6 research outputs found

    DinamiÄŤke simulacije solarnih kombi-sustava sa sezonskim sorpcijskim spremnikom topline: Utjecaj konfiguracije kombi-sustava.

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    This paper focuses on the sizing of solar combisystems with adsorption seasonal storage to target autonomous solar space heating. Two main configurations of the combisystem are simulated, including one or two tanks. The influence of the seasonal storage on the sizing of the tanks is also discussed. The analysis is conducted in simulation using the TRNSYS program. Results show that performances of the system with two tanks are better (2 to 4 % with seasonal storage) but some improvements should be possible for the single tank configuration. The sizing of the sensible storage is nearly independent of the solar collector area if there is a seasonal storage. The sensible storage size increases with the collectors’ area without adsorption storage.Ovaj članak je fokusiran na dimenzioniranje solarnog kombi-sustava sa sezonskim adsorpcijskim spremnikom topline sa ciljem autonomnog solarnog grijanja prostora. Dvije konfiguracije kombi-sustava su simulirane, uključujući jedan ili dva toplinska spremnika. Utjecaj sezonskog skladištenja energije na dimenzioniranje spremnika je također diskutirano. Analiza je vršena simulacijom u programu TRNSYS. Rezultati analize pokazuju da je performansa sustava sa dva spremnika bolja (2 do 4% sa sezonskim skladištenjem), ali i neka poboljšanja su moguća za konfiguraciju sa jednim toplinski spremnikom. Dimenzioniranje spremnika osjetne topline je gotovo neovisno od površine solarnih kolektora ako postoji sezonski spremnik. U slučaju bez adsorpcijskog spremnika, veličina spremnika osjetne topline se povećava sa povećanjem površine kolektora

    Dynamic simulations of solar combisystems integrating a seasonal sorption storage: Influence of the combisystem configuration

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    peer reviewedThis paper focuses on the sizing of solar combisystems with adsorption seasonal storage to target autonomous solar space heating. Two main configurations of the combisystem are simulated, including one or two tanks. The influence of the seasonal storage on the sizing of the tanks is also discussed. Results show that performances of the system with two tanks are better (2 to 4 % with seasonal storage) but some improvements should be possible for the single tank configuration. The sizing of the sensible storage is nearly independent of the solar collectors area if there is a seasonal storage. The sensible storage size increase with the collectors area without adsorption storage. The analysis is conducted in simulation using the TRNSYS program.SOLAUTAR

    Simulation of a vertical ground heat exchanger as low temperature heat source for a closed adsorption seasonal storage of solar heat

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    Get It @ ULg(opens in a new window)|View at Publisher| Export | Download | More... Energy Procedia Volume 48, 2014, Pages 370-379 2nd International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, SHC 2013; Freiburg; Germany; 23 September 2013 through 25 September 2013; Code 104547 Simulation of a vertical ground heat exchanger as low temperature heat source for a closed adsorption seasonal storage of solar heat (Conference Paper) Hennaut, S.a , Thomas, S.a, Davin, E.a, Skrylnyk, A.b, Frère, M.b, André, P.a a University of Liège, Building Energy Monitoring and Simulation, Avenue de Longwy 185, 6700 Arlon, Belgium b University of Mons, Energy Research Cente, Boulevard Dolez 31, 7000 Mons, Belgium View references (9) Abstract This paper deals with the simulation of a vertical geothermal heat exchanger as low temperature heat source for a closed adsorption seasonal heat storage. The seasonal storage should allow reaching a nearly 100 % solar fraction for space heating of a "low energy" building". The selected adsorbent and adsorbate are respectively bromide strontium and water. The studied system, including the building and the ground exchanger, is simulated using the dynamic simulation software TRNSYS. Results show that expected performances are reached with a borehole of 100 m. The evaporation temperatures computed are really close to 0°C which might cause some problems. But an advanced research would maybe impose a deeper borehole to avoid cooling the ground on the long term.SOLAUTAR

    Modelling of solar thermo-chemical system for energy storage in buildings

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    The goal of this paper is the demonstration of the methodological design principles within theoretical modelling of thermal heat storage apparatus and simulation of inter-seasonal heat storage system. The designing procedure starts from the modelling of thermal plant behaviour, based on the simplifications in the basic hypothesis. Afterwards, a more detailed modelling, involving dynamic aspects and additional features of plant components, is presented. The accomplishment of the designing procedure follows by the optimisation of key parameters of the thermal storage plant.SOLAUTAR

    Simple procedure to evaluate thermal energy storage densities of solid-gas systems: Application to solar energy storage in buildings

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    peer reviewedThe development of an autonomous solar heating system for individual houses using inter seasonal thermo-chemical storage assuring all the needs of heat and hot water relies on the appropriate choice of the sorbent/vapour pair. The selection of the working pair is of primary importance and the selection procedure rarely takes into account all the parameters of the global system (like solar collectors, heat distribution system, thermal needs of the building). We propose a selection procedure in three successive steps, the first one is only based on thermodynamic data (pressure and temperature conditions), the second one includes heat and mass balances on the storage for a one-year period and the third one simulates the global system including the thermal needs of the building. This procedure highlights several promising working pairs which offer thermal energy densities higher than 300 kWh/m³ of reactor, but also allows the optimization of the storage system parameters: for example a 12 m³ reactor filled with CaCl2 coupled to a 14m² surface area solar collector offers an energy density of nearly 200 kWh/m³ of reactor whereas the activated carbon/methanol pair reaches only 60 kWh/m³ of reactor with a 40m³ volume reactor and 13m² surface area solar collector.Le développement d’un système thermochimique de stockage d’énergie solaire pour assurer l’autonomie thermique d’un bâtiment repose sur un choix approprié du couple sorbant/vapeur. La sélection du couple est primordiale et ne prend que rarement en compte tous les paramètres du système (capteurs solaires, système de distribution de chaleur, besoins thermiques du bâtiment). Nous proposons une procédure de sélection en trois étapes successives, partant d’une méthode purement thermodynamique (tenant compte uniquement des conditions de pression et de température requises), puis intégrant les bilans énergétiques sur le système de stockage sur une année climatique et enfin en tenant compte du système complet incluant les besoins thermiques du bâtiment. Cette procédure nous permet de mettre en avant des couples prometteurs atteignant des densités énergétiques de plus de 300 kWh/m³ de réacteur mais aussi d’affiner les paramètres du système complet : ainsi un réacteur de 12 m³ de CaCl2 couplé à une surface de capteur solaire de 14m² permet d’atteindre une densité énergétique de 200 kWh/m³ de réacteur alors que pour le couple Charbon actif / Méthanol la densité énergétique atteinte est de 60 kWh/m³ de réacteur (pour un réacteur de 40m³ et une surface de capteur solaire de 13 m²)SOLAUTAR

    Material and Component Development for Thermal Energy Storage:Task 58 / ES Annex 33

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