30 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of electric fields and source distributions in EEG brain imaging

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    In this thesis, three different approaches are developed for the estimation of focal brain activity using EEG measurements. The proposed approaches have been tested and found feasible using simulated data. First, we develop a robust solver for the recovery of focal dipole sources. The solver uses a weighted dipole strength penalty term (also called weighted L1,2 norm) as prior information in order to ensure that the sources are sparse and focal, and that both the source orientation and depth bias are reduced. The solver is based on the truncated Newton interior point method combined with a logarithmic barrier method for the approximation of the penalty term. In addition, we use a Bayesian framework to derive the depth weights in the prior that are used to reduce the tendency of the solver to favor superficial sources. In the second approach, vector field tomography (VFT) is used for the estimation of underlying electric fields inside the brain from external EEG measurements. The electric field is reconstructed using a set of line integrals. This is the first time that VFT has been used for the recovery of fields when the dipole source lies inside the domain of reconstruction. The benefit of this approach is that we do not need a mathematical model for the sources. The test cases indicated that the approach can accurately localize the source activity. In the last part of the thesis, we show that, by using the Bayesian approximation error approach (AEA), precise knowledge of the tissue conductivities and head geometry are not always needed. We deliberately use a coarse head model and we take the typical variations in the head geometry and tissue conductivities into account statistically in the inverse model. We demonstrate that the AEA results are comparable to those obtained with an accurate head model.Open Acces

    Randomized Multiresolution Scanning in Focal and Fast E/MEG Sensing of Brain Activity with a Variable Depth

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    We focus on electromagnetoencephalography imaging of the neural activity and, in particular, finding a robust estimate for the primary current distribution via the hierarchical Bayesian model (HBM). Our aim is to develop a reasonably fast maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation technique which would be applicable for both superficial and deep areas without specific a priori knowledge of the number or location of the activity. To enable source distinguishability for any depth, we introduce a randomized multiresolution scanning (RAMUS) approach in which the MAP estimate of the brain activity is varied during the reconstruction process. RAMUS aims to provide a robust and accurate imaging outcome for the whole brain, while maintaining the computational cost on an appropriate level. The inverse gamma (IG) distribution is applied as the primary hyperprior in order to achieve an optimal performance for the deep part of the brain. In this proof-of-the-concept study, we consider the detection of simultaneous thalamic and somatosensory activity via numerically simulated data modeling the 14-20 ms post-stimulus somatosensory evoked potential and field response to electrical wrist stimulation. Both a spherical and realistic model are utilized to analyze the source reconstruction discrepancies. In the numerically examined case, RAMUS was observed to enhance the visibility of deep components and also marginalizing the random effects of the discretization and optimization without a remarkable computation cost. A robust and accurate MAP estimate for the primary current density was obtained in both superficial and deep parts of the brain.Comment: Brain Topogr (2020

    Improved EEG source localization with Bayesian uncertainty modelling of unknown skull conductivity

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) source imaging is an ill-posed inverse problem that requires accurate conductivity modelling of the head tissues, especially the skull. Unfortunately, the conductivity values are difficult to determine in vivo. In this paper, we show that the exact knowledge of the skull conductivity is not always necessary when the Bayesian approximation error (BAE) approach is exploited. In BAE, we first postulate a probability distribution for the skull conductivity that describes our (lack of) knowledge on its value, and model the effects of this uncertainty on EEG recordings with the help of an additive error term in the observation model. Before the Bayesian inference, the likelihood is marginalized over this error term. Thus, in the inversion we estimate only our primary unknown, the source distribution. We quantified the improvements in the source localization when the proposed Bayesian modelling was used in the presence of different skull conductivity errors and levels of measurement noise. Based on the results, BAE was able to improve the source localization accuracy, particularly when the unknown (true) skull conductivity was much lower than the expected standard conductivity value. The source locations that gained the highest improvements were shallow and originally exhibited the largest localization errors. In our case study, the benefits of BAE became negligible when the signal-to-noise ratio dropped to 20 dB.</p

    Methodology to estimate ionospheric scintillation risk maps and their contribution to position dilution of precision on the ground

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    Satellite-based communications, navigation systems and many scientific instruments rely on observations of trans-ionospheric signals. The quality of these signals can be deteriorated by ionospheric scintillation which can have detrimental effects on the mentioned applications. Therefore, monitoring of ionospheric scintillation and quantifying its effect on the ground are of significant interest. In this work, we develop a methodology which estimates the scintillation induced ionospheric uncertainties in the sky and translates their impact to the end-users on the ground. First, by using the risk concept from decision theory and by exploiting the intensity and duration of scintillation events (as measured by the S4 index), we estimate ionospheric risk maps that could readily give an initial impression on the effects of scintillation on the satellite-receiver communication. However, to better understand the influence of scintillation on the positioning accuracy on the ground, we formulate a new weighted dilution of precision (WPDOP) measure that incorporates the ionospheric scintillation risks as weighting factors for the given satellite-receiver constellations. These weights depend implicitly on scintillation intensity and duration thresholds which can be specified by the end-user based on the sensitivity of the application, for example. We demonstrate our methodology by using scintillation data from South America, and produce ionospheric risk maps which illustrate broad scintillation activity, especially at the equatorial anomaly. Moreover, we construct ground maps of WPDOP over a grid of hypothetical receivers which reveal that ionospheric scintillation can also affect such regions of the continent that are not exactly under the observed ionospheric scintillation structures. Particularly, this is evident in cases when only the Global Positioning System (GPS) is available.Comment: Keywords: Ionospheric scintillation risk, dilution of precision, statistics error covariances, weights, South America, S4 index, GNSS positioning uncertaint

    Improved EEG source localization with Bayesian uncertainty modelling of unknown skull conductivity

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) source imaging is an ill-posed inverse problem that requires accurate conductivity modelling of the head tissues, especially the skull. Unfortunately, the conductivity values are difficult to determine in vivo. In this paper, we show that the exact knowledge of the skull conductivity is not always necessary when the Bayesian approximation error (BAE) approach is exploited. In BAE, we first postulate a probability