24 research outputs found

    Beyond Accuracy: Measuring Representation Capacity of Embeddings to Preserve Structural and Contextual Information

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    Effective representation of data is crucial in various machine learning tasks, as it captures the underlying structure and context of the data. Embeddings have emerged as a powerful technique for data representation, but evaluating their quality and capacity to preserve structural and contextual information remains a challenge. In this paper, we address this need by proposing a method to measure the \textit{representation capacity} of embeddings. The motivation behind this work stems from the importance of understanding the strengths and limitations of embeddings, enabling researchers and practitioners to make informed decisions in selecting appropriate embedding models for their specific applications. By combining extrinsic evaluation methods, such as classification and clustering, with t-SNE-based neighborhood analysis, such as neighborhood agreement and trustworthiness, we provide a comprehensive assessment of the representation capacity. Additionally, the use of optimization techniques (bayesian optimization) for weight optimization (for classification, clustering, neighborhood agreement, and trustworthiness) ensures an objective and data-driven approach in selecting the optimal combination of metrics. The proposed method not only contributes to advancing the field of embedding evaluation but also empowers researchers and practitioners with a quantitative measure to assess the effectiveness of embeddings in capturing structural and contextual information. For the evaluation, we use 33 real-world biological sequence (proteins and nucleotide) datasets and performed representation capacity analysis of 44 embedding methods from the literature, namely Spike2Vec, Spaced kk-mers, PWM2Vec, and AutoEncoder.Comment: Accepted at ISBRA 202

    Anderson Acceleration For Bioinformatics-Based Machine Learning

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    Anderson acceleration (AA) is a well-known method for accelerating the convergence of iterative algorithms, with applications in various fields including deep learning and optimization. Despite its popularity in these areas, the effectiveness of AA in classical machine learning classifiers has not been thoroughly studied. Tabular data, in particular, presents a unique challenge for deep learning models, and classical machine learning models are known to perform better in these scenarios. However, the convergence analysis of these models has received limited attention. To address this gap in research, we implement a support vector machine (SVM) classifier variant that incorporates AA to speed up convergence. We evaluate the performance of our SVM with and without Anderson acceleration on several datasets from the biology domain and demonstrate that the use of AA significantly improves convergence and reduces the training loss as the number of iterations increases. Our findings provide a promising perspective on the potential of Anderson acceleration in the training of simple machine learning classifiers and underscore the importance of further research in this area. By showing the effectiveness of AA in this setting, we aim to inspire more studies that explore the applications of AA in classical machine learning.Comment: Accepted in KDH-2023: Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data (IJCAI Workshop

    T Cell Receptor Protein Sequences and Sparse Coding: A Novel Approach to Cancer Classification

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    Cancer is a complex disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation. T cell receptors (TCRs) are essential proteins for the adaptive immune system, and their specific recognition of antigens plays a crucial role in the immune response against diseases, including cancer. The diversity and specificity of TCRs make them ideal for targeting cancer cells, and recent advancements in sequencing technologies have enabled the comprehensive profiling of TCR repertoires. This has led to the discovery of TCRs with potent anti-cancer activity and the development of TCR-based immunotherapies. In this study, we investigate the use of sparse coding for the multi-class classification of TCR protein sequences with cancer categories as target labels. Sparse coding is a popular technique in machine learning that enables the representation of data with a set of informative features and can capture complex relationships between amino acids and identify subtle patterns in the sequence that might be missed by low-dimensional methods. We first compute the k-mers from the TCR sequences and then apply sparse coding to capture the essential features of the data. To improve the predictive performance of the final embeddings, we integrate domain knowledge regarding different types of cancer properties. We then train different machine learning (linear and non-linear) classifiers on the embeddings of TCR sequences for the purpose of supervised analysis. Our proposed embedding method on a benchmark dataset of TCR sequences significantly outperforms the baselines in terms of predictive performance, achieving an accuracy of 99.8\%. Our study highlights the potential of sparse coding for the analysis of TCR protein sequences in cancer research and other related fields

