5 research outputs found

    Valutazione del curriculum universitario "Psicologia psicoterapeutica" 2004-2014

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    Die Universitätslehrgänge „Psychotherapeutische Psychologie“ 01-04, die vom Department für Psychotherapie und Biopsychosoziale Gesundheit in Kooperation mit der Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie durchgeführt wurden, sind nach der aktuellen Verordnung der Donau-Universität Krems im Rahmen eines begleitenden Evaluationsforschungsprojektes evaluiert worden. Erwartungen und Erfahrungen in Hinblick auf das Lehrangebot konnten erfasst werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen insgesamt eine sehr positive Bewertung der Weiterbildung, sowohl die Inhalte als auch deren Vermittlung betreffend. Die Förderung der professionellen Kompetenz der Studierenden im Rahmen des Weiterbildungsprozesses ist somit sehr gut gelungen.Schlüsselwörter: Psychotherapeutische Psychologie, Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie, WeiterbildungsevaluationThe university courses Psychotherapeutic Psychology 01-04, conducted by the Department for Psychotherapy and Biopsychosocial Health in cooperation with the Swiss Charta for Psychotherapy, have been evaluated in the context of an accompanying evaluation research project according to the current regulation of the Danube University Krems. Expectations and experiences in regard to the curriculum could be detected. The overall results show a very positive assessment of the training, concerning both the content as well as their placement. The promotion of the professional competence of the students proceeded very well in the context of the training process.Keywords: Psychotherapeutic Psychology, Swiss Charta for Psychotherapy, training evaluationLa formation universitaire «Psychologie psychothérapeutique» proposée par l’Université du Danube de Krems s’est accompagnée d’une évaluation dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche. L’enseignement dispensé par cette formation située dans le département de psychothérapie et de santé biopsychosociale, portait sur les concepts et les théories de psychothérapie les plus courants ainsi que sur quatre grandes matières dans le domaine de la psychologie et les domaines voisins (théorie de la psychologie psychothérapeutique, connaissances médicales, connaissances de base en théorie des tests et en recherche ainsi que dans d’autres disciplines). L’évaluation s’est déroulée en deux phases d’enquête, avant le début et après la clôture de la formation continue universitaire, et elle a inclus les étudiants de la formation universitaire «Psychologie psychothérapeutique» des années 2001–2004.Ont d’abord été saisis les raisons expliquant le choix de cette formation continue, ce qui a fait ressortir trois motifs essentiels:1) l’acquisition des bases pour une formation de psychothérapeute,2) le désir d’accroître sa compétence professionnelle et3) le désir de poursuivre sa formation personnelle.La formation continue a surpassé les attentes en ce qui concerne un accroissement significatif des aptitudes et de l’expérience personnelles, sociales et professionnelles, dans tous les domaines d’apprentissage examinés. L’enseignement de la théorie de la psychologie psychothérapeutique et l’approfondissement des connaissances médicales ont renforcé ces aptitudes et cette expérience. De plus, la personnalité, l’empathie et la qualité relationnelle ont été définies comme des éléments importants de la compétence professionnelle des psychothérapeutes. Ici aussi, l’expérience a répondu aux attentes. Dans l’ensemble, la formation continue a (fortement) renforcé la compétence professionnelle des étudiants. L’évaluation d’ensemble de la formation universitaire a été extrêmement positive; ont été relevés surtout la structure du programme sur la théorie de la psychologie psychothérapeutique et l’enseignement de connaissances médicales.La formation universitaire «Psychologie psychothérapeutique» a pu élargir le savoir professionnel et améliorer les compétences personnelles, sociales et professionnelles.I curricula universitari "Psicologia psicoterapeutica" 01-04, offerti dal Department für Psychotherapie und Biopsychosoziale Gesundheit (dipartimento per la psicoterapia e la salute biopsicosociale) in cooperazione con la Charta svizzera per la psicoterapia, sono stati valutati secondo l'attuale ordinanza della Donau Universität di Krems nell'ambito di un concomitante progetto di ricerca di valutazione. Ciò ha permesso di considerare le aspettative e le esperienze relative all'offerta di formazione. I risultati mostrano in complesso una valutazione molto positiva della formazione specialistica, sia per quanto riguarda i contenuti, sia per la loro trasmissione. La promozione della competenza professionale degli studenti nell'ambito del processo di formazione specialistica è dunque riuscito molto bene.Parole chiave: Psicologia psicoterapeutica, Charta svizzera per la psicoterapia, valutazione della formazione specialistic

    La psicoterapia sulla strada verso l'accademizzazione?

