115 research outputs found

    Biodeterioration of cementitious materials in biogas digester

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    In biogas production plants, concrete structures suffer chemical and biological attacks during the anaerobic digestion process. The attack on concrete may be linked to the effects of (i) organic acids; (ii) ammonium and CO2 co-produced by the microorganisms’ metabolisms; and (iii) the bacteria’s ability to form biofilms on the concrete surface. In a context of biogas industry expansion, the mechanisms of concrete deterioration need to be better understood in order to propose innovative, efficient solutions. This study aims, firstly, to characterise the evolution of the biochemical composition of the biodegradable wastes during digestion so as to identify the compounds that are aggressive for concrete. Secondly, it aims to evaluate the mechanisms of concrete deterioration in anaerobic digesters. CEM I paste specimens were immersed in synthetic inoculated biowaste in anaerobic digestion conditions. The liquid fractions were analysed chemically. The alteration mechanisms of the cementitious matrices were investigated using XRD and SEM analyses. The maximal total concentration of organic acids was 65 mmol/L in the liquid fraction during the digestion process. The pH evolution showed two phases: acidification in the first few days and then a slow increase to pH 7–8. In only 4 weeks, an abundant biofilm developed on the cement paste surface. Biodeterioration leads to calcium leaching and carbonation of the cement past

    Bacterial Biofilm Characterization and Microscopic Evaluation of the Antibacterial Properties of a Photocatalytic Coating Protecting Building Material

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    se of photocatalytic paint-like coatings may be a way to protect building materials from microbial colonization. Numerous studies have shown the antimicrobial efficiency of TiO 2 photocatalysis on various microorganisms. However, few have focused on easy-to-apply solutions and on photocatalysis under low irradiance. This paper focuses on (a) the antibacterial properties of a semi-transparent coating formulated using TiO 2 particles and (b) the microscopic investigations of bacterial biofilm development on TiO 2 -coated building materials under accelerated growth conditions. Results showed significant antibacterial activity after few hours of testing. The efficiency seemed limited by the confinement of the TiO 2 particles inside the coating binder. However, a pre-irradiation with UV light can improve efficiency. In addition, a significant effect against the formation of a bacterial biofilm was also observed. The epifluorescence approach, in which fluorescence is produced by reflect rather than transmitted light, could be applied in further studies of microbial growth on coatings and building material

    Interactions between hydrated cement paste and organic acids: Thermodynamic data and speciation modeling

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    International audienceInteractions of short-chain organic acids with hydrated cement phases affect structure durability in the agro-food and nuclear waste industries but can also be used to modify cement properties. Most previous studies have been experimental, performed at fixed concentrations and pH, without quantitatively discriminating among polyacidity effects, or complexation and salt precipitation processes. This paper addresses such issues by thermodynamic equilibrium calculations for acetic, citric, oxalic, succinic acids and a simplified hydrated CEM-I. The thermodynamic constants collected from the literature allow the speciation to be modelled over a wide range of pH and concentrations. Citric and oxalic had a stronger chelating effect than acetic acid, while succinic acid was intermediate. Similarly, Ca-citrate and Ca-oxalate salts were more insoluble than Ca-acetate and Ca-succinate salts. Regarding aluminium complexation, hydroxyls, sulphates, and acid competition was highlighted. The exploration of acid mixtures showed the preponderant effect of oxalate and citrate over acetate and succinate

    Characterization of the microbiome associated with in situ earthen materials

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    Background The current increase in public awareness of environmental risks is giving rise to a growth of interest in the microbiological safety of buildings. In particular, microbial proliferation on construction materials can be responsible for the degradation of indoor air quality that can increase health-risk to occupants. Raw earth materials are still widely used throughout the world and, in some cases, are linked to heritage habitats, as in the southwest of France. Moreover, these building materials are currently the subject of renewed interest for ecological and economic reasons. However, the microbial status of earthen materials raises major concerns: could the microbiome associated with such natural materials cause disease in building occupants? Very few analyses have been performed on the microbial communities present on these supports. Characterizing the raw earth material microbiome is also important for a better evaluation and understanding of the susceptibility of such materials to microbial development. This study presents the distribution of in situ bacterial and fungal communities on different raw earth materials used in construction. Various buildings were sampled in France and the microbial communities present were characterized by amplicon high-throughput sequencing (bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungal ITS1 region). Bacterial culture isolates were identified at the species level by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Results The major fungal and bacterial genera identified were mainly associated with conventional outdoor and indoor environmental communities, and no specific harmful bacterial species were detected on earthen materials. However, contrary to expectations, few human-associated genera were detected in dwellings. We found lower microbial alpha-diversity in earthen material than is usually found in soil, suggesting a loss of diversity during the use of these materials in buildings. Interestingly enough, the main features influencing microbial communities were building history and room use, rather than material composition. Conclusions These results constitute a first in-depth analysis of microbial communities present on earthen materials in situ and may be considered as a first referential to investigate microbial communities on such materials according to environmental conditions and their potential health impact. The bacterial and fungal flora detected were similar to those found in conventional habitats and are thought to be mainly impacted by specific events in the building’s life, such as water damage

