3 research outputs found
Role of Lipids of the Evergreen Shrub <i>Ephedra monosperma</i> in Adaptation to Low Temperature in the Cryolithozone
Lipids are the fundamental components of cell membranes and they play a significant role in their integrity and fluidity. The alteration in lipid composition of membranes has been reported to be a major response to abiotic environmental stresses. Seasonal dynamics of membrane lipids in the shoots of Ephedra monosperma J.G. Gmel. ex C.A. Mey. growing in natural conditions of permafrost ecosystems was studied using HPTLC, GC-MS and ESI-MS. An important role of lipid metabolism was established during the autumn-winter period when the shoots of the evergreen shrub were exposed to low positive (3.6 °C), negative (−8.3 °C) and extremely low temperatures (−38.4 °C). Maximum accumulation of phosphatidic acid (PA), the amount of which is times times greater than the sum of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine (PC + PE) was noted in shoots of E. monosperma in the summer-autumn period. The autumn hardening period (3.6 °C) is accompanied by active biosynthesis and accumulation of membrane lipids, a decrease of saturated 34:1 PCs, 34:1 PEs and 34:1 PAs, and an increase in unsaturated long-chain 38:5 PEs, 38:6 PEs, indicating that the adaptation of E. monosperma occurs not at the level of lipid classes but at the level of molecular species. At a further decrease of average daily air temperature in October (−8.3 °C) a sharp decline of PA level was registered. At an extreme reduction of environmental temperature (−38.4 °C) the content of non-bilayer PE and PA increases, the level of unsaturated fatty acids (FA) rises due to the increase of C18:2(Δ9,12) and C18:3(Δ9,12,15) acids and the decrease of C16:0 acids. It is concluded that changes in lipid metabolism reflect structural and functional reorganization of cell membranes and are an integral component of the complex process of plant hardening to low temperatures, which contributes to the survival of E. monosperma monocotyledonous plants in the extreme conditions of the Yakutia cryolithozone
Diversity of ESI-MS Based Phosphatidylcholine Profiles in Basidiomycetes
Phosphatidylcholines (PC) are the main membrane lipid constituents comprising more than 50% of total glycerophospholipids. They coordinate a number of cell functions, particularly cell growth, homeostasis, secretion, recognition and communication. In basidial fungi PC are synthesized via the Kennedy pathway as well as through methylation of phosphatidylethanolamines (PE) and then undergo remodeling in Lands cycle that replaces fatty acids in PC molecules. The molecular profile of PC is determined by the genetic features that are characteristic for every species and depend on the environment. Here we present the results of ESI-MS based analyses of PC profiles of 38 species of basidiomycetes belonging to Agaricales (12), Polyporales (17), Russulales (5), Gleophyllales (2), Cantharellales (1), Auriculariales (1), Phallales (1). Although the variety of PC molecular species of basidiomycetes is rather diverse (20–38 molecular species in every profile), only 1–3 main molecular species represent 70–90% of total PC content. The most abundant of them are C36:4 and C36:3, followed by C34:1, C34:2, C36:5, C36:2. In the majority of basidiomycetes, C36:4 reaches up to 50–70% of total PC molecular species. Based on the results of hierarchical cluster analysis four main types of PC profiles which characterized the studied fungi independently from their taxonomic position, ecology, trophic status, and hyphal differentiation have been revealed. Comparative analyses of studied fungi using PCA method have shown that species of Polyporales differ from those of Agaricales by higher variability of PC profiles