15 research outputs found

    A Study of Written Grammatical Errors of the Indian Subcontinent Learners: A Systematic Revie

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    This paper investigates A Study of Written Grammatical Errors of the Indian Subcontinent Learners in English settings from 2008 to 2018. Grammar is one of the most important subjects in English language that has been discussed among great scholars, teachers, syllabus designers in the history of English language teaching. Grammar plays vital role in increasing and decreasing the knowledge of English language learners is not only in non- English –speaking countries settings but also in English –speaking countries. Therefore, English grammar is still a big problem for English native students in their classrooms. Error analysis is used as one of the language learning strategies in which focuses on language competence of language learners in the target language. Thus, the error analysis approach was coined by Corder in 1967. In this study, researchers have tried to study the written grammatical errors committed by Indian Subcontinent students in English language from 2008 to 2018 and suggested remedial measures to improve the written grammatical errors from the research works. In addition, for various historical reasons, English has, for more than two hundred years, been growing in the Indian socio-cultural setting. We hope that this paper examines a systematic study of learners' errors in this area. Finally, the researcher of this paper examined the previous research works on grammatical errors in the English language, which were published from 2008 to 2018 in the Indian Subcontinent. In addition, of 150 research papers were examined in the paper, 36 of the research papers were relevant

    The Impact of Process Ability Theory on the Speaking Abilities of Iranian EFL Learners

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    This paper is designed to investigate the impact of processability theory on the communicative capabilities (speaking skill) of Iranian EFL learners. In discussion of processability theory, learning strategies is seen based on various stages in language acquisition. This theory was coined by Pienemann in 1988. Speaking skill was the first skill that human being used it in order to resolve communication problems in his life. In this study, Iranian EFL learners' speaking ability in producing the morpheme structures was examined through the use of two production tasks. One through the use of the picture description task which was designed based on special focus on the learners' ability to use target structures in context; another, was reconstruction task used in which learners were asked to read and listen to two audio texts to help the learners focus on forms and elicit the target structures. The result of this article showed that both tasks had effective instruments to help EFL learners to produce the target structures in the order predicted by processability theory

    A Study of Written Grammatical Errors of Iranian EFL Learners at Undergraduate Level

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    This article is designed to investigate a study of written grammatical errors of Iranian EFL learners at undergraduate level.  The main purpose of error analysis is to express the learners' errors in target language. One of the major topics interested in English language is error analysis by research scholars more than four decades. Today, Error analysis plays an important part in the study of foreign or second language acquisition in over the world. There is, in fact, errors in learning and teaching of language are significant. This project is designed for the students who are studying at Payam Noor University in the first year under graduate level with a Persian language as a native language. The participants for this article were 100 students at undergraduate level at Payam Noor University in Bushehr city, Iran. In this article, the three kinds of tests such as General English Proficiency Test; Background Questionnaire; and Grammatical Test were used in order to show the ability of the students in the field of Error analysis. The outcome of this article indicated that there is a significant difference in types of written grammatical errors by Iranian EFL learners

    Language Errors among Iranian EFL Students with High and Low Levels of Writing Anxiety

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    Writing is known as one of the major important language skills and it is the most difficult language skills for most EFL and ESL learners. In addition, anxiety is one of the factors that many language learners face with it in the writing process. This paper examines language errors among Iranian students of English with high and low levels of writing anxiety. For this purpose, 250 English language learners from universities of the south of Iran were participated in this research. This research used two tools to collect data: the Second Language Writing Anxiety Questionnaire (SLWAI), which was a pre-test containing 22 items and three subscales of physical anxiety, avoidance behavior, and cognition based on a Likert point scale. In addition, a language test in the form of essay writing was used to recognize their different categories and main errors in the writing performance. The results of this research showed that there is a negative relationship between students' anxiety and the number of errors in their writing performance. This study discusses the implications of this finding for English language learners and teachers

