3 research outputs found

    Gender Difference in the Credibility Perception of Mobile Websites: A Mixed Method Approach

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    SIGCHI ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction SIGWEB ACM Special Interest Group on Hypertext, Hypermedia, and WebTo persuade people to buy a product or service online, they must be visually convinced and attracted to use the sales website. Thus, there is need to understand how different user groups perceive various designs of websites for better adaptation. A lot of research has shown that users' judgment of the credibility of a website is critical to its success. However, in the mobile domain, little has been done empirically to 1) investigate users' credibility perception of a website; and 2) how it changes as the user interface (UI) design is systematically altered. This paper bridges this gap by carrying out sentiment and statistical analyses of users' perceptions of four systematically modified mobile websites among 285 subjects from North America, Africa and Asia. The results show that mobile website design affects the perception of its credibility, with 1) females being more critical and sensitive to UI changes than males; and 2) the grid-layout website design preferred to the list-layout website design by both genders. The study contributes to knowledge in three ways. First, it provides a concise model for understanding users' UI perceptions, expectations and gender differences. Second, it presents important findings that will enable a gender-based mobile website adaptation. Third, it provides a set of empirically backed guidelines for mobile web design

    Influence of e-WOM engagement on consumer purchase intention in social commerce

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    Purpose: As a business paradigm, social commerce (s-commerce) has brought about a new stage of innovation, and by extension, has transmuted the power from seller to buyer. S-commerce is a combination a commercial and social activities in which individuals may spread word of mouth (WOM) about their shopping experiences and knowledge and provide information about product and services to their to their friends. This kind of social interactions among individuals has increased the potentials of eWOM communication. Given such a backdrop, this paper aims to look into the influence of eWOM engagement on consumers’ purchase intention in s-commerce, which may complement the current effort of the research community in this area. Design/methodology/approach: This study used elaboration likelihood model, theory of reasoned action and social support theory to investigate the influence of eWOM engagement on consumers’ purchase intention in s-commerce. The study used 218 respondents to evaluate the proposed model using SmartPLS. Findings: The empirical results indicate that information characteristics, consumer behavior and technological factors exert a positive influence on consumer purchase intentions. All hypotheses between attitude toward eWOM, information credibility, innovativeness, website quality and eWOM engagement are significant. Also, eWOM engagement has a significant positive influence on consumer purchase intention. However, information quality and social support does not have any significant relationship with eWOM engagement. Research limitations/implications: This study seeks to address the dearth of research in the field of s-commerce, especially as it relates to eWOM. The study proposes a new model and empirically validates the hypothesized relationships. This research can serve as a stepping stone for future research in this field. Practical implications: This study is one of the early studies focusing on the influence of eWOM engagement, especially in s-commerce. The study offers comprehensive and empirically validated factors pertaining to eWOM engagement in s-commerce. The results of this study are also important to practitioners and online companies’ managers. The study’s model has demonstrated the contextualization of what makes customers engage in eWOM and its influence in s-commerce. The study will also offer insights for firms on how to encourage eWOM engagement among customers. Originality/value: A new eWOM engagement model in s-commerce is proposed with consideration on information characteristics, consumer behavior, technological and social factors. The model is validated afterwards

    Electronic Word of Mouth engagement in social commerce platforms: An empirical study

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the factors that encourage customer engagement with Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) from the perspective of information characteristics, consumer behaviour, consumer motives, technological and social factors. Drawing from the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Social Support Theory (SST) we propose a new model of eWOM engagement in s-commerce. This model was assessed using structural equation modeling (SEM) technique based on a survey of 218 s-commerce users in Nigeria. The findings confirmed that eWOM engagement is strongly determined by information credibility, information quality, social support, innovativeness, altruism, self-enhancement and sense of belonging. Additionally, using the Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA), this study identifies information credibility, sense of belonging, attitude towards eWOM and social support as the most important factors that should be giving priority by managers in order to encourage consumer eWOM engagement in s-commerce platforms. Implications of the study and suggestions for future research are presented