    Benchmarking Machine Learning Robustness in Covid-19 Genome Sequence Classification

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    The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented amount of sequence data of the SARS-CoV-2 genome -- millions of sequences and counting. This amount of data, while being orders of magnitude beyond the capacity of traditional approaches to understanding the diversity, dynamics, and evolution of viruses is nonetheless a rich resource for machine learning (ML) approaches as alternatives for extracting such important information from these data. It is of hence utmost importance to design a framework for testing and benchmarking the robustness of these ML models. This paper makes the first effort (to our knowledge) to benchmark the robustness of ML models by simulating biological sequences with errors. In this paper, we introduce several ways to perturb SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences to mimic the error profiles of common sequencing platforms such as Illumina and PacBio. We show from experiments on a wide array of ML models that some simulation-based approaches are more robust (and accurate) than others for specific embedding methods to certain adversarial attacks to the input sequences. Our benchmarking framework may assist researchers in properly assessing different ML models and help them understand the behavior of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or avoid possible future pandemics

    Computing Graph Descriptors on Edge Streams

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    Feature extraction is an essential task in graph analytics. These feature vectors, called graph descriptors, are used in downstream vector-space-based graph analysis models. This idea has proved fruitful in the past, with spectral-based graph descriptors providing state-of-the-art classification accuracy. However, known algorithms to compute meaningful descriptors do not scale to large graphs since: (1) they require storing the entire graph in memory, and (2) the end-user has no control over the algorithm's runtime. In this paper, we present streaming algorithms to approximately compute three different graph descriptors capturing the essential structure of graphs. Operating on edge streams allows us to avoid storing the entire graph in memory, and controlling the sample size enables us to keep the runtime of our algorithms within desired bounds. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed descriptors by analyzing the approximation error and classification accuracy. Our scalable algorithms compute descriptors of graphs with millions of edges within minutes. Moreover, these descriptors yield predictive accuracy comparable to the state-of-the-art methods but can be computed using only 25% as much memory.Comment: Extension of work accepted to PAKDD 202

    Efficient Data Analytics on Augmented Similarity Triplets

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    Many machine learning methods (classification, clustering, etc.) start with a known kernel that provides similarity or distance measure between two objects. Recent work has extended this to situations where the information about objects is limited to comparisons of distances between three objects (triplets). Humans find the comparison task much easier than the estimation of absolute similarities, so this kind of data can be easily obtained using crowd-sourcing. In this work, we give an efficient method of augmenting the triplets data, by utilizing additional implicit information inferred from the existing data. Triplets augmentation improves the quality of kernel-based and kernel-free data analytics tasks. Secondly, we also propose a novel set of algorithms for common supervised and unsupervised machine learning tasks based on triplets. These methods work directly with triplets, avoiding kernel evaluations. Experimental evaluation on real and synthetic datasets shows that our methods are more accurate than the current best-known techniques

    Short-Term Load Forecasting Using AMI Data

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    Accurate short-term load forecasting is essential for efficient operation of the power sector. Predicting load at a fine granularity such as individual households or buildings is challenging due to higher volatility and uncertainty in the load. In aggregate loads such as at grids level, the inherent stochasticity and fluctuations are averaged-out, the problem becomes substantially easier. We propose an approach for short-term load forecasting at individual consumers (households) level, called Forecasting using Matrix Factorization (FMF). FMF does not use any consumers' demographic or activity patterns information. Therefore, it can be applied to any locality with the readily available smart meters and weather data. We perform extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets and demonstrate that FMF significantly outperforms the computationally expensive state-of-the-art methods for this problem. We achieve up to 26.5% and 24.4 % improvement in RMSE over Regression Tree and Support Vector Machine, respectively and up to 36% and 73.2% improvement in MAPE over Random Forest and Long Short-Term Memory neural network, respectively