9 research outputs found

    Communicational and message theory concepts and notions

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    Communicational and Message Theory Concepts and Notions is a book of high intellectual elevation and high expression of ideas of Professor Stefan Vlăduţescu from University of Craiova-Romania, published by Editura Sitech, Craiova, Romania. Communication sciences refers to the schools of scientific research of human communication. This perspective follows the logical positivist tradition of inquiry; most modern communication science falls into a tradition of post-positivism. Thus, communication scientists believe that there is an objective and independent reality that can be accessed through the method of scientific enquiry. A scientist researcher following the zetetic method formulates the question then immediately sets to work making observations and performing experiments to answer that question. Communicational and Message Theory Concepts and Notions is a book about communication sciences in which professor Vlăduţescu approaches the subjects by zetetic method. The research was also combined with empirically traditional method to get both quantitative and qualitative results


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    We intended to offer in this article a synthesis of the ways in which the culture developed at the corporate level is manifested. The term culture in the organizational analysis refers to the common values and believes that end up characterizing the organizations. Beyond the diversity of these variables, their intensity and their manner of manifestation vary from individual to individual, from one working group to another, but a strong organizational culture will always find and use a common denominator

    The relationship of organizations with the media in crisis situations

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    An interesting facet in the life of the organizations that we want to highlight in this article is to present some aspects of the relationships with the media during organizational crisis. Complex and complicated, this relationship involves the activation of numerous levers that build a necessary communication with the media. The dimensions of our approach have not allowed us to highlight all the underlying aspects on which such a relationship is built, but we have drawn only a few general frameworks that are important to follow if organizations are confronted with moments of crisis. The crisis management team in the organization plays an important role in maintaining and developing communication with journalists in a correct way, in communicating information on the crisis, on the evaluation of its effects, on rebuilding the organization. The tools that help build the organization's relationship with the media are the press release, the press conference and the press kit. The press release during a crisis must be concise, with a brief, but accurate summary of events, with an indication of the measures taken by the organization to mitigate the effects of the crisis. In turn, the press conference will be prepared by knowing the positions taken by journalists, by emphasizing the role of the spokesperson. The press kit is a lot richer; it is one of the most important ways to relate to the media. The clarity of the relationship certainly leads to the efficiency of the measures taken to fight the crisis. The press remains a fast way of communication between the organization and its audiences

    Organisations and the Communication Crisis

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    In creating this approach, we stared from re-updating the concept of communication crisis, in order to track the effects this disruption has on the image of organisations. For, as we know, to build an image favourable for an institutional structure involves hard, continuous work, and the deterioration of this image in a period of crisis can determine its evolution, it can even lead to the disappearance of that organisation. We tried to emphasise the correct and rapid ways by which the crisis can be managed, and communication is the fastest and one of the most efficient means. Public relations play an essential role at this stage, because they help in developing the messages to be transmitted to various types of audiences. Communication during the crisis highlights the pragmatic aspect of communication, because when the information is lapidary, there is not enough time to collect data and to inform you

    Propaganda as a Form of Manipulation

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    The article aims to define the term "propaganda", its external features, techniques and methods of conveying the message. According to the specialist Malcolm X, "the media's the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.

    The relationship between national culture and organizational culture

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    The definition of organizational culture must start from humans, from their historical existence, the psychology of the people they belong to, because, as everybody knows, organizational culture is an integral part of national culture. The values, symbols, histories of a nation become starting points in shaping the cultures of organizations operating in that geographic area


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    We all recognize female stereotypes promoted in the medi

    Human Rights in Patient Care: A Practitioner Guide - Romania

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    Health systems can too often be places of punishment, coercion, and violations of basic rights—rather than places of treatment and care. In many cases, existing laws and tools that provide remedies are not adequately used to protect rights.This Practitioner Guide series presents practical how-to manuals for lawyers interested in taking cases around human rights in patient care. The manuals examine patient and provider rights and responsibilities, as well as procedures for protection through both the formal court system and alternative mechanisms in 10 countries.Each Practitioner Guide is country-specific, supplementing coverage of the international and regional framework with national standards and procedures in the following:ArmeniaGeorgiaKazakhstanKyrgyzstanMacedoniaMoldova (forthcoming)RomaniaRussia (forthcoming)SerbiaUkraineThis series is the first to systematically examine the application of constitutional, civil, and criminal laws; categorize them by right; and provide examples and practical tips. As such, the guides are useful for medical professionals, public health mangers, Ministries of Health and Justice personnel, patient advocacy groups, and patients themselves.Advancing Human Rights in Patient Care: The Law in Seven Transitional Countries is a compendium that supplements the practitioner guides. It provides the first comparative overview of legal norms, practice cannons, and procedures for addressing rights in health care in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Russia, and Ukraine.A Legal Fellow in Human Rights in each country is undertaking the updating of each guide and building the field of human rights in patient care through trainings and the development of materials, networks, and jurisprudence. Fellows are recent law graduates based at a local organization with expertise and an interest in expanding work in law, human rights, and patient care. To learn more about the fellowships, please visit health-rights.org