33 research outputs found
Translating some Qur'anic Connotative Meanings into English Language: A Socio-pragmatic Comparative Study
The current study has focused on the use of translating and connotative words and their basic and secondary meanings in the selected surah of the Holy Quran with special references to the three translations of the meanings of the Holy Quran. The study has explored to three translation namely Abdul-Haleem,Mohammed M. Pickhall and Muhammed M.Khan and Mohammed Hilali. The present study does not claim to encompass all aspects of change of the three translations. Rather, it has focused on the aspect of connotation of the selected pairs of meanings in their Quranic contexts and with different nuances in adjacent context as well. Indeed, the Holy Quran carries an abundance of connotation with minute differences and thus they create a lot of difficulties to the translators of the Holy Quran. By analyzing the corpus of examples of the various English translations of the meaning of the Holy Quran the researcher realized that some deviations and under translations are the results of insufficient references of the Holy Quran, lack of understanding of Arabic rhetoric and inability to decode the nuances of connotative words. If translators choose to under translate by ignoring the nuances of connotative words, they would fail to accommodate all the meanings of the original; this is because connotations, in the Holy Quran serve a purpose. In order to maintain the informative and aesthetic functions of connotative Qur'anic words and phrases, translators should try to produce render them in approximate adequate and accurate renditions. Keywords: connotative meaning, Socio-pragmatic, the Holy Quran, translatio
The current research paper aims to critically study translating Ayahs Aleudul العدول in the Quranic contexts from an interdisciplinary jurisprudential linguistic perspective. The findings of the study showed that Aleudul العدول in the Qur'anic context is a phenomenon that reoccurs in many ayahs. The researcher selected one of the many: the Quranic Arabic Aleudul العدول in Ayah 33 of Surat al-Ahzab to explain the phenomenon and discuss it in detail. The study also showed that the Quranic Arabic Aleudul العدول came in the Qur'anic context to reveal the importance of the meaning to be explained in the context to which it is assigned. The foremost of the problems encountered by translators of the Holy Quran was the dearth of most exegesis relating to this recurring phenomenon in the Holy Qur'an. This is because exegesis is founded on the segmentation of the ayahs rather than a single ayah to determine their denotations and memorize the rulings from them only once
A Critical Study of Rendering Mark Twain's the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn into Arabic
تتناول الدراسة الحالية ترجمة مختار محمد لتحفة مارك توين الأدبية مغامرات هالكبري فين إلى العربية وهي من روائع الأدب الأمريكي. تهدف الدراسة الحالية كذلك على أبراز بعض الصعوبات اللغوية والثقافية التي اعترضت المترجم المصري لتحفة مارك توين الأدبية مغامرات هالكبري فين إلى العربية ومن النتائج المهمة لهذه الدراسة أن الترجمة عملية دقيقة لا نستطيع ربطها بعلم آخر, لا سيما إذا كان هذا العلم لم تضبط أصوله بقدر في مجال علم الألفاظ مثلا وبناء المعجم. والصعوبات تأتي عن كون كل ترجمة عملية متعددة الجوانب وهي في أساسها عملية السنية تتلخص في مطابقة(application ) للغة ما في لغة أخرى.وبما أن كل لغة تشكل من الأنظمة فان أنظمة اللغة المصدر تختلف عن أنظمة اللغة الهدف . توصلت الدراسة الى إن لا يمكن لآي ترجمة أن تكون خالية من الإشكاليات والسلبيات وتبقى ترجمة هذا الكتاب نتاج أدبي ما كترجمة روايات مغامرات هالكبري فن في مصاف الفن وكما في الحال بالنسبة لكل فن , فهي ليست ثابتة بلا تغير. تقع هذه الدراسة في خمس فصول, الفصل الأول(المقدمة) . أما الفصل الثاني فقد تناول موضوع أدبية النص المترجم.الفصل الثالث تناول ملاحظات عامة حول ترجمة روايات مغامرات هالكبري فين. الفصل الرابع كرس لنقد للفصل الأول لترجمة الرواية. وتناول الفصل الخامس نقد للفصل الثاني من الرواية. الكلمات المفتاح: Adventures, Huckleberry و Critical Study, Renderin
Teachers in the Twenty-first Century and Challenges of Technological Innovation in Teaching and Learning
In the present-day world, technological innovation is increasing the use of online tools and software. These tools have accelerated among academic institutions and teachers for impacting the student's skills and professional development. This study aims to explore differences between male and female teachers concerning their competencies and abilities for using computers and the internet for career development. The study also aimed to find out the competencies of male and female teachers for probing their influence on preparing students for technology integration in education. 768 teachers were chosen randomly from the public schools in the Asir region, KSA. The gathered data was quantitatively assessed by using SPSS, and which results were presented in descriptive and inferential forms. T-test results confirmed that male teachers' skills in using computers for professional development are minimal because the overall mean was 23.1471. The results reveal that the computer competency level among all teachers was higher for males as compared to females. It also indicates the need for a training program for future female teachers at training colleges as gender differences is indicated in terms of instructions, school technical support, and their future development. However, the findings of the study are specific to one region (Asir), which may not be generalized to other areas of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Pragmatic Explicitation Strategy in Rendering of Tayeb Salih's Season of Migration to the North into English: A Socio-cultural Study
The current paper aims to study critically how the translator(Denys Johnson-Davies) has employed explicitation strategy in rendering the novel of Tayeb Salih's'' Season of Migration to the North into English''. The objective of the study is to examine the usage of explicitation strategy by the intended translator in rendering the novel from Arabic into English. The novel has many complicated symbols and many literary and thematic techniques such as the reference to the Nile, the sand, the palm tree which may pose some lexical and cultural challenges for the translator to reproduce the text into the target language. The data to be analyzed here is a set of selected expressions chosen randomly from various pages of the intended novel. The selected data were then classified on the basis of reasons for which explicitation strategy was used and the effectiveness of explicitation strategy in rendering some cultural expressions into English . The result of the study reveals that the translator (Denys Johnson-Davies)has resorted to some types of explicitation strategy categorized by Klaudy. They are : the obligatory, optional and pragmatic explicitation such as (addition ,substitution , recasts and narrowing ( specification). Keywords: Explicitation Strategy, symbols, challenges, pragmatic, addition, substitution DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/57-05 Publication date:June 30th 201
