14 research outputs found

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis Dihydrofolate Reductase Is Not a Target Relevant to the Antitubercular Activity of Isoniazid

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis enoyl-acyl-ACP reductase (InhA) has been demonstrated to be the primary target of isoniazid (INH). Recently, it was postulated that M. tuberculosis dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is also a target of INH, based on the findings that a 4R-INH-NADP adduct synthesized from INH by a nonenzymatic approach showed strong inhibition of DHFR in vitro, and overexpression of M. tuberculosis dfrA in M. smegmatis conferred a 2-fold increase of resistance to INH. In the present study, a plasmid expressing M. tuberculosis dfrA was transformed into M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis strains, respectively. The transformant strains were tested for their resistance to INH. Compared to the wild-type strains, overexpression of dfrA in M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis did not confer any resistance to INH based on the MIC values. Similar negative results were obtained with 14 other overexpressed proteins that have been proposed to bind some form of INH-NAD(P) adduct. An Escherichia coli cell-based system was designed that allowed coexpression of both M. tuberculosis katG and dfrA genes in the presence of INH. The DHFR protein isolated from the experimental sample was not found bound with any INH-NADP adduct by enzyme inhibition assay and mass spectroscopic analysis. We also used whole-genome sequencing to determine whether polymorphisms in dfrA could be detected in six INH-resistant clinical isolates known to lack mutations in inhA and katG, but no such mutations were found. The dfrA overexpression experiments, together with the biochemical and sequencing studies, conclusively demonstrate that DHFR is not a target relevant to the antitubercular activity of INH

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis ecology in Venezuela: epidemiologic correlates of common spoligotypes and a large clonal cluster defined by MIRU-VNTR-24

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tuberculosis remains an endemic public health problem, but the ecology of the TB strains prevalent, and their transmission, can vary by country and by region. We sought to investigate the prevalence of <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>strains in different regions of Venezuela. A previous study identified the most prevalent strains in Venezuela but did not show geographical distribution nor identify clonal genotypes. To better understand local strain ecology, we used spoligotyping to analyze 1298 <it>M. tuberculosis </it>strains isolated in Venezuela from 1997 to 2006, predominantly from two large urban centers and two geographically distinct indigenous areas, and then studied a subgroup with MIRU-VNTR 24 loci.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The distribution of spoligotype families is similar to that previously reported for Venezuela and other South American countries: LAM 53%, T 10%, Haarlem 5%, S 1.9%, X 1.2%, Beijing 0.4%, and EAI 0.2%. The six most common shared types (SIT's 17, 93, 605, 42, 53, 20) accounted for 49% of the isolates and were the most common in almost all regions, but only a minority were clustered by MIRU-VNTR 24. One exception was the third most frequent overall, SIT 605, which is the most common spoligotype in the state of Carabobo but infrequent in other regions. MIRU-VNTR homogeneity suggests it is a clonal group of strains and was named the "Carabobo" genotype. Epidemiologic comparisons showed that patients with SIT 17 were younger and more likely to have had specimens positive for Acid Fast Bacilli on microscopy, and patients with SIT 53 were older and more commonly smear negative. Female TB patients tended to be younger than male patients. Patients from the high incidence, indigenous population in Delta Amacuro state were younger and had a nearly equal male:female distribution.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Six SIT's cause nearly half of the cases of tuberculosis in Venezuela and dominate in nearly all regions. Strains with SIT 17, the most common pattern overall may be more actively transmitted and SIT 53 strains may be less virulent and associated with reactivation of past infections in older patients. In contrast to other common spoligotypes, strains with SIT 605 form a clonal group centered in the state of Carabobo.</p

    Molecular Epidemiology Of Mycobacterium Avium Subsp. Paratuberculosis: Evidence For Limited Strain Diversity, Strain Sharing, And Identification Of Unique Targets For Diagnosis

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    The objectives of this study were to understand the molecular diversity of animal and human strains of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolated in the United States and to identify M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis-specific diagnostic molecular markers to aid in disease detection, prevention, and control. Multiplex PCR of IS900 integration loci (MPIL) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses were used to fingerprint M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates recovered from animals (n = 203) and patients with Crohn\u27s disease (n = 7) from diverse geographic localities. Six hundred bacterial cultures, including M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (n = 303), non-M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis mycobacteria (n = 129), and other nonmycobacterial species (n = 168), were analyzed to evaluate the specificity of two IS900 integration loci and a newly described M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis-specific sequence (locus 251) as potential targets for the diagnosis of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. MPIL fingerprint analysis revealed that 78% of bovine origin M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates clustered together into a major node, whereas isolates from human and ovine sources showed greater genetic diversity. MPIL analysis also showed that the M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates from ovine and bovine sources from the same state were more closely associated than were isolates from different geographic regions, suggesting that some of the strains are shared between these ruminant species. AFLP fingerprinting revealed a similar pattern, with most isolates from bovine sources clustering into two major nodes, while those recovered from sheep or humans were clustered on distinct branches. Overall, this study identified a high degree of genetic similarity between M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains recovered from cows regardless of geographic origin. Further, the results of our analyses reveal a relatively higher degree of genetic heterogeneity among M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates recovered from human and ovine sources