    An Evaluation of Prospect Book (Prospect 1)

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    ELT materials (textbooks) always play a very important role in language classrooms. In recent years, there has been an increasing debate throughout the ELT profession on the actual role of materials in teaching English as a second/foreign language. In the field of English teaching should both the potentials and the limitations of materials for helping the English learners through the learning process and curriculum as well as the teachers' needs is often recommended.  In this study, the researchers tried to evaluate English school textbook namely Prospect 1 (2013). This research showed that the Prospect 1 has not completely met its objectives. The content of this book is beyond the students’ English language knowledge. This problem affects negatively both the understandability of the tasks and the students’ participation in the activities. There are other concerns regarding this book such as: separation of English culture from English language; the contents of the lessons are not interesting enough for students and illustrations do not relate to the subject of the tasks. On the other hand, the prospect 1 is designed based on the communicative approach, and it focuses mainly on meaning and learning English language through the learners’ participation in pair/group activities

    A Study of Written Errors of Iranian Learners: A Systematic Review

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    The collection of this systematic article was an attempt to show a survey of current activities in the field of error analysis in English language from 2012 to 2018 in Iran. In the country, English is being taught as Foreign Language from middle school. Khansir and Gholami Dashti (2014) mentioned that English accepted as language to pass in the examination. However, English system in this country often put on formal accuracy and teachers focus on the teaching of English grammar in their classes. Error analysis approach has been a widely discussed topic for more than 60 years over the world. However, all the findings of this paper from previous research works on error analysis can be good reasons in order to guide and help reduce such errors in the written language of Iranian students in EFL setting and the results of this work can also be used to as a guide for English learners over the world.  This article identifies and presents the major reasons leading to the English written errors among the Iranian learners. Finally, it reports the effective strategies and suggestions for helping the students to improve their English language. The researchers of this study studied 178 papers in this process and 37 of the papers were relevant

    The Relationship between Spelling and Pronunciation in English Language

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    Abstract The main aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between spelling and pronunciation in English language. Learning to spell correctly is perhaps as important as learning grammar, vocabulary and phonology. Errors in spelling always create a bad impression of the writer. For English learners, one of the reasons that are very important for learning English language is the relationship between spelling and pronunciation, because they are closely connected to each other. Both spelling and pronunciation have a complicated connection between them and the connection is often inconsistent. In other words, most of the English language errors of spelling and pronunciation are due to the lack of connection between them. One of the best strategies to remove these kinds of errors in English language is for the English learners to use the English dictionary and they should also learn phonetic transcription

    A Study on the Effectiveness of Learning Strategies in English

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    This article is concerned with ''learning strategies of English in English Foreign Language setting in Iran. The role of language strategy is to reach or complete a language learning process or language teaching process in target language. It is worth mentioning strategies of learning can be considered as the important factor in learning and teaching target language in order to help determine how language learners learn their target language in EFL or ESL settings. Subjects for this research project were eighty EFL students in the age range of 18 to 24 at under-graduate level in Bushehr Persian Gulf University. The two types of questionnaires were designed to reach the purpose of this study: the first test included age, gender, language attitude and subjects etc. and a learning strategies questionnaire has included a twenty-nine-test adapted from the original willing (1994) survey. However, the Effectiveness of Learning Strategies was revealed in this study

    Place of Error Correction in English Language Teaching

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    This review paper is intended to discuss the function, objective and aim of correction as a language strategy in English language learning. In reality, correction is termed as feedback by teachers. Feedback is useful where there is a lack of knowledge, especially the failure of students to use language correctly. Error correction is not an essay and it is should be practiced as instructed by the teacher in a language teaching setting. Error correction is a way to develop competence of language learners in a second or foreign language. It can be used in order to attain conscious knowledge of a second or foreign language, and in learning the language’s rules. What is important is that errors in language speech and writing are viewed as having detrimental effects when acquiring a second or foreign language