1,168 research outputs found

    Regulators and Innovators Play Tag: The Italian Historical Experience

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    Between the 1880s and the 1930s, three "regulatory cycles" can be identified in Italy. In the underlying model, each financial crisis gives rise to a regulatory change, which is circumvented in due time by financial innovation, that can then contribute to the outbreak of a new financial crisis. In Italy, overtrading of the banks of issue in the 1880s contributed to the 1888-1894 financial crisis, which yielded regulation concerning only these banks and restricting their activity. The German-type universal banks, created at the turn of the century and unconstrained in their undertakings, were at the core of the 1907 and the 1921-1923 crises. These led to a banking law in 1926 which, however, was born obsolete, in that it was not aimed at regulating universal banking as it had developed until then, but it contained general provisions regarding the whole range of deposit-taking institutions. Finally, the evolutionary adaptation of the universal banks into holding companies, not taken into account by the preceding law, contributed to the 1931-1934 banking crisis, followed by the 1936 bank legislation.

    Melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells are resistant to cell injury, but not always

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    Melanopsin retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs) are intrinsically photosensitive RGCs deputed to non-image forming functions of the eye such as synchronization of circadian rhythms to light-dark cycle. These cells are characterized by unique electrophysiological, anatomical and biochemical properties and are usually more resistant than conventional RGCs to different insults, such as axotomy and different paradigms of stress. We also demonstrated that these cells are relatively spared compared to conventional RGCs in mitochondrial optic neuropathies (Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy and Dominant Optic Atrophy). However, these cells are affected in other neurodegenerative conditions, such as glaucoma and Alzheimer's disease. We here review the current evidences that may underlie this dichotomy. We also present our unpublished data on cell experiments demonstrating that melanopsin itself does not explain the robustness of these cells and some preliminary data on immunohistochemical assessment of mitochondria in mRGCs

    Hierarchical Low Si/Al Ratio Ferrierite Zeolite by Sequential Postsynthesis Treatment: Catalytic Assessment in Dehydration Reaction of Methanol

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    In contrast to high silica zeolites, it is difficult to obtain mesoporosity in zeolites with low Si/Al ratio (e.g., <20) via conventional NaOH-based treatment, making the obtainment of hierarchical zeolites with high acidity a challenging target. In this paper, we report the preparation of hierarchical FER-type zeolite at low Si/Al molar ratio (about 10) by postsynthesis etching involving a sequence of three treatments with NaAlO2, HCl, and NaOH solutions and investigate the effect of both NaAlO2 solution concentration and time of treatment on the textural properties. The obtained materials exhibit a mesoporous volume higher than the parent ferrierite with no significant effect on the sample acidity. The catalytic activity of some samples was investigated in vapour-phase methanol dehydration to dimethyl ether, revealing the superiority of hierarchical zeolites in terms of methanol conversion, although the presence of mesopores causes formation of light hydrocarbons at high temperatures

    Variantes genéticas del Factor V y Protombina presentes en pacientes salvadoreños con trmbosis venosa profunda y su relevancia clínica

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    La Trombosis Venosa Profunda es de etiología multifactorial y no todos los pacientes presentan la misma susceptibilidad para presentar esta condición. Existen mutaciones genéticas que predisponen a un estado de hipercoagulabilidad, siendo las más comúnmente descritas Factor V Leiden y Protrombina G20210A. Determinar si están presentes dichas mutaciones en pacientes salvadoreños con diagnóstico de TVP y analizar las implicaciones clínicas de los hallazgos. Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se obtuvo una muestra de 38 pacientes, de quienes se obtuvo una muestra de sangre venosa para extracción de ADN y posterior hibridación reversa en tiras reactivas. Se analizaron los datos en Microsoft Excel y arreglos posteriores en GraphPad Prism 6.0. De los 38 pacientes a los que se le realizó el test genético, el 100% presentó la variante wild type para ambos genes. No se encontraron las variantes mutadas en heterocigosidad ni homocigosidad. La gran diversidad genotípica de las poblaciones latinoamericanas vuelve necesarios los estudios que determinen el grado de penetrancia de alelos específicos considerados factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedades. Este estudio ha contribuido a demostrar que en el país existen las condiciones necesarias para realizar pruebas para detectar alteraciones genéticas asociadas con diversas patologías y que deben realizarse inicialmente estudios para evaluar la conveniencia de introducir en una población cierto test genético con fines diagnósticos.Tesis presentada para optar al título de Doctorado en Medicin

    MFI vs. FER zeolite during methanol dehydration to dimethyl ether: The crystal size plays a key role

