigate the long-term success of basal one-piece short-diameter dental implants used for immediate loading protocol

    The Effect of Beech Bark Extract in the Reduction of Discomfort from Acute Pericoronitis

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    Pericoronitis is characterized by inflammation of the tissues surrounding an erupting tooth and occurs most commonly in lower wisdom teeth. The extent of inflammatory phenomena can significantly affect the patient’s quality of life because of the pain, bleeding, and discomfort caused by it. The treatment of pericoronitis is carried out locally by irrigation and debridement in the early stages, but also generally by antibiotic therapy, when purulent secretion is present under the operculum and in the periodontal area. This study aims to evaluate the effect of beech bark extract (BBE) in the treatment of pericoronitis of the lower third molar. Parameters evaluated were pain, trismus, and bleeding index in a clinic study. Four groups of 20 patients were evaluated and grouped according to the irrigation solution used during the treatment: chlorhexidine 0.2% (CHX), BBE and chlorhexidine mixture solution 0.2% (1:1), and BBE and saline solution (control). The evaluation was carried out before and after the irrigation. Following the assessment of pain and trismus, a significant decrease in pain and a significant increase in mouth opening after 3 days was observed in patients treated with BBE, CHX, and BBE + CHX (p = 0.00). In the case of control patients, no significant decrease in pain (p = 0.83) was observed after 3 days, nor was there a significant increase in the opening of the oral cavity (p = 0.157). The evaluation of the inflammation index showed a significant decrease in gingival bleeding after 3 days for most patients treated with tested solutions (p < 0.05). It was concluded that irrigation with BBE was more effective in reducing pain, trismus, and bleeding compared to the other solutions (control, CHX, BBE + CHX), and this natural extract can be a choice in case of pericoronitis debut

    The Effect of Beech Bark Extract in the Reduction of Discomfort from Acute Pericoronitis

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    Pericoronitis is characterized by inflammation of the tissues surrounding an erupting tooth and occurs most commonly in lower wisdom teeth. The extent of inflammatory phenomena can significantly affect the patient&rsquo;s quality of life because of the pain, bleeding, and discomfort caused by it. The treatment of pericoronitis is carried out locally by irrigation and debridement in the early stages, but also generally by antibiotic therapy, when purulent secretion is present under the operculum and in the periodontal area. This study aims to evaluate the effect of beech bark extract (BBE) in the treatment of pericoronitis of the lower third molar. Parameters evaluated were pain, trismus, and bleeding index in a clinic study. Four groups of 20 patients were evaluated and grouped according to the irrigation solution used during the treatment: chlorhexidine 0.2% (CHX), BBE and chlorhexidine mixture solution 0.2% (1:1), and BBE and saline solution (control). The evaluation was carried out before and after the irrigation. Following the assessment of pain and trismus, a significant decrease in pain and a significant increase in mouth opening after 3 days was observed in patients treated with BBE, CHX, and BBE + CHX (p = 0.00). In the case of control patients, no significant decrease in pain (p = 0.83) was observed after 3 days, nor was there a significant increase in the opening of the oral cavity (p = 0.157). The evaluation of the inflammation index showed a significant decrease in gingival bleeding after 3 days for most patients treated with tested solutions (p &lt; 0.05). It was concluded that irrigation with BBE was more effective in reducing pain, trismus, and bleeding compared to the other solutions (control, CHX, BBE + CHX), and this natural extract can be a choice in case of pericoronitis debut

    Statistical Study on the Motivation of Patients in the Pediatric Dentistry

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    Our statistical study included 344 participants selected from the patients of the Pedodontics&ndash;Orthodontics Discipline of the T&icirc;rgu-Mure&#351; University of Medicine and Pharmacy. The patients&rsquo; age was between 6 and 18 years, with an average of 13.70 and a standard deviation of 4.62. The study participants were informed and agreed to complete two questionnaires of our conception regarding their health status, oral hygiene, and motivation for pedodontics or orthodontic treatment. The results of the two questionnaires were interpreted according to the gender and age of the patients. Data processing was performed with NCSS/PASS Dawson Edition statistical software, using the CHI2 test, considering a p of less than 0.05 as significant for comparative results. Results showed that girls were more motivated than boys in addressing pedodontic services due to dental, periodontal, and articular problems. Children, aged between 11 and 14 years, were less intrinsically motivated to solve oral health problems due to their low frequency. The intrinsic motivation for a more beautiful dentition was very strong, regardless of age and sex. Girls were more intrinsically motivated for orthodontic treatment than boys. There was a linear increase together in the age of those who wanted to improve their smile and facial appearance. Children between 11 and 14 years had the best self-perception of the appearance of their teeth, mouth, smile, and facial harmony. The strongest extrinsic motivation for orthodontic treatment came from parents or another doctor. The most important reason for orthodontics was dental malpositions, the last one was the improvement of masticatory efficiency. The extrinsic motivation from parents for orthodontics decreases linearly with age, along with the increase in motivation from the person with whom the participants relate emotionally and from the group of friends

    The Effects of Periodontal Laser Therapy on Pain in Adult Patients with Orthodontic Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    (1) Background: Pain is the most common complaint of patients with fixed orthodontic treatment, especially when applying and activating the orthodontic device. The effectiveness of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in reducing pain caused by the orthodontic treatment has been frequently studied over the last few years. In this study, we aim to evaluate the influence of laser therapy on pain caused by orthodontic forces acting on periodontal tissues during fixed orthodontic treatment. (2) Methods: A total of 36 patients who met the inclusion criteria were submitted to laser therapy after beginning a fixed orthodontic treatment. For each patient, one half-arch was treated with laser (HL), the opposite one being the control half-arch (HC). The evaluation of pain was conducted by asking the patients to rate their pain on a VAS scale from 0 to 10. (3) Results: Analyzing the VAS score values reported after applying the orthodontic device, we noticed that the pain increased in the first few hours, it was the highest 24 h after application, and it decreased towards the 7th day. The pain reported by most patients was significantly reduced in the HL compared to the HC, in all three moments that were evaluated (p &lt; 0.0001). (4) Conclusions: Repeated LLLT in patients with orthodontic treatment leads to a significant decrease in pain levels, as the comparison between the laser half-arch and the control half-arch showed

    Effects of Laser Application on Alveolar Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Osteoblasts: An In Vitro Study

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    Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from the bone marrow have a great differentiation potential, being able to produce many cell lines, including osteoblasts. Osteoblasts have an important role in bone remodeling by actively participating in the maturation and mineralization of the extracellular matrix. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of laser application on the viability and proliferation of osteoblasts. Methods: Alveolar bone was harvested from 8 patients and placed into a culture medium to induce proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells. These were differentiated into osteoblasts in special conditions. The cells from each patient were split into two groups, one was treated using a 980 nm laser (1W output power, pulsed mode, 20 s, 50 mm distance) (laser &ldquo;+&rdquo;) and the other one did not receive laser stimulation (laser &ldquo;-&rdquo;). Results: Using the confocal microscope, we determined that the cells from the laser &ldquo;+&rdquo; group were more active when compared to the laser &ldquo;-&rdquo; group. The number of cells in the laser &ldquo;+&rdquo; group was significantly greater compared to the laser &ldquo;-&rdquo; group as the ImageJ-NIH software showed (p = 0.0072). Conclusions: Laser application increases the proliferation rate of osteoblasts and intensifies their cellular activity