22 research outputs found

    Terapijska izmjena plazme i plazmafereza s dvostrukim filtriranjem u teškim neuroimunim bolestima

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    Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) is an extracorporeal blood purification technique, which removes large molecular weight particles such as autoantibodies from plasma. TPE is accepted by the American Society for Apheresis as first line treatment for some severe neuroimmune disorders. Double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) is a newer technique in which plasma is not entirely removed, only the antibodies, using special filters. High-dose intravenous immunoglobulins are an alternative treatment for these patients but are much more expensive. We reviewed medical records of 20 patients with severe neurological diseases requiring TPE or DFPP. We analyzed the indications, complications and efficacy of these procedures. After completing the procedures, neurological improvement was recorded in 80% of the patients, 5% had no improvement, and the mortality was 15%. The rate of neurological improvement was similar to other studies. None of the patients presented catheter related complications. Systemic complications were mild, transient and completely reversible.Terapijska izmjena plazme (TIP) je izvantjelesna tehnika pročišćavanja krvi kojom se iz plazme uklanjaju čestice velike molekularne težine poput autoantijela. Američko udruženje za aferezu prihvatilo je TIP kao liječenje prvog izbora za neke teške neuroimune bolesti. Plazmafereza s dvostrukim filtriranjem (PFDF) je nova tehnika kojom se ne uklanja sva plazma, nego samo antitijela, i to pomoću specijalnih filtara. Visoke doze intravenskih imunoglobulina su alternativna terapija za ove bolesnike, ali su znatno skuplji. Pregledali smo medicinske zapise 20 bolesnika s teškim neurološkim bolestima koji su trebali TIP ili PFDF. Analizirali smo indikacije, komplikacije i učinkovitost ovih postupaka. Nakon završetka postupaka poboljšanje neurološkog statusa zabilježeno je u 80% bolesnika, 5% ih nije imalo nikakvo poboljšanje, a smrtnost je bila 15%. Stopa neurološkog poboljšanja bila je slična onoj opisanoj u drugim istraživanjima. Komplikacije povezane s kateterom nisu zabilježene ni u jednog bolesnika. Sistemske komplikacije bile su blage, prolazne i u potpunosti reverzibilne

    Considerations on the automation of a natural gas compressor station

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    Natural gas compressor stations are very important components of a natural gas life cycle. Unfortunately, in Romania most of the existing natural gas compressor stations are equipped only with old-type automation systems, with a high degree of physical and moral wear. The current paper describes the main elements and functions of an automation system that was implemented in a natural gas compressor station, offering an improved pressure control function, but also the possibility to control the compressors from a distance, for example from a central dispatching station

    Considerations on the optimization of natural gas deliveries by using automated control systems

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    The current paper aims at optimizing the natural gas deliveries from an underground storage by implementing automated control systems and fiscal measurement systems according to the harmonized European legislation in the area of metrology. In the first part, the authors have carried out an analysis regarding the state of the art at international level with regard to technical solutions for optimizing the deliveries of natural gas by means of a constriction element of a measurement panel. In the following, a software application was created for monitoring the parameters taken from the process gas chromatograph and transferring them to the flow computer by implementing software filters. The novelty element here is that it allows the trading of the nominated natural gas amount in a set period of time

    Considerations on determining the explosion risk and the areas with explosion hazard in a natural gas compressor station

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    Compressor stations are important components within natural gas transportation networks. The current paper analyses some of the safety aspects involved in the operation of such facilities – on the one hand related to the explosion risk for employees working in compressor stations and on the other hand related to determining to the areas with increased explosion hazard in such a station, in order to help reducing work-related accidents and the occurrence of professional illnesses. The explosion risk is determined based on a method devised by the National Institute for Research and Development for Environmental Protection Bucharest, while the explosion hazard areas are determined and displayed with the help of the software package AutoCAD Plant 3D

    Computer-aided study of the gas flow within a natural gas storage and the associated collection network

