949 research outputs found

    Magnetic polarons in Ca_(1-x)Y_xMnO_3

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    Experimental evidence show that in the magnetoresistive manganite Ca_(1-x) Y_xMnO_3, ferromagnetic (FM) polarons arises in an antiferromagnetic (AF) background, as a result of the doping with Yttrium. This hypothesis is supported in this work by classical Monte Carlo (MC) calculations performed on a model where FM Double Exchange (DE) and AF Superexhange (SE) compite.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figs, submitted to LAW3M conferenc

    Double exchange model for RuSr_2(Eu,Gd)Cu_2O_8

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    We propose a double exchange model to describe the RuO_2 planes of RuSr_2(Eu,Gd)Cu_2O_8. The Ru^+5 ions are described by localized spins, and additional electrons provided by the superconducting CuO_2 planes are coupled ferromagnetically to them by Hund rules coupling. We calculate the spin structure factor, magnetic susceptibility and magnetization as a function of magnetic field and temperature, using a Monte Carlo algorithm in which the Ru^+5 spins are treated as classical. Several experiments which seemed in contradiction with one another are explained by the theory.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figs., submitted to LAW3M conferenc

    Fragility of the A-type AF and CE Phases of Manganites: An Exotic Insulator-to-Metal Transition Induced by Quenched Disorder

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    Using Monte Carlo simulations and the two eg-orbital model for manganites, the stability of the CE and A-type antiferromagnetic insulating states is analyzed when quenched disorder in the superexchange JAF between the t2g localized spins and in the on-site energies is introduced. At vanishing or small values of the electron-(Jahn-Teller)phonon coupling, the previously hinted "fragility" of these insulating states is studied in detail, focusing on their charge transport properties. This fragility is here found to induce a rapid transition from the insulator to a (poor) metallic state upon the introduction of disorder. A possible qualitative explanation is presented based on the close proximity in energy of ferromagnetic metallic phases, and also on percolative ideas valid at large disorder strength. The scenario is compared with previously discussed insulator-to-metal transitions in other contexts. It is argued that the effect unveiled here has unique properties that may define a new class of giant effects in complex oxides. This particularly severe effect of disorder must be present in other materials as well, in cases involving phases that arise as a compromise between very different tendencies, as it occurs with striped states in the cuprates.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, RevTex 4, submitted for publicatio

    Time-dependent local Green's operator and its applications to manganites

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    An algorithm is presented to calculate the electronic local time-dependent Green's operator for manganites-related hamiltonians. This algorithm is proved to scale with the number of states NN in the Hilbert-space to the 1.55 power, is able of parallel implementation, and outperforms computationally the Exact Diagonalization (ED) method for clusters larger than 64 sites (using parallelization). This method together with the Monte Carlo (MC) technique is used to derive new results for the manganites phase diagram for the spatial dimension D=3 and half-filling on a 12x12x12 cluster (3456 orbitals). We obtain as a function of an insulating parameter, the sequence of ground states given by: ferromagnetic (FM), antiferromagnetic AF-type A, AF-type CE, dimer and AF-type G, which are in remarkable agreement with experimental results.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Food, microbes, sex and old age: on the plasticity of gastrointestinal innervation

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    The gastrointestinal tract is innervated by its own enteric nervous system and by extrinsic neurons that connect it with the central nervous system. Innervation allows the gastrointestinal tract to sense and respond to diverse stimuli, adjusting motility and secretion, but also affecting our physiology, behaviour and immunity. The mechanisms underlying the formation of gastrointestinal neurons are beginning to be elucidated; those that keep them plastic over an organism's lifetime remain to be explored. Here, we review the effects of microbiota, nutrients, sex and ageing on the morphology and function of gastrointestinal innervation in mammals, and discuss how this plasticity shapes gut-brain crosstalk and whole-body physiology. We also highlight insights gained by nascent studies of the enteric innervation of Drosophila melanogaster

    Phase diagram for Ca_{1-x}Y_xMnO_3 type crystals

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    We present a simple model to study the electron doped manganese perovskites. The model considers the competition between double exchange mechanism for itinerant electrons and antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction for localized electrons. It represents each Mn^{4+} ion by a spin 1/2, on which an electron can be added to produce Mn^{3+}; we include a hopping energy t, a strong intratomic interaction exchange J (in the limit J/t>>1), and an interatomic antiferromagnetic interaction K between the local spins. Using the Renormalized Perturbation Expansion and a Mean Field Approximation on the hopping terms and on the superexchange interaction we calculate the free energy. From it, the stability of the antiferromagnetic, canted, ferromagnetic, and novel spin glass phases can be determined as functions of the parameters characterizing the system. The model results can be expressed in terms of t and K for each value of the doping x in phase diagrams. The magnetization m and canting angle can also be calculated as fuctions of temperature for fixed values of doping and model parameters.Comment: 4 figure