23 research outputs found

    Personalized Web Search Using Browsing History and Domain Knowledge Based on Enhanced User Profile

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    Generic search engines are important for retrieving relevant information from web. However these engines follow the "one size fits all" model which is not adaptable to individual users. Personalized web search is an important field for tuning the traditional IR system for focused information retrieval. This paper is an attempt to improve personalized web search. User's Profile provides an important input for performing personalized web search. This paper proposes a framework for constructing an Enhanced User Profile by using user's browsing history and enriching it using domain knowledge. This Enhanced User Profile can be used for improving the performance of personalized web search. In this paper we have used the Enhanced User Profile specifically for suggesting relevant pages to the user. The experimental results show that the suggestions provided to the user using Enhanced User Profile ae better than those obtained by using a User Profile

    Različitost interferona-α-A (IFN-α-A) u jaka (Bos grunniens) iz Pakistana

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    Among the various species of livestock, the domestic yak (Bos grunniens) belongs to the class Bovidae and is specially adapted for survival at high altitudes under extreme climatic conditions. Yak is a very useful species due to the multiple products it provides, such as meat, hide, milk and other dairy products. Like other livestock species, domestic yak is also in danger of infection by microbial infections. However, multiple immunity genes encode special protein products to fight infection. One of these immunity genes is interferon-α-A (IFN-α-A), which encodes proteins that belongs to cytokines and fights viral infections. The current study analysed the genetic variation and phylogenetic analysis of the IFN-α-A gene in domestic yak, with comparisons to other mammalian species to investigate immune diversity level, with the aim of designing molecular selection strategies for better disease resistant animals.Među različitim vrstama stoke, jedna je vrsta i jak (Bos grunniens). Ova životinja pripada obitelji Bovidae. Ova je vrsta prilagođena je preživljavanju na velikim visinama i u ekstremnim klimatskim uvjetima. Jak je vrlo korisna životinja zbog brojnih proizvoda koje od njega dobivamo, poput mesa, kože, mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda. Kao i druge vrste stoke i jak je u opasnosti od infekcije brojnim mikrobnim infekcijama. Međutim, mnogo je imunogena koji kodiraju posebne proteinske proizvode za borbu protiv infekcija. Jedan od tih imunogena je interferon-α-A (IFN-α-A) koji kodira proteine koji pripadaju citokinima i bori se protiv virusnih infekcija. Ova studija osmišljena je za analizu genetske varijacije i filogenetsku analizu IFN-α –A gena u jaka (Bos grunniens) te njegovu usporedbu s drugim vrstama sisavaca u svrhu istraživanja razine različitosti imunosti za osmišljenja strategija molekularnog odabira za veću otpornost životinja na bolesti

    Cloud computing services and its Effect on tertiary education : Using google classroom

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    This paper examines the effectiveness of the Google Classroom App in learning for higher education institutions in Oman. The massive advancement in technology has contributed to changes in learning and delivery of learning resources in the classroom. Thus, it has saved the resources and reduced the cost of learning associated with the traditional learning model. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the students' perception about the cloud computing services accessibility, ease of use and usefulness by measuring the implementation effectiveness of Google Classroom as a mode of teaching. This study used quantitative approach mode to determine the effectiveness and the effect of using Google Classroom e-learning model, 225 completed questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS tool. Its evident that using Google Classroom for the learning is more effective and gained highest level of satisfaction among the learners. As a general result of this work students can use Google classroom in very comfortable and easy way really on the ability of online, remote, and time unconstrained conditions. The students also like to learn through the lecturer with the support of google classroom

    New Solution of Substrate Concentration in the Biosensor Response by Discrete Homotopy Analysis Method

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    Copyright © 2013 Seyyed Ali Madani Tonekaboni et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons At-tribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is prop-erly cited. In this article, Discrete Homotopy Analysis Method (DHAM), as a new numerical method, is employed to investigate amperometric biosensor at mixed enzyme kinetics and diffusion limitation. Mathematical modeling of the problem is developed utilizing non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics of the enzymatic reaction. Different results are obtained for differ-ent values of the dimensionless parameters described in the paper. The presented solution is then compared with the available actual and simulated results