    Convergent Evolutionary Analysis Identifies Significant Mutations in Drug Resistance Targets of Mycobacterium tuberculosis▿ †

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis adapts to the environment by selecting for advantageous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We studied whether advantageous SNPs could be distinguished from neutral mutations within genes associated with drug resistance. A total of 1,003 clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis were related phylogenetically and tested for the distribution of SNPs in putative drug resistance genes. Drug resistance-associated versus non-drug-resistance-associated SNPs in putative drug resistance genes were compared for associations with single versus multiple-branch outcomes using the chi-square and Fisher exact tests. All 286 (100%) isolates containing isoniazid (INH) resistance-associated SNPs had multibranch distributions, suggestive of multiple ancestry and convergent evolution. In contrast, all 327 (100%) isolates containing non-drug-resistance-associated SNPs were monophyletic and thus showed no evidence of convergent evolution (P < 0.001). Convergence testing was then applied to SNPs at position 481 of the iniA (Rv0342) gene and position 306 of the embB gene, both potential drug resistance targets for INH and/or ethambutol. Mutant embB306 alleles showed multibranch distributions, suggestive of convergent evolution; however, all 44 iniA(H481Q) mutations were monophyletic. In conclusion, this study validates convergence analysis as a tool for identifying mutations that cause INH resistance and explores mutations in other genes. Our results suggest that embB306 mutations are likely to confer drug resistance, while iniA(H481Q) mutations are not. This approach may be applied on a genome-wide scale to identify SNPs that impact antibiotic resistance and other types of biological fitness

    Molecular Epidemiology of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Isolates Recovered from Wild Animal Species

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    Mycobacterial isolates were obtained by radiometric culture from 33 different species of captive or free-ranging animals (n = 106) and environmental sources (n = 3) from six geographic zones within the United States. The identities of all 109 isolates were confirmed by using mycobactin J dependence and characterization of five well-defined molecular markers, including two integration loci of IS900 (loci L1 and L9), one Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (M. paratuberculosis)-specific sequence (locus 251), and one M. avium subsp. avium-specific marker (IS1245), as well as hsp65 and IS1311 restriction endonuclease analyses. Seventy-six acid-fast isolates were identified as M. paratuberculosis, 15 were identified as belonging to the M. avium-M. intracellulare complex (but not M. paratuberculosis), and the remaining 18 were identified as mycobacteria outside the M. avium-M. intracellulare complex. Fingerprinting by multiplex PCR for IS900 integration loci clustered 67 of the 76 M. paratuberculosis strains into a single clade (designated clade A18) and had a Simpson's diversity index (D) of 0.53. In contrast, sequence-based characterization of a recently identified M. paratuberculosis short sequence repeat (SSR) region enabled the differentiation of the M. paratuberculosis isolates in clade A18 into seven distinct alleles (D = 0.75). The analysis revealed eight subtypes among the 33 species of animals, suggesting the interspecies transmission of specific strains. Taken together, the results of our analyses demonstrate that SSR analysis enables the genetic characterization of M. paratuberculosis isolates from different host species and provide evidence for the host specificity of some M. paratuberculosis strains as well as sharing of strains between wild and domesticated animal species

    Rifampin Resistance, Beijing-W Clade-Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Cluster Group 2 Phylogeny, and the Rv2629 191-C Allele in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strainsâ–¿

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    Rifampin resistance is a key prognostic marker for treatment success in tuberculosis patients. Recently, Wang et al. demonstrated that Rv2629 A191C mutations were present in 99.1% of rifampin-resistant and 0% of rifampin-susceptible clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates and that overexpression of the Rv2629 191C allele in Mycobacterium smegmatis produced an eightfold increase in rifampin resistance. These results suggested that Rv2629 could be a cause of rifampin resistance and a valuable target for rifampin resistance detection assays. We developed a molecular-beacon assay to study the association between Rv2629 191 alleles and rifampin resistance in 246 geographically and phylogenetically diverse clinical M. tuberculosis isolates. The 191C allele was present in 30/98 (30.6%) rifampin-resistant isolates and 25/148 (16.9%) rifampin-susceptible isolates and was more common in isolates from Asia. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated complete overlap between the 191C allele and single nucleotide polymorphism cluster group 2 (SCG-2), a phylogenetic lineage that corresponds to the Beijing-W clade of M. tuberculosis. All 55 (100%) 191C isolates were SCG-2, while none of the 191 191A isolates were SCG-2 (P < 0.001). No association was found between the 191C allele and rifampin resistance in an analysis that included the SCG type (P = 1.0). Also, in contrast to the findings of Wang et al., we found that overexpression of either Rv2629 191 allele in M. smegmatis did not produce an increase in rifampin resistance. We conclude that the Rv2629 191C allele is not associated with rifampin resistance and that the allele cannot be used as a molecular target to detect rifampin resistance. The allele appears to be an excellent marker for the Beijing-W clade/SCG-2 phylogenetic group

