1,733 research outputs found


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    Stopovers, periods o f rest and refuelling between migratory flights, play an integral role in determining fitness o f migrating passerines. Migration success is dependent on decisions made about when to arrive and leave particular stopover sites and how to utilize regional landscapes. I used mark-recapture analysis o f bird banding data from a stopover site and direct measurements from radio telemetry data covering a stopover landscape of~20 x 40 km at Long Point, Ontario, to examine stopover decisions. Specifically, I estimated probabilities that individuals would leave a site in relation to age, fat stores, season, and the extent to which decisions made in the landscape influence decisions at particular sites. I found decisions to leave a stopover site are largely age-dependent regardless of fat stores or season with adults having higher departure probabilities than young. Additionally, these initial decisions are primarily determined by landscape scale decisions prior to landfall although divergent life histories favour different strategies. Knowledge of the evolution and ecology of migration and for conservation o f migratory passerines requires an integrated understanding o f how migrants use local sites and broad landscapes to optimize their migration

    Doing school history as portrayed in assessment tasks found in the European expansion and conquest in the 15th to 18th centuries units contained in a sample of grade 10 South African CAPS-compliant history textbooks

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    A research report submitted to the Wits School of Education, Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education by combination of coursework and research. Johannesburg March 2015The aim of this research is to determine what understanding of doing school history is portrayed in assessment tasks in a sample of Grade 10 history textbooks. Bernstein’s pedagogic device provides the framework for an investigation into the nature of history within the fields of production and recontextualisation. Within the field of recontextualisation it is important to understand the purpose of school history as portrayed in curricula and textbooks. The construct of history must be clear to determine whether construct validity exists in history textbook assessment tasks. This construct consists of an academic and political dimension. The analytical lens to determine the construct of history evident in Grade 10 textbook assessment tasks is drawn from Morgan and Henning’s Dimension A and C. The analytical lens for the academic dimension is operationalised through the History CAPS, Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, and the political dimension through Wertsch’s Table of Collective Memory and History. The finding that emerges from the academic dimension is that the textbook assessment tasks are rigorous in terms of cognitive level spread, and that conceptual knowledge is most often assessed. In the political dimension it is evident that both official (explicitly identifiable in the History CAPS) and unofficial (implied or not identifiable in CAPS) political projects exist

    Arterial blood pressure, with special reference to renal disease

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    The clinical aspects of arterial blood pressure must be studied from a practical standpoint and in a thorough and systematic way, if, in the treatment of diseases, we are to derive any real benefit from such study. We must study arterial pressure not merely by digital estimation, but also by such an apparatus as will indicate the smallest variations in blood pressure to a nicety and with certain reliance. Such an apparatus we now fortunately possess in the Sphygmometer, of which there are several varieties on the market. Of these undoubtedly the most reliable, as well as the most convenient, is Dr. C. J. Martin's modification of the Riva-Rocci Sphygometer. This instrument is quite simple and accurate

    Rectal Absorption in Childhood

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    The history of rectal alimentation has been outlined. The nutrient enema has been discussed and an investigation into the rectal absorption of glucose, sodium chloride and predigested protein described. It has been shown that glucose is definitely absorbed although it was not possible to determine how completely it is absorbed. Sodium chloride is apparently almost completely absorbed from the rectum. Predigested protein is also readily absorbed, apparently completely. The rectal absorption of potassium bromide, sodium salicylate and sulphanilamide has been studied and it has been shown that, in the case of sodium salicylate and sulphanilamide, rectal administration could be a practical proposition. An attempt has been made, by a discussion of rectal alimentation in general, to estimate the present value of the rectal channel in the administration of food and drugs

    Strategic trade in pollution permits

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    Markets for pollution have become a popular regulatory instrument. Yet these markets are often highly concentrated, which may lead to strategic behavior by all participants. In this article we investigate the implications of strategic trade in pollution permits. The permit market is developed as a strategic market game, where all firms are allowed to behave strategically and their roles as buyers or sellers of permits are determined endogenously with price-mediated trade. In a second stage, firms transact on a product market and we allow for a variety of market structures. Our framework establishes the endogenous determination of equilibrium price, market structure, and levels of exchange in the permit market

    Contests with general preferences

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    This article investigates contests when heterogeneous players compete to obtain a share of a prize. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium when players have general preference structures. Our results show that many of the standard conclusions obtained in the analysis of contests - such as aggregate effort increasing in the size of the prize and the dissipation ratio invariant to the size of the prize — may no longer hold under a general preference setting. We derive the key conditions on preferences, which involve the rate of change of the marginal rate of substitution between a player’s share of the prize and their effort within the contest, under which these counter-intuitive results may hold. Our approach is able to nest conventional contest analysis — the study of (quasi-)linear preferences — as well as allowing for a much broader class of utility functions, which include both separable and non-separable utility structures

    Single Case Experimental Design Examining Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Post-Stroke Depression

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    Background. Post-stroke depression (PSD) is common in older-age adults and is typically treated with cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). However, research has ascertained mixed findings regarding the efficacy of CBT for PSD in older-age adults, with limited evidence in people from global majority backgrounds. Materials and Methods. This case study used single case experimental design methodology to examine the effectiveness of CBT for PSD in a black, older-age man. The effects of health conditions, cohort beliefs, transitions in role investments, socio-cultural context and early experiences on the client’s thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and behaviours were formulated, before behavioural activation was used to increase engagement in meaningful and pleasurable activities. Results. Throughout therapy, the client’s mood, motivation and optimism for the future improved, and their depression and anxiety symptoms reduced. Conclusions. This case study offers tentative evidence that CBT for PSD may be effective in black older-age adults
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