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    The current paper presents a computer-aided analysis of the way in which a natural gas storage created in a depleted gas deposit and the associated gas collection network are operated, both during the extraction phase and during the injection phase. In a first step, an analysis is carried out on a two-dimensional, nonstationary model for the gas storage, based on the deposit’s geometry and the rock properties, but also on the gas motions. Also, a dynamic simulation of the injection and extraction processes is unfolded, allowing the study and optimisation of elements such as well placement and gas flows through the wells with the goal of maximising the storable gas quantities. A second model is then generated for the gas collection network associated with the natural gas storage, using the simulation software Simone. Its main benefit is allowing the simulation and modelling of nonstationary flows through the network. The two models are closely interconnected, in that for the extraction stage, the output from the first model is used as input for modelling the collection network, while for the injection phase, the results from modelling the collection network are used as entry data for the gas storage model

    Considerations on determining the castability of dental casting alloys

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    Castability is, along with biocompatibility, one of the most important characteristics of metallic materials used for dental prosthetic applications. In addition, the characteristics and performance of the employed casting machine are also decisive for the end result of the casting, especially when dealing with titanium or a titanium alloy. Starting from a critical analysis of the existing methods for determining the castability of dental alloys, the current paper presents a new method (and associated pattern) for determining the castability. Also, given the castability’s dependence on the type of casting machine, the paper includes an analysis of suitable casting machines and suggests some possible improvements

    Considerations on determining the castability of dental casting alloys

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    Castability is, along with biocompatibility, one of the most important characteristics of metallic materials used for dental prosthetic applications. In addition, the characteristics and performance of the employed casting machine are also decisive for the end result of the casting, especially when dealing with titanium or a titanium alloy. Starting from a critical analysis of the existing methods for determining the castability of dental alloys, the current paper presents a new method (and associated pattern) for determining the castability. Also, given the castability’s dependence on the type of casting machine, the paper includes an analysis of suitable casting machines and suggests some possible improvements

    Analysis of the evolution of pollution indicators in a crossroads area of Sibiu, Romania

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    Starting from a new study on carbon monoxide and noise pollution levels in an important crossroads area of the city of Sibiu, Romania, the current paper uses the data to compare with data obtained during past studies carried out on the same area, allowing an assessment of the evolution of the two pollution indicators over time. The recent study, carried out over a two-week period in November 2017 both during the peak morning hours and at midday, combined a video-based vehicle count with measurements of the carbon monoxide and of the noise level, respectively. The data comparison reveals not only a worsening of the pollution levels in the centre of Sibiu over the past few years and should allow the determining of the best methods and means for reducing the level of the pollutants, possibly in correlation with the improvement of the road traffic conditions

    Reducing the noise pollution level along main roads in Sibiu, Romania by optimizing the traffic flow

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    Noise pollution is one of the most important negative effects of road traffic, especially in cities. The current paper presents an attempt to reduce the noise level created by the road traffic along some main roads in the city of Sibiu, Romania by suggesting ways to optimize the traffic flow. The number of cars and the resulting noise levels were recorded in a key area of Sibiu. The noise levels were compared to standards and to measurements taken in areas with less traffic. Then, they were fed, together with road geometry data, into a specialized simulation software that allowed the computer-aided reproduction of the traffic flow, but also the modifying of conditions such as the road geometry to achieve, coupled with a multicriterial analysis, an optimization of the pedestrian and road traffic flow in view of a reduced noise pollution

    Reducing the noise pollution level along main roads in Sibiu, Romania by optimizing the traffic flow

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    Noise pollution is one of the most important negative effects of road traffic, especially in cities. The current paper presents an attempt to reduce the noise level created by the road traffic along some main roads in the city of Sibiu, Romania by suggesting ways to optimize the traffic flow. The number of cars and the resulting noise levels were recorded in a key area of Sibiu. The noise levels were compared to standards and to measurements taken in areas with less traffic. Then, they were fed, together with road geometry data, into a specialized simulation software that allowed the computer-aided reproduction of the traffic flow, but also the modifying of conditions such as the road geometry to achieve, coupled with a multicriterial analysis, an optimization of the pedestrian and road traffic flow in view of a reduced noise pollution