20 research outputs found

    Predictors of thromboembolic complications in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection

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    Aim. To identify predictors of the development of thromboembolic complications (TECs) in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. Materials and methods. A single-center observational retrospective study included 1634 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. The patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the availability of the feasibility study. The criterion for inclusion of patients in the main group was the presence of venous feasibility studies in 127 patients (group I), the comparison group consisted of 1507 patients in whom the course of COVID-19 was not complicated by the development of feasibility studies (group II). Results. When performing computed tomography of the chest organs, it was revealed that patients with a feasibility study had a higher percentage of lung tissue damage than patients in the comparison group: 55% [37.5; 67.5] and 37.5% [25.0; 47.5], respectively (p0.001). The average values of C-reactive protein in I patients group were 129 [60.1; 211] ng/l, which was significantly higher than in II patients group – 41.0 [12.2; 97.6] ng/l (p0.001), interleukin-6 – 176 [52.9; 471] pg/ml and 39.4 [11.0; 107] pg/ml (p0.001), respectively. A one-factor regression analysis proved a significant contribution of comorbid pathology to the development of feasibility studies in patients with COVID-19. The presence of three nosologies at the same time: arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD) and chronic kidney disease increased the probability of a feasibility study by 4.81 times (odds ratio 4.8117, 95% confidence interval 3.2064–7.2207), in patients with arterial hypertension, CHD, chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes – by 5.63 times (odds ratio 5.6321, 95% confidence interval 3.1870–9.9531). Conclusion. The presence of severe comorbid pathology significantly increased the risk of developing a feasibility study in patients with COVID-19. The most significant predictors of the development of feasibility studies in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. They are: CHD, arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes

    Yeast Sup35 Prion Structure: Two Types, Four Parts, Many Variants

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    The yeast [PSI+] prion, formed by the Sup35 (eRF3) protein, has multiple structural variants differing in the strength of nonsense suppressor phenotype. Structure of [PSI+] and its variation are characterized poorly. Here, we mapped Sup35 amyloid cores of 26 [PSI+] ex vivo prions of different origin using proteinase K digestion and mass spectrometric identification of resistant peptides. In all [PSI+] variants the Sup35 amino acid residues 2–32 were fully resistant and the region up to residue 72 was partially resistant. Proteinase K-resistant structures were also found within regions 73–124, 125–153, and 154–221, but their presence differed between [PSI+] isolates. Two distinct digestion patterns were observed for region 2–72, which always correlated with the “strong” and “weak” [PSI+] nonsense suppressor phenotypes. Also, all [PSI+] with a weak pattern were eliminated by multicopy HSP104 gene and were not toxic when combined with multicopy SUP35. [PSI+] with a strong pattern showed opposite properties, being resistant to multicopy HSP104 and lethal with multicopy SUP35. Thus, Sup35 prion cores can be composed of up to four elements. [PSI+] variants can be divided into two classes reliably distinguishable basing on structure of the first element and the described assays

    Around Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site: Progress of dose Estimations Relevant to the Consequences of Nuclear Tests

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    The paper is an analytical overview of the main results presented at the 3rd Dosimetry Workshop in Hiroshima(9-11 of March 2005), where different aspects of the dose reconstruction around the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site(SNTS) were discussed and summarized. The results of the international intercomparison of the retrospective luminescence dosimetry(RLD) method for Dolon\u27 village(Kazakhstan) were presented at the Workshop and good concurrence between dose estimations by different laboratories from 6 countries (Japan, Russia, USA, Germany, Finland and UK) was pointed out. The accumulated dose values in brick for a common depth of 10mm depth obtained independently by all participating laboratories were in good agreement for all four brick samples from Dolon\u27 village, Kazakhstan, with the average value of the local gamma dose due to fallout (near the sampling locations) being about 220mGy(background dose has been subtracted). Furthermore, using a conversion factor of about 2 to obtain the free-in-air dose, a value of local dose ~440mGy is obtained, which supports the results of external dose calculations for Dolon\u27: recently published soil contamination data, archive information and new models were used for refining dose calculations and the external dose in air for Dolon village was estimated to be about 500mGy. The results of electron spin resonance(ESR) dosimetry with tooth enamel have demonstrated the notable progress in application of ESR dosimetry to the problems of dose reconstruction around the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. At the present moment, dose estimates by the ESR method have become more consistent with calculated values and with retrospective luminescence dosimetry data, but differences between ESR dose estimates and RLD/calculation data were noted. For example mean ESR dose for eligible tooth samples from Dolon\u27 village was estimated to be about 140mGy(above background dose), which is less than dose values obtained by RLD and calculations. A possible explanation of the differences between ESR and RLD/calculations doses is the following: for interpretation of ESR data the "shielding and behaviour" factors for investigated persons should be taken into account. The "upper level" of the combination of "shielding and behaviour" factors of dose reduction for inhabitants of Dolon\u27 village of about 0.28 was obtained by comparing the individual ESR tooth enamel dose estimates with the calculated mean dose for this settlement. The biological dosimetry data related to the settlements near SNTS were presented at the Workshop. A higher incidence of unstable chromosome aberrations, micronucleus in lymphocytes, nuclear abnormalities of thyroid follicular cells, T-cell receptor mutations in peripheral blood were found for exposed areas (Dolon\u27, Sarjal) in comparison with unexposed ones(Kokpekty). The significant greater frequency of stable translocations (results of analyses of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes by the FISH technique) was demonstrated for Dolon\u27 village in comparison with Chekoman(unexposed village). The elevated level of stable translocations in Dolon\u27 corresponds to a dose of about 180mSv, which is close to the results of ESR dosimetry for this village. The importance of investigating specific morphological types of thyroid nodules for thyroid dosimetry studies was pointed out. In general the 3rd Dosimetry Workshop has demonstrated remarkable progress in developing an international level of common approaches for retrospective dose estimations around the SNTS and in understanding the tasks for the future joint work in this direction. In the framework of a special session the problems of developing a database and registry in order to support epidemiological studies around SNTS were discussed. The results of investigation of psychological consequences of nuclear tests, which are expressed in the form of verbal behaviour, were presented at this session as well