2,041 research outputs found

    Salvadorian-Accented English Vowels Produced by Teachers of English as a Foreign Language

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    English has spread in the world and it has become the international language of business and without a doubt, the most important language spoken and taught as a foreign language in Latin America. El Salvador is a country in Central America and this study presents information about the production of vowels by foreign speakers of English in this country. This is a replication of the studies conducted by Peterson and Barney (1952) and Hillenbrand, Getty, Wheeler, and Clark (1994). The participants of the study include English as a Foreign Language teachers in El Salvador. The information of Salvadorian-accented vowels includes information about six correlates including the formats F0, F1, F2, F3, duration, and intensity. The focus of the study is to assess intelligibility levels within Salvadorian-accented vowels and in comparison, with General American English which is conducted by analyzing data for the format one. Data and analysis is also conducted for the rest of the correlates because they also contribute to get an accurate representation of Salvadorian-accented vowels that can help determine how each of the vowel sounds is produced in Salvadorian Speech. The study also provides with conclusions, pedagogical implications, and potential future research in the field of Phonetics

    Sensing the wind profile

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    L’émergence d’un nouveau mode de pensĂ©e

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    L’Ɠuvre d’Edgar Morin n’est pas exclusivement la dĂ©marche d’un chercheur isolĂ©. Elle fut, pendant une vingtaine d’annĂ©es, acte de transmission de connaissance et d’échange de points de vue au sein de ses sĂ©minaires. Ici, il s’agissait alors d’essayer de faire apparaĂźtre la dimension d’une Ă©pistĂ©mologie de la complexitĂ©. Quel fut, dans le contexte des « sĂ©minaires de Morin », le processus d’interaction, d’osmoses, l’intensitĂ© du dialogue entre le penseur et les personnes qui frĂ©quentaient les diffĂ©rentes sĂ©ances ainsi organisĂ©es ? Enfin, nous verrons dans ce texte que « l’épistĂ©mologie de la complexitĂ© n’a pas pour mission de retrouver la certitude perdue et le principe Un de la vĂ©ritĂ© » (Morin, 1984)

    The fence experiment – full-scale lidar-based shelter observations

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    Abstract. We present shelter measurements of a fence from a field experiment in Denmark. The measurements were performed with three lidars scanning on a vertical plane downwind of the fence. Inflow conditions are based on sonic anemometer observations of a nearby mast. For fence-undisturbed conditions, the lidars' measurements agree well with those from the sonic anemometers and, at the mast position, the average inflow conditions are well described by the logarithmic profile. Seven cases are defined based on the relative wind direction to the fence, the fence porosity, and the inflow conditions. The larger the relative direction, the lower the effect of the shelter. For the case with the largest relative directions, no sheltering effect is observed in the far wake (distances âȘ†â€‰6 fence heights downwind of the fence). When comparing a near-neutral to a stable case, a stronger shelter effect is noticed. The shelter is highest below  ≈ 1.46 fence heights and can sometimes be observed at all downwind positions (up to 11 fence heights downwind). Below the fence height, the porous fence has a lower impact on the flow close to the fence compared to the solid fence. Velocity profiles in the far wake converge onto each other using the self-preserving forms from two-dimensional wake analysis. </jats:p