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    Zusammenfassung: Bereits seit einigen Jahren fordert das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit in Deutschland eine Psychotherapie-Direktausbildung. Damit könnte Psychotherapie, vergleichbar mit Medizin oder Psychologie, studiert werden. In Österreich gibt es ähnliche Überlegungen. Der Artikel befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Vor- und Nachteile eine solche Akademisierung gegenüber der aktuellen Psychotherapieausbildung hätte. Sowohl für die aktuelle Psychotherapieausbildung als auch für die Akademisierung lassen sich Vor- und Nachteile anführen. Zudem muss der Begriff der Akademisierung klarifiziert werden. Welche Veränderungen auch kommen, für sie gelten die drei folgenden Anforderungen: Die Veränderungen sollten ausführlich und sachlich diskutiert werden, auf dem bisherigen Wissen aufbauen und entsprechend evaluiert sein oder werden. Schlüsselwörter: Psychotherapie, Psychotherapiewissenschaft, Psychotherapieforschung, AkademisierungSummary: For some years the German Federal Ministry of Health has been calling for psychotherapy training to be provided directly by universities. This would make it possible for psychotherapy to be studied at university, like medicine and psychology. In Austria thoughts are also following a similar trend. The article addresses the question as to the potential advantages and disadvantages of such an academisation of psychotherapy training as compared to the current training settings. Both the current form of training and the academisation have advantages and disadvantages. The concept of academisation also needs to be clarified. Whatever changes take place, the following three requirements apply: The changes should be discussed in detail and objectively, built on the knowledge accumulated to date and be or have been appropriately evaluated. Keywords: Psychotherapy, psychotherapeutic science, psychotherapy research, academisationRiassunto: Già da alcuni anni il Ministero tedesco per la salute chiede una formazione diretta in psicoterapia. Ciò consentirebbe di studiare psicoterapia in modo simile a quanto avviene per la medicina o la psicologia. Anche in Austria sono in atto riflessioni simili. L'articolo si occupa della domanda dei vantaggi e degli svantaggi che una tale accademizzazione avrebbe rispetto all'attuale formazione in psicoterapia. Sia per l'attuale formazione psicoterapeutica che per l'accademizzazione è possibile identificare vantaggi e svantaggi. Va inoltre chiarito il concetto di accademizzazione. Indipendentemente dall'evoluzione che seguirà, questi cambiamenti vanno 1) discussi dettagliatamente e oggettivamente, 2) devono basarsi sulle conoscenze attuali e 3) devono essere stati valutati o venir valutati sulla base di queste nozioni. Parole chiave: psicoterapia, scienze psicoterapeutiche, ricerca psicoterapeutica, accademizzazion

    Patients' perceptions of risky developments during psychotherapy

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    Research on risks and unwanted effects is largely missing in psychotherapy. Using exploratory factor analysis six dimensions of personal therapy situation were identified in a preliminary study, three of them were associated with risky developments during the psychotherapeutic process: (1) (poor) quality of therapeutic relationship, (2) burden caused by psychotherapy, and (3) dependency/isolation. Based on the finding of this study an online survey was performed to examine these three dimensions. Aside from these three factors another variable was associated with risky therapy developments: the online questionnaire also asked for premature terminations of psychotherapy as a consequence of risky conditions for the therapeutic development. Risky conditions were found to be associated with the following variables: (1) the combination of female patient–male therapist, (2) the therapeutic orientation (particularly with the psychodynamic approaches) and (3) the duration of therapy. Fewer humanistic and systemic psychotherapies were found among the high risk-prone group of patients who were at risk in at least three of the four variables which were associated with risky developments. Differences in the findings of the study regarding the four therapeutic orientations stress the importance of an extensive differential indication and a cooperative partnership between patient and therapist, in order to facilitate a positive patient participation towards the choice of therapy method and subsequent successful participation throughout the course of treatment. Further studies should also focus on female patient and male therapist psychotherapies

    [Evaluation of a two year curriculum in psychosocial and psychosomatic medicine--handling emotions and communicating in a patient centred manner]

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    Psychosomatic Medicine is aiming at a comprehensive understanding of patient's requests. This requires patient-centred communication. During the two-year course for "Psychosomatic Medicine"of the Lower-Austrian Medical Chamber at the Danube-University Krems relevant techniques are trained. This paper reports on the analysis of 120 video-consultations with simulated patients (30 participants, two per participant before and after the training) using a modified version of the Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS). Results show a considerable increase in participant's ability to respond to emotional utterances and to use techniques of patient-centred communication: percentage of appropriate utterances related to the sum of all utterances: from 9.78 ± 3.5 to 13.56 ± 4.7 (ANOVA with repeated measures: p>0.001). Furthermore, participants allow patients longer stretches of uninterrupted speech: increase from 1.76 ± 1.4 to 2.47 ± 2.3 utterances (p>0.001) helping them into a narrative style of conversation

    Patients’ Perceptions of Risky Developments During Psychotherapy

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    Research on risks and unwanted effects is largely missing in psychotherapy. Using exploratory factor analysis six dimensions of personal therapy situation were identified in a preliminary study, three of them were associated with risky developments during the psychotherapeutic process: (1) (poor) quality of therapeutic relationship, (2) burden caused by psychotherapy, and (3) dependency/isolation. Based on the finding of this study an online survey was performed to examine these three dimensions. Aside from these three factors another variable was associated with risky therapy developments: the online questionnaire also asked for premature terminations of psychotherapy as a consequence of risky conditions for the therapeutic development. Risky conditions were found to be associated with the following variables: (1) the combination of female patient–male therapist, (2) the therapeutic orientation (particularly with the psychodynamic approaches) and (3) the duration of therapy. Fewer humanistic and systemic psychotherapies were found among the high risk-prone group of patients who were at risk in at least three of the four variables which were associated with risky developments. Differences in the findings of the study regarding the four therapeutic orientations stress the importance of an extensive differential indication and a cooperative partnership between patient and therapist, in order to facilitate a positive patient participation towards the choice of therapy method and subsequent successful participation throughout the course of treatment. Further studies should also focus on female patient and male therapist psychotherapies