5 research outputs found

    The Effect of Chia Seeds ( Salvia hispanica

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    The aim of the study was to analyze and characterize the influence of chia seeds (CS) addition (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8%) on wheat bread properties. Bread properties that underwent evaluation included chemical composition, fatty acid composition, total phenolics content, volume, baking losses, crumb texture, and color and sensory analysis. The addition of CS decreased baking losses and the volume of bread. The color of the crumb with CS was much darker as compared with the control sample. The texture analysis showed that the CS caused a decrease in the hardness of the crumb. Most importantly, the addition of CS increased the nutritional value of the bread. Bread with CS contained more dietary fiber and mineral components. Moreover, it has been observed that in comparison to the control product bread with CS was characterized by a rich fatty acids composition and higher level of phenolic compounds. Most importantly, the results showed that the substitution of wheat flour with chia seeds up to 6% did not negatively affect the final product acceptance

    Importance of breads in daily life of man

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych funkcji pieczywa w codziennym życiu człowieka. Na podstawie danych literaturowych zwrócono uwagę na następujące funkcje pieczywa: podstawowy produkt zbożowy w diecie, produkt strategiczny, tradycyjny, symbol obrzędów religijnych oraz inspiracja dla poetów i malarzy. Uwzględniono także zagadnienia związane z tradycyjną technologią produkcji pieczywa oraz nowymi trendami w jej produkcji. Niezmiennie od wielu tysięcy lat podstawowymi składnikami ciasta chlebowego są mąka i woda. Człowiek jednak od dawna stara się modyfikować skład ciasta przez stosowanie dodatków lub wprowadzanie zmian w metodzie jego wytwarzania. Zmiany te są jednak rozłożone w czasie na tyle, że pieczywo można z powodzeniem uznać za żywność tradycyjną, która wywiera wpływ na kulturę, a przede wszystkim zdrowie społeczeństwa.The aim of the article was to present chosen functions breads in daily life. Based on literature data has been described the following functions breads: basic product from cereals in the diet, a strategic product, a traditional product, symbol of religious rites and inspiration for poets and painters. In the article described the traditional bread manufacturing process and new trends in the bread production. The flour and water are invariably from many thousands of years of the basic ingredients of bread dough. The man, however, has long been trying to modify the dough by the use of additives or changes in the method for its preparation. The changes modifying the dough are made over a long period of time and therefore breads can be successfully classified as traditional food, which has an impact on culture and public heath

    In fluence of parental components on technological quality of hybrids of X Triticosecale Wittmack with Agrotriticum sp.

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    Crossing a wild species of Triticeae tribe, e.g. Agrotriticum sp., with cultivated form of them, can enrich them in new, valuable genes as well as their recombinations, which determines their favorable traits from a breeding and agricultural point of view. The aim of present paper was to analyze some traits affecting the grain technological value at hybrid strains of triticale with Agrotriticum and to evaluate the influence of particular parental forms on value of tested traits at hybrids. There are no data on the subject in literature. Five hexaploid breeding triticale strains produced by crossing triticale with Agrotriticum (Gruszecka, 1992) and parental components: two triticale and two Agrotriticum forms were studied. Plants were harvested in 2000 and 2001. Kernels of obtained triticale hybrid forms were characterized by high amylolytic activity expressed by low falling number. Two strains were distinguished with higher falling number and higher flour strength, but they did not come up to Agrotriticum referring to the trait value. Gluten content was lower at studied strains than at corresponding parental components and its low quality was worse than that for Agrotriticum forms. Yield of total flour was low and not exceeding 60%. Obtained laboratory breads had pleasant and aromatic flavor. Crumb of bread produced from Agrotriticum was more elastic and had less moisture than that baked from triticale. Excellent strain No 2 – CZR 028/19/95 - {[(Lanca × L 506/79) × CZR 142/79] × (Triticum aestivum × Agropyron 1)} was characterized by porosity structure similar to that of Agrotriticum parental form. Bread achieved from the strain’s flour was distinguished with low baking loss, and high efficiency and volume. However, slight effect of parental Agrotriticum forms on qualitative trait values of tested strains triticale with Agrotriticum cross-combinations was proved

