14 research outputs found

    Low Doses of Gamma Irradiation Stimulate Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds with Antioxidant Activity in Fomes fomentarius Living Mycelium

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    Environmental changes generate free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS), resulting in abiotic stress in plants and fungi. Gamma ionizing radiation generates a significant amount of free radicals and ROS, thereby simulating natural environmental stressors. We used a 60Co source of radiation to experimentally induce oxidative stress in living mycelium mass of the medicinal fungus Fomes fomentarius, in order to obtain a late response of stress tolerance by means of bioactive compounds synthesis. We measured the response at 24, 48, and 72 h after the irradiation. The highest improvement was found 24 h after exposure for antioxidant activity and for total phenolic compounds of methanolic extract, with a 1.89- and 1.64-fold increase, respectively. The total flavonoids in methanolic extract increased 1.68 times after 48 h from treatment and presented a more stable raising in the assessed time-lapse. For the three analyzed parameters, 300 Gy was the optimum absorbed dose to trigger a beneficial response, with potentially applications in pharmaceutics and nutraceutics. Gamma irradiation can be used as a biotechnological tool to direct the secondary metabolites synthesis upregulation in medicinal mushroom living mycelium