133 research outputs found

    The Eurosystem, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan. Contrasted study

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    The central bank is the highest monetary authority within each monetary system. This is why the concern for the responsibilities, objectives and functions of central banks is present in the general economy field, as well as in those of finance, currency or financial exchange relations. Therefore, a contrasted analysis between the Eurosystem, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan is of general interest for the users. The paper presents a comparison between the three systems. The status and objective differences are presented with a reference to the historical circumstances that have generated national characteristics. In the past years, due to the fact that all the three authorities have made directional changes towards independence and transparency, and because the economies of these areas are mainly convergent, a diminution of the differences between the three monetary authorities can be observed.Central bank, Monetary policy, Monetary policy committees,Transparency, Independence

    Analyzing Students’ Perceptions From Their Interests and Rights’ Protection Perspective Within Various International Contexts

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    The research originated from comprehending the way students, as consumers; perceive the involvement of bodies empowered to protect their rights and interests, including consumption-modernizing programmes. Among the cross-scientific research methods used by our research, the survey has been chosen and applied in three universities from various countries: Constantin Brancoveanu University of Pitesti – Management – Marketing in Economic Affairs Faculty, Romania, Fernando Pessoa - Business Science Faculty, Portugal and University Degli Studi di Milano – Political Sciences Faculty, Italy. For data processing, comprehensive methods of analysis and statistic-mathematical methods have been used, while for data analysis the method of comparing interviewed students’ opinions and the causal explanation have been used. The paper’s originality consists in drafting a direct, quantitative research, based on the scientific research of students’ opinions, future opinion originators, in three countries with various development levels. In addition, Romanian profile literature does not enlist many scientific papers approaching the analysed topics, while international research papers exist, but only to a small extent. The main results of research reveal the occurrence of dissimilarities and similarities relevant to students’ perceptions, regarding the approached subject.consumers` protection, consumers` rights, international research, students, analysis of perceptions, different national contexts

    Iodine mineral waters

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    Iodine mineral waters are found especially in sub-Carpathian region, also in regions with Salif deposits. Waters are currently used iodine in drinking cure for chaps and Basedow. Are also indicated in balneology. Iodine water containing at least 1 mg L, there is pure iodine is usually given the nature of other types of mineral waters further: sodium chlorinated water (Bazna (50-70 mg iodine / l), Baile Govora (50 - 70 mg / l), Bălţăteşti (4-5 mg / l), salted Monteoru (30 mg / l), mine) water mixed alkaline chlorination, sulphate, which are indicated for crenoterapie (hypo or isotonic to the bathrooms Olăneşti or Călimăneşti-Căciulata)

    Qualitative factors in the healthcare services

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    It is known that the efficiency of medical services is a broad social and economic concept, influenced by both numerical-quantitative and non-numerical-qualitative factors. The dynamic nature of technical progress and the accelerated pace of scientific discoveries in the field of health, enhances the size and complexity of economic issues related to assessing the efficiency of these social activities.evaluation, efficiency, healthcare services.

    Angioarchitectonics and Distribution of Common Carotid Artery Terminals in Domestic Rabbit

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    The purpose of these investigations was to describe the distribution particularities of the common carotid artery in domestic rabbit in correlation with the data in the field. Researches were performed on 6 domestic rabbits, 4 males and 2 female, aged 1-3 years. The common carotid artery was injected with gelatine suspension coloured with Chinese India ink, followed by its dissection. The occipital and internal carotid arteries are detached together in four cases, or separately in the rest of them, from the dorso-medial part of the common carotid artery. Facial and lingual arteries are detached separately, not together, both of which having a large diameter. The superficial temporal trunk which is very developed and long has a sinuous traject between parotid gland acini where it forms two loops. Nearby its origin, the transverse artery of the face has a curved path due to propulsion and retropulsion movements of the temporo-mandibular joint

    Anatomical peculiarities of the broad-snouted caiman’s skull and vertebral column bones (Caiman latirostris)

