20 research outputs found

    Navigation Patterns and Scent Marking: Underappreciated Contributors to Hippocampal and Entorhinal Spatial Representations?

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    According to the currently prevailing theory, hippocampal formation constructs and maintains cognitive spatial maps. Most of the experimental evidence for this theory comes from the studies on navigation in laboratory rats and mice, typically male animals. While these animals exhibit a rich repertoire of behaviors associated with navigation, including locomotion, head movements, whisking, sniffing, raring and scent marking, the contribution of these behavioral patterns to the hippocampal spatially-selective activity has not been sufficiently studied. Instead, many publications have considered animal position in space as the major variable that affects the firing of hippocampal place cells and entorhinal grid cells. Here we argue that future work should focus on a more detailed examination of different behaviors exhibited during navigation to better understand the mechanism of spatial tuning in hippocampal neurons. As an inquiry in this direction, we have analyzed data from two datasets, shared online, containing recordings from rats navigating in square and round arenas. Our analyses revealed patchy navigation patterns, evident from the spatial maps of animal position, velocity and acceleration. Moreover, grid cells available in the datasets exhibited similar periodicity as the navigation parameters. These findings indicate that activity of grid cells could affect navigation parameters and/or vice versa. Additionally, we speculate that scent marks left by navigating animals could contribute to neuronal responses while rats and mice sniff their environment; the act of sniffing could modulate neuronal discharges even in virtual visual environments. Accordingly, we propose that future experiments should contain additional controls for navigation patterns, whisking, sniffing and maps composed of scent marks

    Theta rhythm-like bidirectional cycling dynamics of living neuronal networks in vitro.

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    The phenomena of synchronization, rhythmogenesis and coherence observed in brain networks are believed to be a dynamic substrate for cognitive functions such as learning and memory. However, researchers are still debating whether the rhythmic activity emerges from the network morphology that developed during neurogenesis or as a result of neuronal dynamics achieved under certain conditions. In the present study, we observed self-organized spiking activity that converged to long, complex and rhythmically repeated superbursts in neural networks formed by mature hippocampal cultures with a high cellular density. The superburst lasted for tens of seconds and consisted of hundreds of short (50-100 ms) small bursts with a high spiking rate of 139.0 ± 78.6 Hz that is associated with high-frequency oscillations in the hippocampus. In turn, the bursting frequency represents a theta rhythm (11.2 ± 1.5 Hz). The distribution of spikes within the bursts was non-random, representing a set of well-defined spatio-temporal base patterns or motifs. The long superburst was classified into two types. Each type was associated with a unique direction of spike propagation and, hence, was encoded by a binary sequence with random switching between the two "functional" states. The precisely structured bidirectional rhythmic activity that developed in self-organizing cultured networks was quite similar to the activity observed in the in vivo experiments

    A Neuromuscular Interface for Robotic Devices Control

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    A neuromuscular interface (NI) that can be employed to operate external robotic devices (RD), including commercial ones, was proposed. Multichannel electromyographic (EMG) signal is used in the control loop. Control signal can also be supplemented with electroencephalography (EEG), limb kinematics, or other modalities. The multiple electrode approach takes advantage of the massive resources of the human brain for solving nontrivial tasks, such as movement coordination. Multilayer artificial neural network was used for feature classification and further to provide command and/or proportional control of three robotic devices. The possibility of using biofeedback can compensate for control errors and implement a fundamentally important feature that has previously limited the development of intelligent exoskeletons, prostheses, and other medical devices. The control system can be integrated with wearable electronics. Examples of technical devices under control of the neuromuscular interface (NI) are presented

    The Profile of Network Spontaneous Activity and Functional Organization Interplay in Hierarchically Connected Modular Neural Networks In Vitro

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    Modern microtechnology methods are widely used to create neural networks on a chip with a connection architecture demonstrating properties of modularity and hierarchy similar to brain networks. Such in vitro networks serve as a valuable model for studying the interplay of functional architecture within modules, their activity, and the effectiveness of inter-module interaction. In this study, we use a two-chamber microfluidic platform to investigate functional connectivity and global activity in hierarchically connected modular neural networks. We found that the strength of functional connections within the module and the profile of network spontaneous activity determine the effectiveness of inter-modular interaction and integration activity in the network. The direction of intermodular activity propagation configures the different densities of inhibitory synapses in the network. The developed microfluidic platform holds the potential to explore function-structure relationships and efficient information processing in two- or multilayer neural networks, in both healthy and pathological states

    Designing a bidirectional, adaptive neural interface incorporating machine learning capabilities and memristor-enhanced hardware

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    Building bidirectional biointerfaces is one of the key challenges of modern engineering and medicine, with dramatic potential impact on bioprosthetics. Two of the major challenges of biointerface design concern signal stability and power efficiency. The former entails: a) ensuring that biosignal inputs corresponding to the same ground truth (e.g. patient “intentions”) are recorded and interpreted consistently and b) maintaining the mapping from biointerface stimulation outputs to behavioral outputs (e.g. muscle movements). In this work we demonstrate how machine learning techniques, state-of-art nanoelectronics and microfluidics can combine forces to build and test low-power, adaptable biointerfaces that address both key challenges. Specifically, we demonstrate that: 1) we can emulate the input/output transfer characteristics of a structure biological neural network (BNN) with an artificial one (ANN), 2) it is possible to translate the resulting, “ideally trained” ANN into a hardware network using RRAM devices as synapses without significant loss of accuracy, despite concerns in the community about RRAM device reliability and 3) using a very simple mechanism of shifting the active stimulation electrode can fully restore functionality after the initial stimulation site degrades, prolonging the usable lifetime of the biointerface significantly. In this manner we place a key stepping stone towards building self-adjusting, low-power biointerfaces, themselves a foundational stepping stone towards adaptable, low-power bioprostheses