2 research outputs found

    Work in Progress – Establishing a Master Program in Cyber Physical Systems: Basic Findings and Future Perspectives

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper reports on the basic findings and future perspectives of a capacity building project funded by the European Union. The International Master of Science on Cyber Physical Systems (MS@CPS) is a collaborative project that aims to establish a master program in cyber physical systems (CPS). A consortium composed of nine partners proposed the project. Three partners are European and from Germany, UK and Sweden; while the other six partners are from the South Mediterranean region and include: Palestine, Jordan and Tunisia. The consortium is led by the University of Siegen in Germany who also manages the implementation of the work packages. CPS is an emerging engineering subject with significant economic and societal implications, which motivated the consortium to propose the establishment of a master program to offer educational and training opportunities at graduate level in the fields of CPS. In this paper, CPS as a field of study is introduced with an emphasis on its importance, especially with regard to meeting local needs. A brief description of the project is presented in conjunction with the methodology for developing the courses and their learning outcomes

    The Impact of Human and Computer Interaction on eLearning Quality

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    Over the last few years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, the stage of education has clearly shifted from face-to-face instruction to e-learning. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) paved the way for developing alternative and advanced methods for implementing the concept of e-learning by identifying what aids educational applications and platforms in visualizing content and thus providing students and their education with easy access in their homes during quarantine and providing them with easy access to educational materials throughout time. Students' impressions of the impact of the human-computer interaction process on the quality of e-learning at Tafila Technical University are discussed in this study. Within one year and four months of the COVID-19 quarantine, students got sufficient experience to apply e-learning. Students responded to a questionnaire that contained closed-ended questions. The responses were analyzed to ascertain the influence of the continual human-computer interaction process. The study's primary objective was to determine the beneficial effect of this contact on the quality of e-learning. Despite their academic and academic performance being greatly impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic, students' positive attitudes toward e-learning have been extremely enthusiastic