5 research outputs found

    The abscess of the mandibulo-lingual trench. therapeutic and surgical aspects

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    Catedra Chirurgie Oro-Maxilo-Facială “Arsenie Guțan”, USMF “ Nicolae Testemițanu”The abscess of the mandibulo-lingual trench is an often inflammatory pathology of the oro-maxillo-facial region. The odontogenic factor is the most commonly incriminated, where the 3rd molar diseases prevail. In this study were 207 patients. It was demonstrated the priority of the surgical method with endooral approach- being minimally invasive. The spreading inflammatory process in the border-lodges led us to carry out the tegument approach, which, although unsightly provide superior drainage of the first method. Both methods have therapeutic value, each can be applied depending on the clinical situation. Abcesul șanțului mandibulo-lingual este o patologie inflamatorie frecventă a regiunii oro-maxilo-faciale (OMF). Sursa de infecţie cea mai des implicată este odontogenă, prevalând afecțiunile molarului 3. În studiu au fost 207 pacienţi. A fost demonstrată prioritatea metodei chirurgicale de tratament prin acces endooral fiind una miniinvazivă. Răspîndirea complicațiilor inflamatorii în lojele învecinate ne-au determinat să utilizăm şi abordul exooral, care, cu toate că lasă cicatrici inestetice, asigură drenaj superior primei metode. Astfel, ambele metode au valoare terapeutică, fiecare dintre ele pot fi aplicate în dependență de situația clinică

    The suppurations of the oromaxillofacial area. the evolution of microbial sensitivity to antibiotics

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    Catedra Chirurgie Oro-maxilo-facială și implantologie orală „Arsenie Guțan”, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”The augmented rate of resistance to antibiotics and the importance of empirical antibiotic therapy represent the premises for this study. 853 antibiograms, 30 microbial strains, 37 kinds of antibiotics were analyzed , with samples taken from various infections in the maxillofacial area. Analyzing the data we noted the increased resistance over the five years period of the Staphylococcus aureus to cephalexin and of the streptococcus pyogenes to benzylpenicillin. The alterating modifications of microbes result in antibiotic resistance. Therefore, these type of studies are necessary to be periodically examined in order to correctly direct the specialists when chosing the early antimicrobial treatment. Rata crescîndă a rezistenței la antibiotice precum și importanța antibioterapiei empirice constituie premisele efectuării studiului. Au fost analizate 853 antibiograme, 30 tulpini microbiene, 37 tipuri antibiotice, probele fiind prelevate de la nivelul diferitor infecții ale teritoriului oro-maxilo-facial. Analizînd aceste date am observat creșterea rezistenței pe parcursul a cinci ani a staphylococcului aureus la cefalexin și a streptococcului pyogenes la benzilpenicilină. Modificările microbiene de adaptare au ca consecinţă rezistenţa la antibiotice. Astfel asemenea studii sunt necesare de efectuat periodic pentru orientarea specialiştilor la alegerea tratamentului antimicrobian precoce

    Calluna vulgaris as a Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds: Exploring Its Phytochemical Profile, Biological Activities and Apitherapeutic Potential

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    Calluna vulgaris, belonging to the Ericaceae family, is an invasive plant that has widely spread from Europe all across Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand. Being able to survive in rigid soil and environmental conditions, it is nowadays considered to be of high nature-conservation value. Known for its nutritional and medicinal properties, C. vulgaris stands out for its varied physiochemical composition, spotlighting a wide range of biological activity. Among the most important bioactive compounds identified in C. vulgaris, the phenolic components found in different parts of this herbaceous plant are the main source of its diverse pro-health properties (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, chemoprotective, etc.). Nonetheless, this plant exhibits an excellent nectariferous potential for social insects such as honeybees; therefore, comparing the bioactive compounds observed in the plant and in the final product of the beehive, namely honey, will help us understand and find new insights into the health benefits provided by the consumption of C. vulgaris-related products. Thus, the main interest of this work is to review the nutritional profile, chemical composition and biological activities of the C. vulgaris plant and its related honey in order to encourage the future exploration and use of this health-promoting plant in novel foods, pharmacological products and apitherapy

    Determination of VEGFR-2 (KDR) 604A>G Polymorphism in Pancreatic Disorders

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    Pancreatic disorders have a high prevalence worldwide. Despite the fact that screening methods became more effective and the knowledge we have nowadays about pancreatic diseases has enhanced, their incidence remains high. Our purpose was to determine whether single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of VEGFR-2/KDR (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2/kinase insert domain receptor) influences susceptibility to develop pancreatic pathology. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples collected from patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis (n = 110), chronic pancreatitis (n = 25), pancreatic cancer (n = 82) and healthy controls (n = 232). VEGFR-2 (KDR) 604A>G (rs2071559) polymorphism frequency was determined with TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. Statistical assessment was performed by associating genetic polymorphism with clinical and pathological data. In both pancreatic disorders and healthy control groups the polymorphism we studied was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Association between increased risk for pancreatic disorders and studied polymorphism was statistically significant. KDR 604AG and AG + GG genotypes were more prevalent in acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer patients than in controls. These genotypes influence disease development in a low rate. No association was found between chronic pancreatitis and KDR 604AG and AG + GG genotypes. In Romanian cohort, we found an association between the KDR 604A→G polymorphism and acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. Carriers of the -604G variant allele were more frequent among acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer than among controls, suggesting that KDR 604G allele may confer an increased risk for these diseases. In the future, more extensive studies on larger groups are necessary, in order to clarify the role of VEGFR2 polymorphisms in pancreatic pathology