Ideo-Cultural and Lexical Challenges Encountered in Translating Qur'anic Metaphoric Expression into English: With Reference to Three Translations of the Meaning of the Holy Quran
The current study aims to investigate the possible inconsistencies and incongruities that exist in the translation of metaphoric expressions of Qur'anic verses in the English. The analysis has been conducted through the comparison of prominent English translators of Quran such as Mohammed A.S Abdel Haleem, Mohammed. M Pickthall and Mohammed Khan and Mohammed Taj Al-Din Al-Hilal. Also, the study aims to explore how the three translators deal with the metaphoric expressions in their renditions of the Holy Quran. This endeavor is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of English translations of the Quran, particularly in the context of English readers for non-Arabic Muslims in particular, where euphemisms are concerned. The primary purpose of the present study is to examine the extent to which the three translators are accurate in translating the Qur'anic metaphors into English based upon the contexts and the interpretive meaning. It is hypothesized in this paper that Qu'ranic metaphors are rhetorical, aesthetic devices, but have unfortunately remained unattended by the majority of Holy Quran translators. The study has revealed that metaphors are used profusely throughout the Holy Quran, although translating these metaphors accurately is a difficult process owing to cultural and linguistic barriers that exist between Arabic and English cultures. It is expected that the study will cast light on two important ideas. The first is that the translators are fully aware of the existence of metaphoric expressions in the Qur’an. Secondly, it is essential that translators of the Holy Qur’an must translate these metaphors accurately to preserve the original meaning of the Qur’anic text. Keywords: Qur'anic metaphors, linguitic, the metaphoric expressions, analysis, comparison, translating, and problems DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/53-0
A Pragmalinguistic - Assessment of Three Translations of the Meaning of the Qur'anic Reprehensible Moral Traits into English
The current study reports the results of a research that aimed markedly at probing the loss in rendering the meaning of the Qur'anic reprehensible moral traits into English, and how these a pragmalinguistic losses can be decreased minimally The study also aimed at identifying the causes of the intended pragmalinguistic losses. Three ayahs were purposefully selected to address the questions of the study . The results revealed that the pragmalinguistic loss in rendering the meaning of Qur'anic reprehensible moral traits into English occurred attribute to spectra of factors such as lack of equivalence and the translation strategies adopted by the three translators who respectively are'' Abdullah Yusuf Ali (The Meanings of the Glorious Quran), Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali.( Towards Understanding the Ever Glorious Quran) ,Mohammed Asad( The Message of the Quran). Last not the least the study suggests solutions for the identified problems. Keywords: reprehensible moral traits,, translation strategies translation loss, the Holy Quran,. DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/65-02 Publication date: February 29th 202
Exploring Some Morpho-Syntactic, Lexical and Semotactic Errors in three Western and Eastern Translations of the Meanings of Surat Al-Baqara into the English Language: A Comparative Study
The current study aims at exploring some morphosyntactic, lexical and semotactic errors in three Western and Eastern Translations of the meanings of Surat Al-Baqara into English; that is in translations of George Sale, and Arthur John Arberry and Khan and Mohammed Taj Al-Din Al-Hilai. Also, the study aims at investigating how the three translators deal with the morphosyntactic, lexical and semotactic difficulties in their translating of. the meanings of Surat Al-Baqara into English. Four Ayahs of Surat AlBaqara were purposefully selected to address the research questions and categorized into lexical errors, morphological errors, syntactic Errors and semantic errors. The study shows that there are some syntactic, morphological, lexical and semantic errors in the translation of the meaning of Surat Al-Baqara into English rendered by George Sale, and Arthur John Arberry. Moreover, the syntactic, morphological, lexical and semantic errors occurred due to many factors such as lack of equivalence and the translation strategies employed. The study also suggests some solutions for the identified morphosyntactic, lexical and semotactic difficulties and gives correct translations for the incorrect translation of the purposive Ayahs. The study also recommendsthat translators must employ footnotes (see example 1 andother translation strategies to avoid a probable loss of the intended meaning
Translating Ayahs Aleudul in the Quranic Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Jurisprudential Linguistic Study
The current research paper aims to critically study translating Ayahs Aleudul العدول in the Quranic contexts from an interdisciplinary jurisprudential linguistic perspective. The findings of the study showed that Aleudul العدول in the Qur’anic context is a phenomenon that reoccurs in many ayahs. The researcher selected one of the many: the Quranic Arabic Aleudul العدول in Ayah 33 of Surat al-Ahzab to explain the phenomenon and discuss it in detail. The study also showed that the Quranic Arabic Aleudul العدول came in the Qur’anic context to reveal the importance of the meaning to be explained in the context to which it is assigned. The foremost of the problems encountered by translators of the Holy Quran was the dearth of most exegesis relating to this recurring phenomenon in the Holy Qur’an. This is because exegesis is founded on the segmentation of the ayahs rather than a single ayah to determine their denotations and memorize the rulings from them only once