135 research outputs found

    A control problem with fuel constraint and Dawson-Watanabe superprocesses

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    We solve a class of control problems with fuel constraint by means of the log-Laplace transforms of JJ-functionals of Dawson-Watanabe superprocesses. This solution is related to the superprocess solution of quasilinear parabolic PDEs with singular terminal condition. For the probabilistic verification proof, we develop sharp bounds on the blow-up behavior of log-Laplace functionals of JJ-functionals, which might be of independent interest.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AAP908 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Robust Strategies for Optimal Order Execution in the Almgren-Chriss Framework

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    Assuming geometric Brownian motion as unaffected price process S0S^0, Gatheral & Schied (2011) derived a strategy for optimal order execution that reacts in a sensible manner on market changes but can still be computed in closed form. Here we will investigate the robustness of this strategy with respect to misspecification of the law of S0S^0. We prove the surprising result that the strategy remains optimal whenever S0S^0 is a square-integrable martingale. We then analyze the optimization criterion of Gatheral & Schied (2011) in the case in which S0S^0 is any square-integrable semimartingale and we give a closed-form solution to this problem. As a corollary, we find an explicit solution to the problem of minimizing the expected liquidation costs when the unaffected price process is a square-integrable semimartingale. The solutions to our problems are found by stochastically solving a finite-fuel control problem without assumptions of Markovianity

    On a class of generalized Takagi functions with linear pathwise quadratic variation

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    We consider a class X\mathscr{X} of continuous functions on [0,1][0,1] that is of interest from two different perspectives. First, it is closely related to sets of functions that have been studied as generalizations of the Takagi function. Second, each function in X\mathscr{X} admits a linear pathwise quadratic variation and can thus serve as an integrator in F\"ollmer's pathwise It\=o calculus. We derive several uniform properties of the class X\mathscr{X}. For instance, we compute the overall pointwise maximum, the uniform maximal oscillation, and the exact uniform modulus of continuity for all functions in X\mathscr{X}. Furthermore, we give an example of a pair x,y∈Xx,y\in\mathscr{X} such that the quadratic variation of the sum x+yx+y does not exist

    On the Neyman-Pearson problem for law-invariant risk measures and robust utility functionals

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    Motivated by optimal investment problems in mathematical finance, we consider a variational problem of Neyman-Pearson type for law-invariant robust utility functionals and convex risk measures. Explicit solutions are found for quantile-based coherent risk measures and related utility functionals. Typically, these solutions exhibit a critical phenomenon: If the capital constraint is below some critical value, then the solution will coincide with a classical solution; above this critical value, the solution is a superposition of a classical solution and a less risky or even risk-free investment. For general risk measures and utility functionals, it is shown that there exists a solution that can be written as a deterministic increasing function of the price density

    Optimal Investments for Risk- and Ambiguity-Averse Preferences: A Duality Approach

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    Ambiguity, also called Knightian or model uncertainty, is a key feature in financial modeling. A recent paper by Maccheroni et al. (2004) characterizes investor preferences under aversion against both risk and ambiguity. Their result shows that these preferences can be numerically represented in terms of convex risk measures. In this paper we study the corresponding problem of optimal investment over a given time horizon, using a duality approach and building upon the results by Kramkov and Schachermayer (1999, 2001).Model uncertainty, ambiguity, convex risk measures, optimal investments, duality theory

    Robust Optimal Control for a Consumption-investment Problem

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    We give an explicit PDE characterization for the solution of the problem of maximizing the utility of both terminal wealth and intertemporal consumption under model uncertainty. The underlying market model consists of a risky asset, whose volatility and long-term trend are driven by an external stochastic factor process. The robust utility functional is defined in terms of a HARA utility function with risk aversion parameter 0Optimal Consumption, Robust Control, Model Uncertainty, Incomplete Markets, Stochastic Volatility, Coherent Risk Measures, Convex Duality
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