    Role of Large Sequence Polymorphisms (LSPs) in Generating Genomic Diversity among Clinical Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the Utility of LSPs in Phylogenetic Analysis

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains contain different genomic insertions or deletions called large sequence polymorphisms (LSPs). Distinguishing between LSPs that occur one time versus ones that occur repeatedly in a genomic region may provide insights into the biological roles of LSPs and identify useful phylogenetic markers. We analyzed 163 clinical M. tuberculosis isolates for 17 LSPs identified in a genomic comparison of M. tuberculosis strains H37Rv and CDC1551. LSPs were mapped onto a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based phylogenetic tree created using nine novel SNP markers that were found to reproduce a 212-SNP-based phylogeny. Four LSPs (group A) mapped to a single SNP tree segment. Two LSPs (group B) and 11 LSPs (group C) were inferred to have arisen independently in the same genomic region either two or more than two times, respectively. None of the group A LSPs but one group B LSP and five group C LSPs were flanked by IS6110 sequences in the references strains. Genes encoding members of the proline-glutamic acid or proline-proline-glutamic acid protein families were present only in group B or C LSPs. SNP- versus LSP-based phylogenies were also compared. We classified each isolate into 58 LSP types by using a separate LSP-based phylogenetic analysis and mapped the LSP types onto the SNP tree. LSPs often assigned isolates to the correct phylogenetic lineage; however, significant mistakes occurred for 6/58 (10%) of the LSP types. In conclusion, most LSPs occur in genomic regions that are prone to repeated insertion/deletion events and were responsible for an unexpectedly high degree of genomic variation in clinical M. tuberculosis. Group B and C LSPs may represent polymorphisms that occur due to selective pressure and affect the phenotype of the organism, while group A LSPs are preferable phylogenetic markers

    Rapid Detection and Typing of Strains of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis from Broth Cultures

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    A liquid culture followed by molecular confirmation was evaluated for potential to improve sensitivity and reduce time to diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection. Fecal samples from 240 animals from Ohio farms were assessed for presence of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis using four different protocols: (i) sedimentation processing followed by inoculation on Herrold's Egg Yolk media (HEYM) slants (monitored biweekly up to 16 weeks), (ii) double centrifugation processing followed by inoculation on HEYM slants (monitored biweekly up to 16 weeks), (iii) liquid-solid double culture method using modified 7H9 broth (8 weeks) followed by subculture on HEYM slants (monitored up to 8 weeks), and (iv) liquid culture using modified 7H9 broth (8 weeks) followed by molecular assays for the presence of two M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis-specific targets. The number of positive samples detected by each protocol was 37, 53, 65, and 76, respectively. Twenty-seven samples were positive by all four methods. Based on samples positive by at least one method (n = 81), the sensitivities for sedimentation processing, double centrifugation processing, liquid-solid double culture, and liquid culture followed by molecular confirmation were 46%, 65%, 80%, and 94%, respectively. Fingerprinting of the positive samples using two polymorphic (G and GGT) short sequence repeat regions identified varying levels of within-farm and between-farm diversity. Our data indicate that liquid culture followed by molecular confirmation can significantly improve sensitivity and reduce time-to-diagnosis (from 16 to 8 weeks) of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection and can also be efficiently employed for the systematic differentiation of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains to understand the epidemiology of Johne's disease

    Probing genomic diversity and evolution of Escherichia coli O157 by single nucleotide polymorphisms

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    Infections by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (STEC O157) are the predominant cause of bloody diarrhea and hemolytic uremic syndrome in the United States. In silico comparison of the two complete STEC O157 genomes (Sakai and EDL933) revealed a strikingly high level of sequence identity in orthologous protein-coding genes, limiting the use of nucleotide sequences to study the evolution and epidemiology of this bacterial pathogen. To systematically examine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at a genome scale, we designed comparative genome sequencing microarrays and analyzed 1199 chromosomal genes (a total of 1,167,948 bp) and 92,721 bp of the large virulence plasmid (pO157) of eleven outbreak-associated STEC O157 strains. We discovered 906 SNPs in 523 chromosomal genes and observed a high level of DNA polymorphisms among the pO157 plasmids. Based on a uniform rate of synonymous substitution for Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica (4.7 × 10(−9) per site per year), we estimate that the most recent common ancestor of the contemporary β-glucuronidase-negative, non-sorbitolfermenting STEC O157 strains existed ca. 40 thousand years ago. The phylogeny of the STEC O157 strains based on the informative synonymous SNPs was compared to the maximum parsimony trees inferred from pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and multilocus variable numbers of tandem repeats analysis. The topological discrepancies indicate that, in contrast to the synonymous mutations, parts of STEC O157 genomes have evolved through different mechanisms with highly variable divergence rates. The SNP loci reported here will provide useful genetic markers for developing high-throughput methods for fine-resolution genotyping of STEC O157. Functional characterization of nucleotide polymorphisms should shed new insights on the evolution, epidemiology, and pathogenesis of STEC O157 and related pathogens