8 research outputs found

    Gluten contamination in the Canadian commercial oat supply

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    A growing body of evidence suggests that a majority of people with celiac disease and on a gluten-free diet can safely consume pure oats in moderate amounts; however, previous studies have indicated that the commercial oat supply in other countries, and in Canada to some extent, is contaminated with other grains. This study has confirmed that the commercial oat supply in Canada is heavily contaminated with gluten from other grains. Approximately 88% of the oat samples (n = 133) were contaminated above 20 mg kg−1 and there were no differences between the oat types tested. Only one gluten-free variety of oats was analysed and it consistently provided negative results in all analyses. It is difficult to determine where the contamination originates, but there are possibilities for cross-contamination in the field, in the transport of the grain, in the storage of the grain, and in the milling and packaging facilities. It is clear from this study that only those products that have been certified ‘pure’ oats would be appropriate for a gluten-free diet


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    This article presents a recipe for a feed additive for dairy cows. According to the calculated recipe, experimental batches of feed additives were developed in the feed mill. The nutritional and energy value of the obtained feed additives were determined. According to the results obtained, when using beet pulp 15%, molasses 15% in place of wheat bran, the digestible protein increases by 45-50%, and good results are also obtained for other quality indicators. It has been experimentally confirmed that the use of cattle rations of sugar beet production waste contributes to the reduction of feed costs, the cost of production of a unit of production


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    The article presents the results of the use of the drug "Synbiotic" for feed additives produced using the waste of the brewing industry and intended for fattening bulls. The use of the new drug can improve the quality and health of feed additives, increases their shelf life up to 3 months

    Ішкі сенім алдын-ала тергеудегі дәлелдемелерді бағалаудың критерийі ретінде. Внутреннее убеждение как критерий оценки доказательств на предварительном следствии.

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    Мақалада қылмыстық іс жүргізудің өзегі болып табылатын дәлелдемелерді бағалаудың критерийі ретіндегі ішкі сенімнің мәні мен маңызы қарастырылады. Автор бұл жұмыста ішкі сенімнің қалыптасу үрдісін және оның қалыптасуына әсер ететін мән-жайларды ашуға тырысады. Сонымен бірге құқықтық сана категориясына сипаттама жасалып, оны нормативті түрде бекітудің қажеттілігі ашылып кетеді. В данной статье автор рассматривает сущность и значение внутреннего убеждения как критерия оценки доказательств, являющегося основным звеном уголовного процесса. Автор раскрывает процесс формирования внутреннего убеждения и обстоятельства, влияющих на их формирование. В статье так же рассматривается категория правосознания и указывается необходимость его нормативного закрепления

    Жеке адамның құқығын қорғау қылмыстық сот өндірісінің негізгі кепілдігі ретінде.Защита прав человека как одна из гарантий уголовного судопроизводства.

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    Мақалада қылмыстық іс жүргізудің негізгі объектісі адам құқықтарын қорғау қажеттігінің мәні мен маңызы қарастырылады. Автор бұл жұмыста бұрынғы кездегі және қазіргі уақыттағы қылмыс­тық іс жүргізудің арақатынасын ашуға тырысады. Сонымен бірге қылмыстық сот өндірісі барысын­ да адам құқықтарын қорғаудың негізгі қағидалары ашылып кетеді. В данной статье автор рассматривает одну из основных задач уголовного судопроизводства–обеспечение прав личности. Автор раскрывает современные и исторические понятия в защите прав человека в уголовно судопроизводстве. В статье указываются основные принципы обеспече­ния прав личности в уголовном судопроизводстве


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    Abstract ALIMKULOV, Z. S., S. T. ZHIYENBAYEVA, N. B. BATYRBAYEVA and A. P. KRASTEVA, 2015. Study of production processes of feed additives using natural minerals and plant by-products. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., We suggested optimum composition of feed additives for young stock which contains the following: 12.0% grape pomace feedmeal, 10% tomato waste feedmeal, 8% dehydrated potato feedmeal, 11% wheat germ, 10% maize germ, 13% maize gluten, 23% wheat middling, 4.0% feed schungite, 6.0% feed chalk, 3.0% salt. Feed additive nutritive value: crude protein -18.02%, crude fat -4.52%, crude fiber -16.06%, crude ash -7.14%, nitrogen-free extractive substances -45.82%, dry matter (solids) -88.3%, total sugar -17.2%, vitamin C content -0.75 g/1t, carotene content -3.15 g/1t, fodder unit per 100 kg feed -102.6. The ratio of components in the recipes defines balancing supplement animal feed, based on the resources of the formation of byproducts and creates the condition for receiving the feed additive tech and stable form. Study the process of grinding the components of the feed additive A comparison size distribution milled mixture byproducts at one and twostage grinding method revealed that the average particle size of the milled premix was more aligned and larger after a two-stage grinding. Investigate the process of mixing the feed additive, the coefficient of variation of salt -7.06%, crude protein -1.39%, crude fiber -7.37%, the quality of the mixing process is satisfactory. Natural schungite impact on granulation process of feed additives was studied. Introduction of granulation of feed additives for calves that contain 4% schungite at optimal parameters allow obtaining a quality product