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    Abstract FER-type zeolite was recently recognized as good catalyst for DME synthesis via methanol dehydration or one-pot CO2 hydrogenation, in terms of DME selectivity, stability and coke formation. In this research, we investigated the role of crystal size of both FER- and MFI-type zeolites on catalysis of methanol dehydration to DME reaction. The results show that FER-type zeolites, both micro- and nano-sized, exhibit better performances than micro-sized MFI-type zeolite. On the contrary, the application of nano-sized MFI allows to obtain a DME selectivity similar to FER, but with higher DME production rate and a lower coke deposition

    Obstruction of canine lower airways by foreign bodies: diagnosis and endoscopic treatment

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    Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre cuadros clínicos obstructivos de vías aéreas inferiores por cuerpos extraños en caninos. Se presenta un informe de una serie de casos con resolución endoscópica. Se comparan las distintas presentaciones clínicas descriptas en la bibliografía internacional entre ellas y también con nuestra casuística, concluyendo en que existen dos tipos de presentaciones clínicas, una aguda y otra crónica y que responden a distintos tratamientos.After an exhaustive review of the international literature on the clinical presentation of canine lower-airway obstructions by foreign bodies, we present here a report on a series of cases involving a resolution by endoscopy. After comparison of the various clinical presentations described in the literature with our own series of case studies, we conclude that there exist two types of presentations, one acute and the other chronic, and that the two types respond to different treatment modalities.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    A modified Rives–Stoppa technique with composite mesh (FLaPp) in large incisional hernia: a multicentric retrospective cohort study

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    Background Large incisional hernias (LIH) are challenging conditions, often necessitating complex surgical procedures such as transversus abdominis muscle release (TAR). We evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of tension-free abdominal wall repair of LIH with an innovative modified Rives–Stoppa procedure employing a composite free lateral polypropylene (FLaPp) prosthesis. Methods Symptomatic patients affected by LIH and treated with FLaPp composite prosthesis between April 2010 and December 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. The FLaPp prosthesis is made up of two layers: an internal layer based on a polypropylene film that can be used in contact with the intestinal loops to address the posterior peritoneal defect, and an external layer based on a macroporous lightweight mesh, with which a classic repair according to Rives–Stoppa is carried out. Results Forty-three patients were enrolled in the study. All hernias were W3. Early complications were seroma (16.3%), hematoma (11.6%), wound infection (7.0%), and bowel injury (2.3%). Late complications were sinus tract (4.7%), occasional pain (2.3%), and stiff abdomen (9.3%). The median operative time was 126 min and median hospitalization was 8 days. At the median follow-up of 40 months (range 37.5–117), the recurrence rate was 9.3% (4/43). Conclusion Use of FLaPp mesh with a tension-free surgical approach is an effective strategy for managing LIH in selected cases with the presence of a posterior defect, with low rates of complications and recurrences

    Prognostic role of TPL2 in early‑stage non‑small cell lung cancer

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    Non‑small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for ~70% of all lung cancer‑associated mortalities worldwide. The serine/threonine protein kinase tumor progression locus 2 [TPL2/MAP3 kinase 8 (MAP3K8)] may impact oncogenic events; however the role of TPL2 in lung carcinogenesis remains unclear. The present study was focused on the potential prognostic role of TPL2 in 101 patients with early‑stage NSCLC. Since TPL2 is a potential target of miR‑21, the association between TPL2 and miR‑21 expression was also examined. TPL2 and miR‑21 mRNA expression was quantified using reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT‑qPCR). TPL2 protein levels were evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC). The present study identified that the mRNA expression of TPL2 was low in 52/101 (51%) cases and high in 49/101 (49%) cases. IHC analysis of TPL2 protein expression often demonstrated identical mRNA results. No statistically significant associations were observed between the mRNA expression of TPL2 and the predominant clinicopathological characteristics of the patients with NSCLC, as well as identifying no association between TPL2 and miR‑21. TPL2 mRNA expression was significantly higher in patients with NSCLC with good prognosis (disease‑free interval P=0.009; overall survival P=0.024), when compared with those of poor prognosis. Focusing on the difference in mRNA expression of TPL2 among the adenocarcinomas in affected patients, TPL2 was more highly expressed in lepidic adenocarcinomas compared with in the other subtypes (P=0.012). The present study is the first examination, to the best of our knowledge, of TPL2 in early‑stage NSCLC in relation to miR‑21, and in different adenocarcinoma subtypes. Future studies must clarify the mechanism by which TPL2 is involved in lung carcinogenesis due to its important translational implications
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