3 research outputs found

    Holistic investigation of shore angler profiles to support marine protected areas management

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    Marine Recreational Fishing (MRF) is growing worldwide in scientific interest, as evidenced by the increasing number of dedicated publications. Studies on the impacts and benefits to socio-ecosystems and mental health are driving this gradual awareness. In the Mediterranean, MRF is currently responsible for 10% of the catches though, in the context of small-scale fisheries decline, it may become dominant. Sustaining this activity represents a universal challenge for the future of mankind. However, the potential influence of anglers' heterogeneity on both the environment and the Catch Per Unit of Effort (CPUE), used internationally to evaluate fish harvest and as a stocks indicator, hinders MRF management. In addition, little data is available on onshore fishing, while the number of practitioners may increase sharply in the context of a socio-economic crisis, especially in marine protected areas (MPA). We conducted a year-round survey in 2017–2018 in a French Mediterranean MPA subject to tourist flows, during which 144 onshore anglers were polled by semi-directive interviews. We used a typology based on technical and socio-economic data of anglers to describe their behaviour diversity and its influence on CPUE and, more broadly, the marine environment in multi-species fisheries. We characterised four onshore angler profiles, segregated in space and time, including one identified as at risk of causing impacts. Our analyses support using total and per species CPUE independently of profiles to evaluate onshore MRF harvest, except for four species. CPUE seem based on the profiles’ skills and self-regulation which induce similar yields between anglers in the absence of control. This demonstrates the importance of taking into account angler behaviour, as each profile could react differently to management actions and highlights that CPUE could be used to detect the effect of changes in regulation in the framework of adaptive management. Our results support that MRF regulations should be simplified and homogenised at the national level and cooperation with fishing shops in MPA co-management should be promoted

    Rastreio de tuberculose nos funcionários de um Hospital Distrital

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    RESUMO: INTRODUÃÃO â após terem surgido dois casos com baciloscopias positivas em funcionários do Hospital Distrital de Oliveira de Azeméis em 1996, foi feito um rastreio de tuberculose em todos os profissionais desse Hospital.MATERIAL E MÃTODOS â foi afixado um aviso em todos os Serviços solicitando aos funcionários a realização da prova de tuberculina. Esta foi efectuada mediante injecçãao intra-dérmica de 2 unidades PPD (RT 23), por um único profissional de enfermagem. Aderiram à prova de Mantoux 202 dos 241 funcionários.Em todos os funcionários que referiram sintomas respiratórios (tosse e expectoração), foi efectuada telerradiografia de torax e baciloscopias em amostras após coloração pelo metodo de Ziebl-Neelsen e exame cultural em meio de Lowenstein-Jensen (exames realizados em 27 funcionários).RESULTADOS â foram encontrados 11 easos de tuberculose-infecção em indivíduos com menos de 35 anos (tendo 9 feito tratamento com terapêutica trip la durante dois meses) e 6 casos de tuberculose pulmonar com baciloscopias positivas e confirmados no exame cultural.CONCLUSÃES â do estudo realízado concluiu-se que a incidência de tuberculose pulmonar nos funcionários do Hospital Distrital de Oliveira de Azeméis em 1996 foi de 2,54%, o que corresponde aproximadamente ao triplo da incidência na população em geral da área em questão.REV PORT PNEUMOL 1998; IV (2): 147- 153 ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: After two cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis were found in healthcare workers of a Regional Hospital in Portugal a study was done to determine the incidence of Tuberculosis in health-workers of the Oliveira de Azeméis Hospital in 1996.METHODS: An information-note was affixed in all Services asking all the workers to do the Tuberculin-test. An intradermic injection of 2 U. of PPD (RT 23), by one trained nurse was done in 202 of 241 health-workers that joined the study.In all workers that reported respiratory symptoms, a thoracic radiograph, sputum bacteriologic analyses with Ziehl-Neelsen coloration and culture in Lowenstein- Jensen were done.RESULTS: 11 cases of Tuberculosis-infection has been reported by the tuberculin tests. 9 of them were treated with triple therapy during two months. 6 cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis confirmed by the presence of AAR bacilus in sputum and a positive culture in Lowenstein-Jensen were found.CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we concluded that the incidence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in healt-heare workers of the Oliveira de Azemeis Hospital in 1996 was 2,54%, that corresponds to the triple of the incidence in the general population of the area at the same time.REV PORT PNEUMOL 1998; IV (2): 147-153 Key-words: Tuberculosis, Healthcare workers, Tuberculin-test, Portugal, Palavras-chave: Tuberculose, Profissionais de saúde, Funcionários de um hospital, Rastreio, Portuga

    The ESC ACCA EAPCI EORP acute coronary syndrome ST-elevation myocardial infarction registry

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    Aims: The Acute Cardiac Care Association (ACCA)-European Association of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (EAPCI) Registry on ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) of the EurObservational programme (EORP) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) registry aimed to determine the current state of the use of reperfusion therapy in ESC member and ESC affiliated countries and the adherence to ESC STEMI guidelines in patients with STEMI. Methods and results: Between 1 January 2015 and 31 March 2018, a total of 11 462 patients admitted with an initial diagnosis of STEMI according to the 2012 ESC STEMI guidelines were enrolled. Individual patient data were collected across 196 centres and 29 countries. Among the centres, there were 136 percutaneous coronary intervention centres and 91 with cardiac surgery on-site. The majority of centres (129/196) were part of a STEMI network. The main objective of this study was to describe the demographic, clinical, and angiographic characteristics of patients with STEMI. Other objectives include to assess management patterns and in particular the current use of reperfusion therapies and to evaluate how recommendations of most recent STEMI European guidelines regarding reperfusion therapies and adjunctive pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments are adopted in clinical practice and how their application can impact on patients' outcomes. Patients will be followed for 1 year after admission. Conclusion: The ESC ACCA-EAPCI EORP ACS STEMI registry is an international registry of care and outcomes of patients hospitalized with STEMI. It will provide insights into the contemporary patient profile, management patterns, and 1-year outcome of patients with STEMI