63 research outputs found
Gis-based drinking water watershed management: a case study of the galyan watershed in Turkey
WOS: 000369100100019Water is one of the most important resources for sustainable development and human life. To meet future water needs, water resources and drinking water watersheds (DWWs) should be placed under protection using efficient methods. the spatial planning and spatial data has an important role in sustainable DWW management. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is extensively used for spatial data production effectively based on spatial planning. the use of large-extended data, the analyzing of the maps which have no standard with data layered and the prevention of separation between administrative jurisdictions depending on administrative boundaries are possible by using GIS. in this paper since emphasized on the effectiveness of GIS in DWW management in the Galyan Drinking Water Watershed (GDWW), a sub-watershed of the Degirmendere Watershed, which supplies drinking water to Trabzon City, Turkey, is used as a case to study. the results of the study show that the agricultural chemicals and fertilizers used for hazelnut and cultivated farming to threaten the quality of drinking water in a significant part of the watershed (30%). Approximately 72% of the GDWW area is at risk of landslides, and the region as a whole is under threat because of widespread mining activities. the distances between the mining areas and the streams feeding the watershed were investigated. It was found that all the active ore beds are within 1,000 m of the rivers. Moreover, while the average distance of the ore beds to the streams is 253 m, the distance of the active ore beds is 357 m. According to the analysis results of the study, with GIS-based DWW management, decision makers can see where and what type of change has occurred in the area in use; therefore, it can provide requirements for the environmental and economical sustainability of the area in the future
Atipik hipofiz adenomu olgularının insidansı, hormonal dağılımı ve postoperatif takibi
AMAÇ: Hipofiz adenomu tanısı ile operasyon uygulanan olgularımızdan patoloj ik tanısı atipik hipofiz adenomu olanların görülme sıklığı, hormonal aktivitesi ve postoperatif takipleri araştırılmıştır. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇlER: Kliniğimizde Ocak 2009 - Mayıs 2012 tarihleri arasında endoskopik endonasal transsfenoidal yolla opere edilen 146 hipofiz adenomu olgusundan WHO 2004 kriterlerine göre patoloj isi atipik hipofiz adenomu olarak saptanan 13 olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi. BUlGULAR: Histoloj ik olarak 133 hasta tipik hipofiz adenomu (%91,1), 13 hasta ise atipik hipofiz adenomu (%8,9) idi. Bu hastaların 10 tanesi erkek (%76,9), 3 tanesi kadındı (%23,1). Yaş dağılımı 27 ile 80 arasında idi (ortalama 52.7). Dokuz olgu nonsekretuar adenom (%69,3), 3 olgu prolaktinoma (%23,1), 1 olgu ise somatostatinoma (%7,6) idi. Dört olguda hipofizer apopleksi mevcuttu (%30,7). Tipik hipofiz adenomlu hastalardan 11 tanesinde nüks saptanırken (%8,2), atipik hipofiz adenomlu olgulardan ise 5 tanesinde nüks adenom (%38,4) nedeniyle tekrar operasyon yapıldı. SONUÇ: Atipik hipofiz adenomları iyi bir patoloj ik inceleme yapıldığında çok da nadir görülen adenom tipi değildir. Tümör rekürrensinde tek başına belirleyici olmamakla birlikte tipik adenomlara göre çok daha yüksek oranda rekürrense neden olduğu unutulmamalıdır. Bu yüzden bu hastalarda total tümör eksizyonu, eğer mümkün olmuyorsa postoperatif daha yakın takip ile ek tedavi uygulamalarının kullanılması gereklidir.AIM: To assess the incidence, hormonal activity and postoperative follow up of the cases that are histopathologically diagnosed as atypical pituitary adenoma (APA) in our series. MATERIAL and METHODS: In this study, 13 atypical pituitary adenoma cases, by the WHO 2004 criteria, among the 146 pituitary adenoma patients operated on in our clinic between January 2009 and May 2012 by endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach were included. results: In histological studies, 133 cases were diagnosed as typical pituitary adenoma (91.1%) and 13 cases were APAs (8.9%) of which 10 were male (76.9%) and 3 were female (23.1%), ranged between 27 and 80 (mean 52.7) ages. Histopathological distribution of APAs was 9 non- secretory adenomas (69.3%), 3 prolactinomas (23.1%) and 1 somatostatinoma (7.6%). Asymptomatic pituitary apoplexy was diagnosed in 4 cases (30.7%). Eleven cases of typical pituitary adenomas (8.2%) and 5 cases of the atypical pituitary adenomas (38.4%) were re-operated due to tumor recurrences. CONCLUSION: Accurate histopathological examination shows that atypical pituitary adenoma is not a rare disease. Although it is not the only determinant, APAs are more prone to recurrence than typical adenomas. In our opinion, if total resection is not possible for the patients with APA, close postoperative follow up and additional curative therapy modalities are needed
Effective teaching and learning at vocational education at Tertiary Level: a qualitative study of administrators', teachers' and students' perceptions
