1,063 research outputs found

    Private equity in emerging markets

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    Why is there such a strong private equity market in the United States or the United Kingdom? Why is activity relatively low in several other economically important countries? And why is it zero or close to zero in many emerging regions? Spatial variations of private equity activity result from numerous factors. In this paper I summarize the literature contributions on the determinants of national private equity activity and comment on the consequences for the development of the private equity asset class in emerging markets.Private Equity; Emerging Markets;

    The risk-adjusted performance of US buyouts

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    This paper assesses the risk-adjusted performance of US buyouts.risk-adjusted performance; US buyouts; risk; investment

    The opportunity cost of capital of US buyouts

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    This paper addresses the problem of accurately determining buyout opportunity cost of capital for performance analyses. It draws on a unique and proprietary set of data on 133 United States buyouts between 1984 and 2004. For each buyout, we determine a public market equivalent that matches the buyout in timing and systematic risk. We show that under realistic mimicking conditions, the average opportunity cost of capital is below the commonly used benchmark S&P 500. The surprising result has a simple explanation: ex post, many of the transactions mimicking the buyouts would have defaulted in the public market. Only under relaxed assumptions, is the average opportunity cost of capital close to the average index return. Our sensitivity analyses highlight the need for a comprehensive risk adjustment that considers both operating risk and leverage risk for an accurate assessment of buyout performance. This finding is particularly important as existing literature on this topic tends to rely on benchmarks without a proper risk adjustment.Private Equity; Risk-Adjusted Performance; Buyout; Benchmarking Alternative Assets;

    The valuation of tax shields induced by asset step-ups in corporate acquisitions

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    We derive discount rates for depreciation and amortization tax shields resulting from asset step-ups in corporate mergers and acquisitions. By assigning all relevant sources of uncertainty for such kind of tax shields and by accounting for corporate debt it is shown that for APV valuations r*, a rate between the firm's cost of debt and the risk-free rate, is adequate to discount step-up induced depreciation benefits. When the benefits are valued on a standalone basis, the adequate discount rate is the after-tax weighted average of r*. Discount rates for these shields have been determined arbitrarily in empirical research on corporate acquisitions so far. However, they are found to be in line with the rates deduced in this paper.Tax Shield; Step-up Depreciation; Valuation;

    A composite measure to determine a host country's attractiveness for foreign direct investment

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    We contribute to the question of why some countries are more attractive for foreign direct investment (FDI) than others by constructing a composite measure that describes a host country's attractiveness for receiving FDI. This index considers all identified major, measurable and, for our scope, comparable aspects that affect FDI decisions. As a result, we can rank 127 countries with respect to their FDI attraction. The index provides the possibility of conducting detailed strength and weakness analyses for all of our sample countries and regions. These analyses provide support to policy-makers to improve their country's attractiveness for receiving inward FDI. They also enhance the discussion of why FDI flows still remain concentrated in advanced economies and, additionally, in which areas emerging and developing economies have to improve in order to narrow the existing gap. We provide correlation and sensitivity analyses to test the quality of our composite measure. Additionally, we benchmark our index with several alternative indices. Thereby, we show that no other index tracks actual FDI activity more closely.Country Comparison; Composite Measure; Index; FDI;

    Measuring idiosyncratic risks in leveraged buyout transactions

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    The authors use a contingent claims analysis model to calculate the idiosyncratic risks in Leveraged Buyout transactions.Idiosyncratic Risk; LBO; Private Equity; Benchmarking; CCA

    The attractiveness of central eastern European countries for venture capital and private equity investors

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    We address the attractiveness of Central Eastern European countries for VC/PE investors by the construction of a composite index. For the index composition we refer to the results of numerous prior research papers that investigate relevant parameters determining entrepreneurial activity and/or the engagements of institutional investors. We aggregate the index via five different methods and receive country rankings that vary only slightly, signaling a robust index calculation. We clearly identify six tier groups of attractiveness for all of our sample countries. We compare our index with the actual fundraising activities in the particular countries and reveal a reasonable correlation of both figures. The results highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the particular economies and provide guidelines for political improvements and institutional investors' country allocations.Venture capital; Private equity; Central Eastern Europe; Economic transition;

    The European venture capital and private equity country attractiveness index(es)

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    We calculate composite indexes to compare the attractiveness of 25 European countries for institutional investments into the Venture Capital and Private Equity asset class. To achieve this we use 42 different criteria and propose an aggregation structure that allows for benchmarking on more granular levels. The United Kingdom leads our ranking, followed by Ireland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. While Germany is slightly above the average European attractiveness level, the scores for France, Italy, Spain, and Greece are rather disappointing. Our analyses reveal that while the United Kingdom is similar to the other European countries with respect to many criteria, there are two major differences which ultimately affect its attractiveness: its investor protection and corporate governance rules; and the size and liquidity of its capital market. The state of the capital market is likewise a proxy for the professionalism of the financial community, deal flow and exit opportunities. We determine a reasonable correlation between our attractiveness index scores and actual Venture Capital and Private Equity fundraising activities and prove the robustness of our calculations. Our findings across all the European countries suggest that while investor protection and capital markets are in fact very important determinants of attractiveness, there are numerous other criteria to consider.Venture Capital; Private Equity; Alternative Asset; International Asset Allocation;

    Measuring idiosyncratic risks in leveraged buyout transactions

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    We use a CCA model to calculate implied idiosyncratic risks of LBO transactions. A decisive model feature is the consideration of amortization. From the model, the asset value volatility and the equity value volatility can be derived via a numerical procedure. For a sample of 40 LBO transactions we determine the necessary model parameters and calculate the transactions' implied idiosyncratic risks. We discuss the expected model sensitivities and verify them by variation of the input parameters. With the knowledge of the returns to the equity investors of the LBOs we are able to calculate Sharpe Ratios on individual transaction levels for the first time, thereby fully incorporating the superimposed leverage risks.Idiosyncratic Risk; Private Equity; Benchmarking;

    Limited partners' perceptions of the Central Eastern European venture capital and private equity market

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    Growth expectations and institutional settings in Central Eastern Europe are assumed to be favorable for the establishment of a vibrant Venture Capital and Private Equity market. Despite this, there is a lack of risk capital. We examine the obstacles to institutional investments in the region through a questionnaire addressed to (potential) Limited Partners world-wide. The respondents provide information about their perceptions of the region. The protection of property rights is the dominant concern, followed by social criteria, such as the belief in the management quality of local people, and the lacking size and liquidity of the Central Eastern European capital markets. However, Limited Partners regard the growth expectations as attractive, and those with exposure in Central Eastern Europe are satisfied with the historical risk and return ratio, they have a good knowledge of the region, are attracted by other emerging regions, and they appreciate the region's entrepreneurial opportunities and the local General Partners. Overall, the region is ranked very favorable compared to other emerging regions, and especially with respect to its economic and entrepreneurial activity.Venture Capital; Private Equity; International Asset Allocation; Institutional Investors;