    Mechanisms of cementitious material deterioration in biogas digester

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    Digesters produce biogas from organic wastes through anaerobic digestion processes. These digesters, often made of concrete, suffer severe premature deterioration caused mainly by the presence of fermentative microorganisms producing metabolites that are aggressive towards cementitious materials. To clarify the degradation mechanisms in an anaerobic digestion medium, ordinary Portland cement paste specimens were immersed in the liquid fraction of a running, lab-scale digester for 4 weeks. The anaerobic digestion medium was a mixture of a biowaste substrate and sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant used as a source of anaerobic bacteria. The chemical characteristics of the anaerobic digestion liquid phase were monitored over time using a pH metre, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ion chromatography (HPIC). An initial critical period of low pH in the bioreactors was observed before the pH stabilized around 8. Acetic, propionic and butyric acids were produced during the digestion with a maximum total organic acid concentration of 50 mmol L− 1. The maximum ammonium content of the liquid phase was 40 mmol L− 1, which was about seven times the upper limit of the highly aggressive chemical environment class (XA3) as defined by the European standard for the specification of concrete design in chemically aggressive environments (EN 206). The changes in the mineralogical, microstructural and chemical characteristics of the cement pastes exposed to the solid and liquid phase of the digesters were analysed at the end of the immersion period by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) and electron-probe micro-analysis (EPMA). A 700-μm thick altered layer was identified in the cement paste specimens. The main biodeterioration patterns in the bioreactors' solid/liquid phase were calcium leaching and carbonation of the cement matrix

    Reactivity of nitrate and organic acids at the concrete–bitumen interface of a nuclear waste repository cell

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    This study investigates the fate of nitrate and organic acids at the bitumen–concrete interface within repository cell for long-lived, intermediate-level, radioactive wastes. The interface was simulated by a multiphase system in which cementitious matrices (CEM V cement paste specimens) were exposed to bitumen model leachates consisting of nitrates and acetic acid with and without oxalic acid, chemical compounds likely to be released by bitumen. Leaching experiments were conducted with daily renewal of the solutions in order to accelerate reactions. The concentrations of anions (acetate, oxalate, nitrate, and nitrite) and cations (calcium, potassium) and the pH were monitored over time. Mineralogical changes of the cementitious matrices were analysed by XRD. The results confirmed the stability of nitrates in the abiotic conditions of the experiments. The action of acetic acid on the cementitious matrix was similar to that of ordinary leaching in the absence of organic acids (i.e. carried out with water or strong acids); no specific interaction was detected between acetate and cementitious cations. The reaction of oxalic acid with the cementitious phases led to the precipitation of calcium oxalate salts in the outer layer of the matrix. The concentration of oxalate was reduced by 65% inside the leaching medium

    Use of a continuous-flow bioreactor to evaluate nitrate reduction rate of Halomonas desiderata in cementitious environment relevant to nuclear waste deep repository

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    The redox level of repositories can influence the mobility of the waste components stored in them (i.e. radionuclides) and thus the related safety assessments. Microbial activity is known to impact the control of redox reactions, the mechanisms and kinetics of which must be evaluated. This study investigates the denitrification rates of a model bacterium Halomonas desiderata (Hd) in cementitious environment with alkaline and anoxic conditions comparable to those found in radioactive waste repository cells. The growth and the total oxidized nitrogen (TON) reduction rates of Hd was determined in a continuous bioreactor with several feeding solutions with or without solid cement paste. Temporary nitrite accumulation and reduced denitrification rates are correlated with diminished bacterial growth. When the system was fed by optimal culture medium supplemented with acetate and nitrate, the TON reduction rates varied between 0.082 mM TON/h and 0.063 mM TON/h, depending on whether solid cement paste was present in the reactor or not. When the culture medium was replaced with pure cement leachate, the reaction rates increased to 0.137 mM TON/h with solid cement paste and dropped to 0.023 mM TON/h without. In these conditions at pH 10, solid cement paste had no negative influence on Hd activity

    A review of indoor microbial growth across building materials and sampling and analysis methods