The aim of this study is to explore the phenomenon of teaching and learning at higher vocational education schools through administrators’, teachers’ and students’ perceptions. In line with this, phenomenological research design was employed, and data were collected at eight higher vocational schools in Nevşehir, Turkey from 8 administrators, 16 teachers and 16 focus groups through semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. Data analysis, conducted through inductive content analysis approach, revealed that effective vocational teaching and learning was defined from two perspectives: product-oriented teaching versus process-oriented teaching, and product-oriented learning versus process-oriented learning. Also, aim of higher vocational education, characteristics of effective vocational teacher, learner and program emerged from data. The challenges faced were found related to teachers, students, curriculum, context, system, employers and parents. Finally, the findings related to strategies to cope with those challenges were categorized as teacher-led, student-led and administrator-led practices together with recommendations made to improve effectiveness
The key drivers on decision making for urban planning sites: Inner city logistic fields
Today, uncovering the magnitude of population
growth in cities and its effects on urbanization are
major driver for understanding requirements of
assisting urban regeneration sites. It has growing
interests in identifying the hotspots over planning for
the various amenities fields. However, both these
areas and the logistic centers are located in urban
internal fabrics even without sub-scale land use
planning. It is hard to provide the needed customized
information on land use suitability. It was proposed
build a conceptual geo-data model for the decisionmaking process to respond the spatial integration of
inner-city logistic fields to the urban fabric. Also it is
highlighted how geo-spatial patterns of this model
could be applied with urban regeneration project that
has growing considerations as part of urban
morphology. Morever re-allocation of these logistic
fields needs to be integrated with more transformative
drivers for adaptation to growing city-size within
policy driven land use. A comprehensive perspective
should be included in the model to representation of
socio-economic concerns collaboration with physical
and environmental dynamics to better outcomes. This
model provides information to enable effective
decision support for the conversion of the logistic
areas as a priority with respect to other urban
thematics concerns in more cities.Günümüzde, kentsel nüfus artışının büyüklüğünü ve
bunun kentleşme üzerindeki etkilerini ortaya
çıkarmak, kentsel dönüşüm alanlarının
belirlenmesinde başlıca yönlendirici bileşendir.
Çeşitli aktivite alanlarının planlaması sürecinde
kentsel öneme sahip alanların belirlenmesi ön plana
çıkmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, hem bu alanlar hem
de lojistik merkezler, alt ölçekli arazi kullanım
planlamasının eksikliğine dayalı olarak kentsel
gelişim alanlarında yer almaktadır. Bu durum arazi
kullanımına uygunluk konusunda ihtiyaç duyulan
spesifik bilgilere erişimi zorlaştırmaktadır. Bu
çalışmada kent içi lojistik alanların kentsel dokuya
konumsal entegrasyonuna yanıt vermek için karar
verme sürecine yönelik kavramsal veri modeli
geliştirilmektedir. Ayrıca, bu modelin konumsal
modellerinin, kentsel morfolojinin bir parçası olarak
ön plana çıkan kentsel dönüşüm projeleri ile nasıl
uygulanabileceği vurgulanmaktadır. Bahsedilen
lojistik alanların yeniden tahsisinin, politika odaklı
arazi kullanımı dahilinde kentsel gelişim ile bütüncül
olarak değerlendirilerek uygulanması
gerekmektedir. Modelin sürdürülebilirliği için
fiziksel ve çevresel dinamiklerle sosyo-ekonomik
bileşenlerin etkileşiminin model bünyesinde temsil
edilmesi önerilmektedir
Relationship of CD95, COX-2 and P53 in renal cell carcinomas with survival and other prognostic parameters: A tissue microarray study
WOS: 000310364801771
Diffuse infiltration of Aspergillus hyphae in the thyroid gland with multinodular goiter
Geyik, Mehmet Faruk/0000-0002-0906-0902;WOS: 000299472000031PubMed: 22234119A 35-year-old woman presented with a thyroid mass, weakness and shortness of breath of 3 years duration. On physical examination, she had a diffusely enlarged thyroid gland with multiple nodules. There were no signs to suggest immune suppression. The patient farmed and raised livestock. Biochemical tests and hemogram were normal. She underwent surgery, and a histological examination of the surgical specimen revealed nodular hyperplasia. Microscopically, silver methenamine (PASM) stain-positive hyphae that divided into branches at 45 and conidia were detected beside the thyroid capsule, with conidia in the cystic nodule. Moreover, ischemic changes of the thyroid tissue were observed closer to the capsule. We report a case of Aspergillosis of the thyroid of a patient who underwent surgery for a multinodular goiter
Sesil serrated adenomun uyardığı apendiks intüsüsepsiyonu
