7 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento do Turismo Urbano Baseado na Tecnologia da Informação

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    Information for tourism and transportation industries is as vital as blood for the human life. According to tourism experts, Iran ranks among ten top countries with the most touristy attractions. Iran's share from the income of international tourism markets was about 1 unit from a total of 700 units in the year 2000. A major problem on the way of tourism development is the weakness of information systems and their supporters. This has led to providing insufficient information on the attractions and capabilities and service preparation, much lower than expected level. This is while for tourism planning and dynamism exact and updated information system is needed; IT is very effective in this respect. IT can play a great role in managing, planning, and marketing for tourism development. Emphasizing IT usage in tourism, some main applications of this technology like fast, cheap, and on time informing of electronic systems for service provision such as computer reservation systems (CRSs), global distribution systems (GDSs) and Internet have been regarded in this paper.A informação para a indústria do turismo e do transporte é tão vital quanto o sangue para a vida humana. De acordo com especialistas em turismo, o Irã encontra-se entre os dez países com maior número de atrações turísticas. O Irã recebeu do mercado turístico internacional cerca de uma unidade em cada 700 unidades no ano de 2000. O maior problema para o desenvolvimento do turismo é a baixa qualidade dos sistemas de informação. Isto tem conduzido a informações insuficientes acerca das atrações e capacidades do setor. Tal situação é relevante para o planejamento turístico, sendo necessária a atualização dos sistemas de informação; a tecnologia da informação é bastante efetiva neste aspecto. A IT pode desempenhar um importante papel na administração, planejamento e propaganda para o desenvolvimento do turismo. Neste estudo é enfatizado o uso da IT no turismo e algumas das principais aplicações desta tecnologia, tais como a informação atualizada, rápida e barata através de sistemas eletrônicos como CRSs (computer reservation systems), GDSs (global distribution systems) e Internet

    Classification of tear film lipid layer en face maps obtained using optical coherence tomography and their correlation with clinical parameters

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the pattern of optical coherence tomography (OCT) en face maps of the tear film lipid layer (TFLL) and lipid layer thickness (LLT), fluorescein breakup time (FBUT), and Schirmer I test values in healthy subjects. Methods: Measurements from four clinical data sets were retrospectively analyzed, and TFLL patterns were classified into 3 categories: homogeneous (HOM), wavy (WAV), or dotted (DOT) appearance. Linear mixed model analyses were performed. Intraclass correlation coefficients and index of qualitative variation were computed to investigate interrater and intrasubject variabilities. Results: For the LLT, a significant difference between HOM and DOT (P < 0.001, βHOMvsDOT = -6.42 nm) and WAV and DOT (P = 0.002, βWAVvsDOT = -4.04 nm) was found. Furthermore, the difference between WAV and DOT regarding FBUT (P < 0.001, βWAVvsDOT = -3.065 seconds) was significant, while no significant differences between any of the classes with respect to the Schirmer I test values were found. An intraclass correlation coefficient of 89.0% reveals a good interrater reliability, and an index of qualitative variation of 60.0% shows, on average, a considerable variability in TFLL pattern class for repeated measurements over 1 hour. Conclusions: A new classification method for OCT en face maps of the TFLL is presented. Significant differences between patterns were found with respect to LLT and FBUT. A dotted pattern on dark background appears to be the most stable type of TFLL. The analysis of OCT en face maps of the TFLL provides complimentary information to conventional imaging methods and might give new insights into the characteristics of the TFLL.Published versionThe research was funded by the Christian Doppler Research Association, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, and the National Foundation for Research and Technology and Development with Grant number CD10260502; Christian Doppler Laboratory for Ocular and Dermal Effects of Thiomers