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    It was noticed that the caiman skull is diaspid, presenting two temporal fossae, one superior (dorsal) and one inferior (lateral). The cranial cavity is reduced compared to the development of the skull, with the orbits and nostrils having a lateral orientation. The occipital has a single articular condyle for the atlas. In front of the first vertebra, atlas, there is an undeveloped proatlas vertebra. The cervical vertebrae have developed transverse processes. There is also a ventral creast on the body of the cervical vertebrae. The thoracic vertebrae have detached transverse processes, which grow towards the end of the region, serving alone for the articulation with the ribs. The sacral region is short, and consist in two vertebrae which articulate with the ilium. The caudal vertebrae bear relatively long neural and haemal spines, forming a ventral arch for the blood vessels

    The morphological peculiarities of the digestive system in peacock (Pavo cristatus)

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    The peacockʼs beak has the characteristic aspect as in all granivores, being relatively short, thick at the base and sharpened at the tip, consisting in a curved upper valve which covers the lower valve tip. The ceiling of the oropharyngeal cavity is narrow and covered by two palatine lateral ridges which fuse into a brief median ridge. The palatine fissure appears such as a cleft, aborally placed to the beak's commissure and slightly wider in its posterior half. The tongue is triangular-like and sharpened ended, it follows the shape of the inferior valve but being small in length, it partly fills the floor. The peacockʼ esophagus is about 25 cm long, the last third of the cervical part represents in fact the crop, globular in shape. Proventriculus appears elongated, fusiform and approximately 3,5-4 cm long. The ventriculus is 6,5 cm long, 5 cm wide and 3-3,2 cm thick. The two ceca are about 20 cm long lying on each side of ileum. The proximal portion is 8 about cm long showing a thicker wall, then follows the tonsillar portion with thinner wall, it appears as a blind sac with a rounded apex. The hepatic lobes are almost equal in size. The left lobe is divided into medial and lateral portion. The pancreas consists of three lobes: ventral, dorsal and splenic

    The correlation of the morphological peculiarities of the hindlimb in mammals, concerning the autopodium, depending on the type of ground support

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    In digitigrade and plantigrade species, the head of the talus distinctly appears which together with the glenoid cavity provided by the central bone also favor lateral movements, offering better adaptability. The essential differences are observed at the level of the metatarsal head, where carnivores and plantigrade animals have a dorsal hemispherical joint surface, completed by a real crest in the plantar side, delimiting two condyles separated by an intermediate crest. This is essential for the digitigrade and plantigrade type because when the limb takes contact with the ground, the joints hyperextension also occurs and a finger abduction movement, widening the support area

    Anatomical peculiarities of the broad-snouted caiman’s limb bones (Caiman latirostris)

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    The aim of the study was the highlight of the specific characters of the limb bones in broad-snouted caiman, and for that, the investigations were conducted on the bones which were collected from a dead broad-snouted caiman that belonged to Bârlad Zoo. It was a male caiman, 24 years old. For the analysis, the bones were prepared by boiling and cleaning. It was noticed the particular conformation of the girdles, in case of the thoracic one, the scapula and the coracoid bone being almost similar developed, and both of them form the glenoid cavity to joint with humerus. It exist also an elongated interclavicular bone. The humerus is curved, ulna is more massive than the radius, between them existing a large radio-ulnar arcade, these aspects being similar to birds. There are 5 carpal bones, 3 in the proximal row, and 2 in the distal one, the radial carpal bone being merged with the intermediate one, resulting the most developed carpal bone. The thoracic metapodium includes 5 metacarpal bones, the 5th one being more reduced. The ilium is dorsally placed to ischium, the two bones participating to form the acetabular cavity (foramen). The pubis, more reduced, is cranially placed to ischium with which it articulates. The femur is very curved, and caudo-medially is highlighted the 4th trochanter. The fibula is well developed, but the tibia is more massive, and between them is a large interosseous space. The pelvic basipodium includes the calcaneum and astragalus, well developed, in the proximal row and two bones in the distal row. The 5th metatarsal bone is rudimentary, the others being well developed. The acropodium includes 5 digits for the thoracic limb and 4 in the pelvic one, the number of the phalanges having one more than the number of the digit, except the 5th digit of the thoracic limb. The conformation of the limb caiman bones is generally similar to other crocodiles