Apendix intüsüsepsiyonu nadir bir durumdur. Literatürde yayınlanan olguların çoğunu infant ve çocuklar oluşturmaktadır. Biz burada 65 yaşında tekrarlayan karın ağrısı, mide bulantısı ve kusma ile merkezimize kabul edilen erkek hastayı sunduk. Laporoskopide appendix dokusu invajine idi fakat redükte edilebilme ihtimali vardı. Bu nedenle basit apendektomi gerçekleştirildi. Histopatolojik inceleme apendix lümeninde sesil serrated adenomu göstermiştir ve bu da intüsüsepsiyonun kaynağının bu lezyon olduğunu düşündürmüştür.Intussusception of the appendix vermiformis is a rare condition. It occurs mainly in infants and children. Here, we report an intussusception case that occurred in a 65-year-old male presenting with repeated periumbilical pain, nausea, vomiting and febrile sensation. The appendix was seen to be intussuscepted at laparoscopy. The invaginated segment was reducted and simple appendicectomy was carried out. Histopathologic examination revealed a sessile serrated adenoma at the wall of the appendix, suggesting it as the cause of the intussusception
Intussusception of the appendix induced by sessile serrated adenoma: A case report [Sesil serrated adenomun uyardı?ı apendiks i?ntüsüsepsiyonu]
PubMed ID: 23011836Intussusception of the appendix vermiformis is a rare condition. It occurs mainly in infants and children. Here, we report an intussusception case that occurred in a 65-year-old male presenting with repeated periumbilical pain, nausea, vomiting and febrile sensation. The appendix was seen to be intussuscepted at laparoscopy. The invaginated segment was reducted and simple appendicectomy was carried out. Histopathologic examination revealed a sessile serrated adenoma at the wall of the appendix, suggesting it as the cause of the intussusception
Simultaneous Measurement And Analysis Of Noise Levels In Flexible And Rigid Pavements
Beton yollar dünyada yaygın olarak kullanılmasına karşın ülkemizde gelişim gösterememiş, bu nedenle de genel olarak bitümlü sıcak karışım asfalt yollar tercih edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de yaygın olarak kullanılan bitümlü sıcak karışım asfalt yollar ve henüz yaygınlaşmamış olan beton yollar arasında gürültü seviyeleri yönünden bir karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Bunun için Afyonkarahisar-Emirdağ arasında inşa edilmiş 2 km'lik beton yol ile bu yolun devamı olan bitümlü sıcak karışım asfalt yol arasındaki geçiş noktası çalışma koridoru olarak kullanılmıştır. Bu koridordaki beton yol ve bitümlü sıcak karışım asfalt yolun kenarlarına, ses girişimlerini en aza indirecek şekilde, ayrı ayrı gürültü ölçüm cihazı ve kamera düzenekleri yerleştirilmiş, yol yapım malzemesine bağlı olarak değişen gürültü seviyeleri eş zamanlı olarak kaydedilmiş, bulunan değerler analiz edilerek kaplama türleri ile gürültü seviyeleri arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Bu aşamada, kurulan düzenekler arasındaki mesafe trafik yoğunluğunun ve akış hızının değişimini engellemek için mümkün olduğunca kısa tutulmuştur. Yapılan ölçüm ve analizler sonunda beton yolların bitümlü sıcak karışım asfalt yollara göre ortalama gürültü seviyesinin aynı taşıt kompozisyonu ve trafik hacmi için yaklaşık 4 dB(A) daha düşük olduğu ortaya konmuş ve ülkemizde de beton yolların gelişim göstermesi gerektiği vurgulanmıştır.Although concrete roads have been used worldwide for years, the same improvement could not exist in Turkey and therefore, bituminous (hot mix) asphalt roads were preferred instead. In this paper, the vastly built HMA (Hot Mix Asphalt) roads and rarely preferred concrete roads were compared based on their level of noise. For this purpose, the concrete road at the length of 2 kilometers between Afyonkarahisar and Emirdag; also the transition point to the HMA road (which continues after the concrete road) was observed. Both concrete and HMA road ends of this transition point was equipped with a noise measurement device and a camera was installed separately for providing minimum level of noise interference. Consequently, change in the noise levels depending on the building material of roads was recorded simultaneously. These factors was analysed and various models related to the sort of coating was provided. At this stage, the distance between set up points was kept as short as possible in order to prevent different results in the density of traffic and also in the flow rate. Result of various measurements and analysis provided the noise levels of concrete roads being 4 dB(A) less than HMA roads in the comparison based on the same level of vehicle composition and traffic flow. Encouraging the construction of concrete roads in our country is emphasized accordingly
Leiomyoma of the urinary bladder in asymptomatic women
Most bladder tumors are derived from the urothelium. Benign mesenchymal tumors are rare. Leiomyomas account for less than 0.43% of all bladder tumors. Genitourinary leiomyomata may arise in any anatomic structure containing smooth muscle. They have been reported to involve single or multiple organs. Since they may also mimic malignant lesions, they should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of any pelvic mass, with a possibility of being asymptomatic and discovered incidentally by radiographic imaging. We, herein, report a case illustrating clinical and pathological features in particular immunohistochemistry, and discuss its etiology and differential diagnosis
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