2 research outputs found

    Synthesis of neocannabinoids using controlled friedel-crafts reactions

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    A one-step transformation to produce 8,9-dihydrocannabidiol (H2CBD) and related "neocannabinoids" via controlled Friedel-Crafts reactions is reported. Experimental and computational studies probing the mechanism of neocannabinoid synthesis from cyclic allylic alcohol and substituted resorcinol reaction partners provide understanding of the kinetic and thermodynamic factors driving regioselectivity for the reaction. Herein, we present the reaction scope for neocannabinoid synthesis including the production of both normal and abnormal isomers under both kinetic and thermodynamic control. Discovery and optimization of this one-step protocol between various allylic alcohols and resorcinol derivatives are discussed and supported with density functional theory calculations.GM 118173 - National Institute of General Medical Sciences; CBDQure IncAccepted manuscrip