22 research outputs found

    “Fun Learning Environment Pascagempa 6,2 M” di Panti Asuhan Manakara Muhammadiyah Mamuju

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    Beberapa tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini, adalah: (1) Dapat meningkatkan motivasi bagi mahasiswa / calon guru  untuk lebih mengembangkan kompetensi dan keahlian dalam bidang pengelolaan administrasi pendidikan dan pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran; (2) Membantu peserta (Penyintas Gempa Bumi) memperoleh pendidikan yang layak secara kualitas dan mencukupi secara kuantitas selama masa pascabencana gempa agar dapat termotivasi kembali belajar; (3) Menambah pengalaman mahasiswa mengajar di situasi luar biasa seperti pasca bencana (4) Sebagai bahan masukan bagi dosen untuk lebih meningkatan aktifitas pembelajaran yang mengarah pada penguasaan kompetensi keahlian mahasiswa selaku calon guru. Metode yang  digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Tim Teaching. Dalam pembelajaran ini, Dosen dan mahasiswa mengajar secara tim, ada yang bertugas mengajar, membantu mengajar, dan mendokumentasikan kegiatan belajar mengajar. Evaluasi dari kegiatan pengabdian ini meliputi lembar ceklis.  Indikator keberhasilan kegiatan ini adalah adanya peningkatan motivasi belajar anak panti asuhan serta Merasa senang dalam mengikuti program yang dijalankan. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan diperoleh bahwa dengan adanya kegiatan pembelajaran “Fun Learning Environment” di Panti asuhan Manakarra Muhammadiyah Mamuju anak-anak semakin termotivasi belajar. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan hasil observasi melalui lembar ceklis ditemukan bahwa mereka pada umumya 95% menyatakan tertarik dengan kegiatan tersebut dan sedikit banyaknya menghilangkan trauma terhadap gempa bumi yang telah terjadi. Selanjutnya, bagi mahasiswa mereka memperoleh pengalaman yang baru dalam mengajar pada situasi benaca gempa bum


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    The objective of the research is to find out the use of guide question technique effective in improving the Students’ language use and organization in writingat the secondsemester students English Education Study Program at Tomakaka University of Mamuju. This research took place at University of Tomakaka Mamuju which the researcher used pre-experimental. Population of research was the second grade students of English Education Study Program in academic year 2019/2020. Sample of the research was 25students that take by purposive sampling technique. The researcher used writing test in essay form as instrument of the research. Result of data analysis showed that t-table value at n-1 = 25-1=24 (at significant level α = 0,05) was 2.06and t-test value was 9.90. It showed t-test was higher than t-table, it meant that null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, the researcher summarized that the use of Guide Question technique could develop the students’language Use and Organization in writing at the second semester students of English Education Study Program at Tomakaka University of Mamuju. It was supported result of students’ mean score at pre-test and post-test. Which mean score of pre-test was 67.44(Fair score) improved to 78.36 (good score) at the post-test


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    The objective of the research is to find out the use of Participation Point System (PPS) method effective in improving the Students’ writing at the second semester students English Education Study Program at Tomakaka University of Mamuju. This research took place at University of Tomakaka  Mamuju which the researcher used pre-experimental. Population of research was the second grade students of English Education Study Program in academic year 2020/2021. Sample of the research was 20 students that take by purposive sampling technique. The researcher used writing test in paragraphs form as instrument of the research. Result of data analysis showed that t-table value at n-1 = 20-1=19 (at significant level α = 0,05) was 2.09 and t-test value was 8.30. It showed t-test was higher than t-table, it meant that null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, the researcher summarized that the use of Participation Point System (PPS) method could improve the students’ writing at the second semester students of English Education Study Program at Tomakaka University of Mamuju. It was supported result of students’ mean score at pre-test and post-test. Which mean score of pre-test was 67.15 (Fair score) improved to 78.50 (good score) at the post-test

    The Students’ Motivation in Writing through Mind Mapping at Tomakaka University of Mamuju

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    The aim of this research is to find out whether the use of mind mapping can motivate the students in writing. The method was used is mix method (Quantitative and Qualitative). The subject of this research was the second semester students of Tomakaka University of Mamuju. The data was collected and analyzed through scoring scale which includes the content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics by using Jacob’s scoring rubric. Then, to find out the students are motivated through the method applied or not, it was used questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire wasanalyzed by the Likert scale, it is divided into strongly motivated, motivated, fairly motivated, unmotivated, and strongly unmotivated.Then, interview are used to confirm the students answers in the questionnaire. The result of this research is the second semester students of TomakakaUniversity of Mamuju are motivated in writing through Mind Mapping method. It can be shown from the data of writing test, questionnaire and interview.  The result of the treatment given showed a trend of increasing students’ writing score. And also, students gave positive responses to the questionnaire distributed where most students answered that Mind Mapping method was very useful in increasing their writing motivation

    Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using First Letter Card Media at the First Semester Students of Accounting at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare

