326 research outputs found

    Influencia del curado con CO₂ en mampostería fabricada con sistemas cementantes ternarios.

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    En esta investigación se produjeron bloques de concreto con materiales cementantes alternativos, considerando subproductos industriales. Se diseñaron mezclas de concreto para que los bloques cumplieran las normas mexicanas. Los bloques fueron sometidos a un curado a vapor de agua y en una atmósfera de alta concentración de CO2. En el caso del curado a vapor, se utilizó una temperatura de 60°C y HR > 90%. En el proceso de curado con CO2, los especímenes se mantuvieron entre 27°-30°C, HR 60- 70% y una concentración del 20% de CO2. Se estudiaron mezclas binarias y ternarias basadas en cemento portland ordinario (CP), ceniza volante (CV) y cal (C). Se analizó la caracterización de los materiales, las proporciones de mezcla y los ensayes de resistencia a la compresión y absorción de los bloques de concreto. El uso de métodos termogravimétricos mostró el efecto del vapor de agua y la carbonatación en pastas representativas de los bloques de concreto, determinando la concentración de la portlandita y los carbonatos, así como la concentración del CO2 fijado en el bloque. Los resultados mostraron que es posible tener un ahorro en el consumo de cemento del 30%, resistencias a la compresión superiores a la referencia hasta en un 7%, en promedio, absorciones menores que el 8% y una fijación de CO2 en un 7%

    Home-based transcranial direct current stimulation in mild neurocognitive disorder due to possible Alzheimer's disease. A randomised, single-blind, controlled-placebo study

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    Introduction: Mild neurocognitive disorder (mNCD), a pre-dementia stage close to Mild Cognitive Impairment, shows a progressive and constant decline in the memory domain. Of the non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions that may help to decelerate the neurodegenerative progress, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) shows beneficial effects on the learning curve, immediate recall, immediate verbal memory and executive functions. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of tDCS on general cognition, immediate and delayed memory and executive functions by comparing an active group with a placebo group of mNCD patients. Methods: Participants were 33 mNCD due to possible AD, randomly assigned to two groups: 17 active tDCS and 16 placebo tDCS. Ten sessions of tDCS were conducted over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Several neuropsychological scales were administered to assess the primary outcome measures of general cognitive function, immediate and delayed memory and learning ability, whereas the secondary outcome measures included executive function tests. All participants were evaluated at baseline and at the end of the intervention. Mixed ANOVAs were performed. Results: Significant effects were obtained on general cognitive function, immediate and delayed memory and learning ability, with increases in scores in the active tDCS group. However, there were no significant effects on executive function performance. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated the effectiveness of tDCS in an active tDCS group, compared to a placebo group, in improving general cognition and immediate and delayed memory, as previous studies found. Taken together, our data suggest that tDCS is a simple, painless, reproducible and easy technique that is useful for treating cognitive alterations found in neurodegenerative diseases

    Carbapenem resistance in critically important human pathogens isolated from companion animals: a systematic literature review

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    This study aimed to describe the presence and geographical distribution of Gram-negative bacteria considered critical on the priority list of antibiotic-resistant pathogens published by the World Health Organization, including carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp., and carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A systematic review of original studies published in 5 databases between 2010 and 2021 was conducted, including genotypically confirmed carbapenem-resistant isolates obtained from canines, felines, and their settings. Fifty-one articles met the search criteria. Carbapenem-resistant isolates were found in domestic canines and felines, pet food, and on veterinary-medical and household surfaces. The review found that the so-called “big five”—that is, the 5 major carbapenemases identified worldwide in Enterobacterales (New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase, active-on-imipenem, Verona integron-encoded metallo-β-lactamase, Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase, and oxacillin [OXA]-48-like)—and the 3 most important carbapenemases from Acinetobacter spp. (OXA-23-like, OXA-40-like, and OXA-58-like) had been detected in 8 species in the Enterobacteriaceae family and 5 species of glucose non-fermenting bacilli on 5 continents. Two publications used molecular analysis to confirm carbapenem-resistant bacteria transmission between owners and dogs. Isolating critically important human carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria from domestic canines and felines highlights the importance of including these animal species in surveillance programs and antimicrobial resistance containment plans as part of the One Health approach

    Intra-abdominal desmoid tumors in familial adenomatous polyposis: How much do clinical and surgical variables interfere with their development?

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    Objective: Familial Adenomatous Polyposis is a complex hereditary disease that exposes the carrier to a great risk of Colorectal Cancer (CRC). After prophylactic surgery, intra-abdominal desmoid tumors are known to be one the most important cause of death. Therefore, recognition of increased-risk patients and modification of operative strategy may be crucial. Aim: The objective of this study was to estimate the desmoid tumor risk in relation to various surgical and clinical variables. Methods: Patients who had undergone polyposis since 1958 were included in the study. After exclusion criteria were met, those who had developed desmoid tumors were selected to undergo further evaluation. Results: The study revealed that the risk of developing desmoid tumors was associated with various factors such as sex ratio, colectomy, and reoperations. On the other hand, the type of surgery, family history, and surgical approach did not affect the risk of developing desmoid tumors. The data collected from 146 polyposis patients revealed that 16% had desmoid polyps. The sex ratio was 7:1, and the median age at colectomy was 28.6 years. Family history, multiple abdominal operations, and reoperations were some of the characteristics that were common in desmoid patients. Conclusion: Recognition of clinical (female sex) and surgical (timing of surgery and previous reoperations) data as unfavorable variables associated with greater risk may be useful during the decision-making process

    La carga física de los trabajadores: estrategia administrativa en la mejora de procesos

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    La administración surge cuando existe la necesidad de manejar recursos. Los administradores deben planificar, organizar, dirigir y controlar todos los elementos de los procesos, considerando los medios de trabajo, los objetos de trabajo y las personas. Este último es el eslabón fundamental del proceso productivo o de servicio. Se debe considerar además el entorno y su relación con el medio ambiente, permitiendo ser a las empresas responsables con los tres pilares fundamentales: la sociedad, el medio ambiente, y la economía. La Ergonomía, como ciencia aplicada, permite garantizar las condiciones de seguridad, salud y bienestar a sus trabajadores, logrando ser más productivos, eficientes, eficaces y competitivos. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer las implicaciones de la carga física en los trabajadores, utilizando una herramienta de diagnóstico que permitió, como resultado fundamental, el establecimiento de programas de mejoras ajustados a cada una de las realidades de los puestos de trabajo. Palabras clave: Ergonomía, Administración, Carga física, Factores de riesgo, Programa de mejora

    Ordenamiento de leyes que el rey D. Alfonso XI hizo en las Cortes de Alcalá de Henares en la era de MCCCLXXXVI (año 1348)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201