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    Microorganisms from damp indoor environments are known to be one of the main causes of the degradation of indoor air quality and can be serious health hazards to occupants because of the production of airborne particles. Surfaces of building materials (plasterboard, mortar, etc.) are generally highly porous and rough. In damp environments, these materials can provide an environment favourable to proliferation and growth of microorganisms. Sampling of microbial communities on building materials, in addition to air sampling, is thus necessary to evaluate microbial proliferation indoors. The present paper aims to (i) summarise and compare the different methods used for sampling and analysing microbial growth on building materials and (ii) make a synthesis on the colonising microbial communities and the building materials parameters (humidity, chemical composition, pH, etc.) affecting their growth. With regards to methods, our investigations focused exclusively on studies dealing with building materials. When available, studies comparing the efficiency of methods on building materials were discussed. In-situ sampling campaigns were reviewed and the microorganisms identified on building materials were listed. Factors determining bio-receptivity of materials were also examined on the basis of studies performed on various types of materials (including building materials). The microorganisms the most frequently detected on indoor building materials are (i) fungi genera Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus and Stachybotrys, and (ii) Gram negative bacteria and mycobacteria. Some correlations between microbial genera/species and the type material can also be outlined. The water activity, the chemical composition, the pH and the physical properties of surfaces are parameters influencing microbial growth on materials. The particular behaviour of porous materials in terms of water sorption and the effect of water on microbial proliferation are underlined. In the future, the standardisation of methods for sampling, analysis and laboratory testing will be helpful in the assessment of microbial proliferation in building materials. Moreover, investigations on the impact of the material's mineralogy and its surface properties on growth will be necessary for a better understanding and predicting of microbial proliferation on these substrates

    Halomonas desiderata as a bacterial model to predict the possible biological nitrate reduction in concrete cells of nuclear waste disposals

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    After closure of a waste disposal cell in a repository for radioactive waste, resaturation is likely to cause the release of soluble species contained in cement and bituminous matrices, such as ionic species (nitrates, sulfates, calcium and alkaline ions, etc.), organic matter (mainly organic acids), or gases (from steel containers and reinforced concrete structures as well as from radiolysis within the waste packages). However, in the presence of nitrates in the near-field of waste, the waste cell can initiate oxidative conditions leading to enhanced mobility of redox-sensitive radionuclides (RN). In biotic conditions and in the presence of organic matter and/or hydrogen as electron donors, nitrates may be microbiologically reduced, allowing a return to reducing conditions that promote the safety of storage. Our work aims to analyze the possible microbial reactivity of nitrates at the bitumen – concrete interface in conditions as close as possible to radioactive waste storage conditions in order (i) to evaluate the nitrate reaction kinetics; (ii) to identify the by-products (NO2−, NH4+, N2, N2O, etc.); and (iii) to discriminate between the roles of planktonic bacteria and those adhering as a biofilm structure in the denitrifying activity. Leaching experiments on solid matrices (bitumen and cement pastes) were first implemented to define the physicochemical conditions that microorganisms are likely to meet at the bitumen-concrete interface, e.g. highly alkaline pH conditions (10 < pH < 11) imposed by the cement matrix. The screening of a range of anaerobic denitrifying bacterial strains led us to select Halomonas desiderata as a model bacterium capable of catalyzing the reaction of nitrate reduction in these particular conditions of pH. The denitrifying activity of H. desiderata was quantified in a batch bioreactor in the presence of solid matrices and/or leachate from bitumen and cement matrices. Denitrification was relatively fast in the presence of cement matrix (<100 h) and 2–3 times slower in the presence of bituminous matrix (pH 9.7). The maximal rate of denitrification was approximately 0.063 mM h−1 and some traces of nitrite were detected for a few hours (<2%). Overall, the presence of solid cement promoted the kinetics of denitrification. The inspection of the solid surfaces at the end of the experiment revealed the presence of a biofilm of H. desiderata on the cement paste surface. These attached bacteria showed a comparable denitrifying activity to planktonic bacterial culture. However, no colonization of bitumen was observed either by SEM or by epifluorescence microscopy

    Physico-chemical interactions at the concrete-bitumen interface of nuclear waste repositories

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    This study investigates the fate of nitrate and organic acids at the bitumenconcrete-steel interface within a repository storage cell for long-lived, intermediatelevel, radioactive wastes. The interface was simulated by a multiphase system in which cementitious matrices (CEM V paste specimens) were exposed to bitumen model leachates consisting of nitrates and acetic acid with and without oxalic acid, chemical compounds likely to be released by bitumen. Leaching experiments were conducted with daily renewal of the solutions in order to accelerate reactions. C-steel chips, simulating the presence of steel in the repository, were added in the systems for some experiments. The concentrations of anions (acetate, oxalate, nitrate, and nitrite) and cations (calcium, potassium, ammonium) and the pH were monitored over time. Mineralogical changes of the cementitious matrices were analysed by XRD. The results confirmed the stability of nitrates in the absence of steel, whereas, reduction of nitrates was observed in the presence of steel (production of NH4+). The action of acetic acid on the cementitious matrix was similar to that of ordinary leaching; no specific interaction was detected between acetate and cementitious cations. The reaction of oxalic acid with the cementitious phases led to the precipitation of calcium oxalate salts in the outer layer of the matrix. The concentration of oxalate was reduced by 65% inside the leaching medium
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