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    The objective of the research was to find out whether the students’ vocabulary of Accounting for Islamic Financial Institutions IAIN Parepare are enhancing through First Letter Card Media or not. The researcher applied Quantitative method (pre-experiment). The population was the students of Accounting for Islamic Financial Institutions at First semester. This research applied cluster random sampling by taking one class as the sample that was the Class B First semester students of Accounting for Islamic Financial Institutions. The sample consisted of 30 students. The data were collected through Vocabulary test. The result of this research showed that the Vocabulary of first semester students of Accounting for Islamic Financial Institutions IAIN Parepare were enhancing by using First Letter Card Media


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    The purpose of this research is to determine the quality of the final test in terms of difficulty level, discrimination leves, distractor effectiveness, validity, and reliability for senior high school students in second grade at SMA Negeri 3 Parepare. This research used a quantitative design with content analysis. The investigation was conducted at SMA Negeri 3 Parepare. The subject was 134 English final test form the second grade. However, the researcher took 58 students from three classes to serve as test subjects, with the sample for this research being retrieved utilizing a random selection group technique. They were XI MIPA 1, XI MIPA, and XI IPS 1. Based on the overall analysis of the 30 test items, it can be concluded that the final test for senior high school at the second grade SMA Negeri 3 Parepare was of medium difficulty (p), meaning that the test was neither too easy nor too tough. On the discrimination (D) scale, there were 6 (20%) items with outstanding classification, 1 (3,33%) item with adequate classification, and 23 (76,6%) items with good classification. Distractor effectiveness is likewise weak, since 12 (40%) of the items have very poor distractors. On the validity 9 (30%) items were invalid and need to be replaced. However, 21 (70%) items were valid. The final test for senior high school at the second grade SMA Negeri 3 Parepare is reliable since the reliability index 0,972, it was higher than the table value of critical of product moment it has shows that the final test was reliable

    Applying High Order Thinking Skill (Hots) on Teaching Reading Skills for The X Grade Students of SMAN 2 Kalukku

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    The aim of this research was to find out whether or not the students’ reading ability improved through High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) for the X grade students of SMAN 2 Kalukku.  The method was used was quantitative method. The instrument used to collect the data was reading test. The number of test consisted of 15 and the form is multiple choices. The population of this research was the grade of X students of SMAN 2 Kalukku. The number of the population was 119. The sample of this research was X IPS 1, the number of the students was 27. In analyzing the data collected through quantitative analysis. The result of this research was the applying of HOTS can improved the students’ reading ability for the X grade students of SMAN 2 Kalukku. It is supported by the result of the test which given for the students after given treatment. The result showed that there was an enhancement significantly between pre-test and post-test. The mean score of pre-test is 64.59 while post-test is 83.00. The result of the t-test analysis is 16.883 than t-table value was 2.056. It showed that the t-test value was greater than the t-table value (16.883 > 2.056). Keywords: High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS), Quantitative research, and Reading Skill


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    This study aims to explore an integration of local culture in teaching speaking for enabling students to speak  English practiced in EFL classroom. It employs a descriptive study using a purposive sampling technique and taking 76 respondents from EFL university students. The questionnaire and interview were used to collect data on the perception of EFL university students on the integration of local culture in the process of learning, and observation was applied to gain the data on the EFL students’ interaction on integrating local culture-based instruction. The result of the study shows that students' speaking on the integration of local culture-based instruction in teaching speaking classroom in Indonesian EFL classroom fall into 3 categories:(1) highly understanding of local culture (HULC); (2) moderately understanding of local culture (MULC); (3) low understanding of local culture (LULC). This research is expected to be a reference for teachers’ professional development especially teachers’ capacity in teaching speaking classes

    Improving the Ability to Compare Content of Various Reviews to Find a Systematic Review Using the Problem Based Learning Model Private Vocational School 1 Mamuju

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    This study aimed to determine the Increased Ability to Compare the Content of Various Reviews to Find the Systematics of a Review Using the Problem Based Learning Model. The population in this study were all students of class XI at SMK Negeri 1 Mamuju. The data consisted of data on student learning outcomes through learning achievement tests in each cycle and data on student activities in learning based on observations made. Student learning outcomes test data were analyzed using the mean while student learning activity data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the ability to compare the contents of various reviews to find the systematics of a reviewer increased in each cycle. Based on data on pre-cycle, there is 1 student who is in the complete category with a score of 75 and above with a percentage of 4%, cycle I 15 students who are in the complete category with a percentage of 60%, cycle II 18 students who are in the complete category with a percentage of 72% and cycle III 25 students in the complete category with a percentage of 100%. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was concluded that the use of the Problem Based Learning model could improve the ability to compare the contents of various reviews to find the systematics of class XI student reviews at SMK Negeri 1 Mamuju

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengidentifikasi Teks Prosedur dengan Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together Siswa SMAN 2 Mamuju

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    Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together terhadap kemampuan mengidentifikasi teks prosedur siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X2 Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Mamuju sebagai kelas eksperimen. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data hasil belajar siswa melalui pretest dan posttest dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil belajar mengidentifikasi teks prosedur kelas X2 Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Mamuju dengan nilai rata-rata pada pretest 63,00%, nilai minimum 45, maximum 75, dan nilai pada saat setelah pemberian treatment dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together nilai rata-rata pada posttest 83,21%, minimum 79, dan maximum 98. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mengidentifikasi teks prosedur siswa, ini dilihat setelah melakukan pretest dan posttest nilai kemampuan siswa mengidentifikasi teks prosedur siswa efektif