    The Application of FT-IR Spectroscopy for Quality Control of Flours Obtained from Polish Producers

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    Samples of wheat, spelt, rye, and triticale flours produced by different Polish mills were studied by both classic chemical methods and FT-IR MIR spectroscopy. An attempt was made to statistically correlate FT-IR spectral data with reference data with regard to content of various components, for example, proteins, fats, ash, and fatty acids as well as properties such as moisture, falling number, and energetic value. This correlation resulted in calibrated and validated statistical models for versatile evaluation of unknown flour samples. The calibration data set was used to construct calibration models with use of the CSR and the PLS with the leave one-out, cross-validation techniques. The calibrated models were validated with a validation data set. The results obtained confirmed that application of statistical models based on MIR spectral data is a robust, accurate, precise, rapid, inexpensive, and convenient methodology for determination of flour characteristics, as well as for detection of content of selected flour ingredients. The obtained models’ characteristics were as follows: R2=0.97, PRESS = 2.14; R2=0.96, PRESS = 0.69; R2=0.95, PRESS = 1.27; R2=0.94, PRESS = 0.76, for content of proteins, lipids, ash, and moisture level, respectively. Best results of CSR models were obtained for protein, ash, and crude fat (R2=0.86; 0.82; and 0.78, resp.)

    The effect of the additive of flour from the seeds of the teff on the physical characteristics of wheat dough

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    Nasiona miłki abisyńskiej jak i produkty z nich otrzymane, to cenne źródło wielu składników chemicznych, niezbędnych do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu ludzkiego. Tak jak w składzie chemicznym ziarna pszenicy czy żyta, tak i w nasionach miłki abisyńskiej, najważniejsze i występujące w największych ilościach są trzy grupy związków chemicznych: białka, cukry i tłuszcze. Pod względem zawartości tych składników, nasiona miłki abisyńskiej dorównują ziarnu tradycyjnych zbóż chlebowych. Podobnie jak w ziarnie zbóż, wśród sacharydów dominuje skrobia. Jednak jej granulki są zdecydowanie mniejsze i znacznie bardziej wyrównane pod względem wielkości, co ma istotny wpływ na jej cechy technologiczne, jak np. zdolność wiązania wody. Nasiona miłki abisyńskiej mają wysoką wartość energetyczną. Pod tym względem przewyższają nie tylko ziarno zbóż – ryżu, żyta czy pszenicy, ale nawet nasiona soi, które są znacznie zasobniejsze w składniki wysokoenergetyczne, jakimi są białka i tłuszcze. Skład chemiczny nasion miłki abisyńskiej, wyraźnie wskazuje na jej wysoką wartość odżywczą. Nasiona miłki wykorzystywane są, przede wszystkim, do przemiału na mąkę, względnie regionalnie (np. w Afryce północnej), do produkcji napojów alkoholowych. Wydaje się, że najwłaściwszym sposobem wykorzystania mąki z miłki abisyńskiej jest jej użycie jako dodatku do produkcji ciasta chlebowego. Potwierdzają to liczne badania przeprowadzone w wielu krajach, w tym również w Polsce.Teff seeds and products obtained from them are a valuable source of many chemical components necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. As in the chemical composition of wheat or rye grain, as well as in teff seeds, the most important and occurring in the largest amounts are three groups of chemical compounds: proteins, saccharides and lipids. In terms of the content of these ingredients, the seeds of the teff equal the grain of traditional bread cereals. As in cereal grains, starch dominates among saccharides. However, its granules are much smaller and much more even in size, which has a significant impact on its technological features, such as the ability to bind water. Teff seeds have a high energy value. In this respect, they surpass not only cereal grains - rice, rye or wheat, but even soybeans, which are much more abundant in high-energy components, such as proteins and fats. The chemical composition of teff seeds clearly indicates its high value and nutritional valus. Teff seeds are used, above all, for flour milling, or regionally (for example in North Africa), for the production of alcoholic beverages. It seems that the most appropriate way to use flour from the delicious Abyssin is its use as an addition to the production of bread dough. This is confirmed by numerous studies carried out in many countries, including Poland