126 research outputs found

    Heads up! Dynamic Similitude for Perception with an Object Wielded by Head or Hand

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    Possibilities for behavior (i.e., affordances) can be perceived with units spanning anatomical components and external objects. For example, affordances for standing on an inclined surface can be perceived with an object held in the hand or attached to the head. We investigated whether these two person-plus-object perceptual systems exhibit the same pattern of nonlinear phase transitions in perception of this affordance. Blindfolded participants explored an inclined surface with a rod held in the hand or attached to the head and reported whether they could stand on that surface. Inclinations were presented in ascending or descending sequences. In both conditions, responses exhibited negative hysteresis – perceptual boundaries occurred at steeper angles for descending than for ascending sequences. The generalization of this pattern across components that differ in physiology, sensitivity, and experience is consistent with both the soft assembly of perceptual devices and with a dynamical systems perspective on perception of affordances

    A universal method for automated gene mapping

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    Small insertions or deletions (InDels) constitute a ubiquituous class of sequence polymorphisms found in eukaryotic genomes. Here, we present an automated high-throughput genotyping method that relies on the detection of fragment-length polymorphisms (FLPs) caused by InDels. The protocol utilizes standard sequencers and genotyping software. We have established genome-wide FLP maps for both Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster that facilitate genetic mapping with a minimum of manual input and at comparatively low cost

    The CHORD protein CHP-1 regulates EGF receptor trafficking and signaling in C. elegans and in human cells.

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    Funder: Kanton of ZürichThe intracellular trafficking of growth factor receptors determines the activity of their downstream signaling pathways. Here, we show that the putative HSP-90 co-chaperone CHP-1 acts as a regulator of EGFR trafficking in C. elegans. Loss of chp-1 causes the retention of the EGFR in the ER and decreases MAPK signaling. CHP-1 is specifically required for EGFR trafficking, as the localization of other transmembrane receptors is unaltered in chp-1(lf) mutants, and the inhibition of hsp-90 or other co-chaperones does not affect EGFR localization. The role of the CHP-1 homolog CHORDC1 during EGFR trafficking is conserved in human cells. Analogous to C. elegans, the response of CHORDC1-deficient A431 cells to EGF stimulation is attenuated, the EGFR accumulates in the ER and ERK2 activity decreases. Although CHP-1 has been proposed to act as a co-chaperone for HSP90, our data indicate that CHP-1 plays an HSP90-independent function in controlling EGFR trafficking through the ER

    EGF Signal Propagation during C. elegans Vulval Development Mediated by ROM-1 Rhomboid

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    During Caenorhabditis elegans vulval development, the anchor cell (AC) in the somatic gonad secretes an epidermal growth factor (EGF) to activate the EGF receptor (EGFR) signaling pathway in the adjacent vulval precursor cells (VPCs). The inductive AC signal specifies the vulval fates of the three proximal VPCs P5.p, P6.p, and P7.p. The C. elegans Rhomboid homolog ROM-1 increases the range of EGF, allowing the inductive signal to reach the distal VPCs P3.p, P4.p and P8.p, which are further away from the AC. Surprisingly, ROM-1 functions in the signal-receiving VPCs rather than the signal-sending AC. This observation led to the discovery of an AC–independent activity of EGF in the VPCs that promotes vulval cell fate specification and depends on ROM-1. Of the two previously reported EGF splice variants, the longer one requires ROM-1 for its activity, while the shorter form acts independently of ROM-1. We present a model in which ROM-1 relays the inductive AC signal from the proximal to the distal VPCs by allowing the secretion of the LIN-3L splice variant. These results indicate that, in spite of their structural diversity, Rhomboid proteins play a conserved role in activating EGFR signaling in C. elegans, Drosophila, and possibly also in mammals

    The Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of the Evi1 proto-oncogene, egl-43, coordinates G1 cell cycle arrest with pro-invasive gene expression during anchor cell invasion.

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    Cell invasion allows cells to migrate across compartment boundaries formed by basement membranes. Aberrant cell invasion is a first step during the formation of metastases by malignant cancer cells. Anchor cell (AC) invasion in C. elegans is an excellent in vivo model to study the regulation of cell invasion during development. Here, we have examined the function of egl-43, the homolog of the human Evi1 proto-oncogene (also called MECOM), in the invading AC. egl-43 plays a dual role in this process, firstly by imposing a G1 cell cycle arrest to prevent AC proliferation, and secondly, by activating pro-invasive gene expression. We have identified the AP-1 transcription factor fos-1 and the Notch homolog lin-12 as critical egl-43 targets. A positive feedback loop between fos-1 and egl-43 induces pro-invasive gene expression in the AC, while repression of lin-12 Notch expression by egl-43 ensures the G1 cell cycle arrest necessary for invasion. Reducing lin-12 levels in egl-43 depleted animals restored the G1 arrest, while hyperactivation of lin-12 signaling in the differentiated AC was sufficient to induce proliferation. Taken together, our data have identified egl-43 Evi1 as an important factor coordinating cell invasion with cell cycle arrest

    β-Integrin de-phosphorylation by the Density-Enhanced Phosphatase DEP-1 attenuates EGFR signaling in C. elegans

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    Density-Enhanced Phosphatase-1 (DEP-1) de-phosphorylates various growth factor receptors and adhesion proteins to regulate cell proliferation, adhesion and migration. Moreover, dep-1/scc1 mutations have been detected in various types of human cancers, indicating a broad tumor suppressor activity. During C. elegans development, DEP-1 mediates binary cell fate decisions by negatively regulating EGFR signaling. Using a substrate-trapping DEP-1 mutant in a proteomics approach, we have identified the C. elegans β-integrin subunit PAT-3 as a specific DEP-1 substrate. DEP-1 selectively de-phosphorylates tyrosine 792 in the membrane-proximal NPXY motif to promote integrin activation via talin recruitment. The non-phosphorylatable β-integrin mutant pat-3(Y792F) partially suppresses the hyperactive EGFR signaling phenotype caused by loss of dep-1 function. Thus, DEP-1 attenuates EGFR signaling in part by de-phosphorylating Y792 in the β-integrin cytoplasmic tail, besides the direct de-phosphorylation of the EGFR. Furthermore, in vivo FRAP analysis indicates that the αβ-integrin/talin complex attenuates EGFR signaling by restricting receptor mobility on the basolateral plasma membrane. We propose that DEP-1 regulates EGFR signaling via two parallel mechanisms, by direct receptor de-phosphorylation and by restricting receptor mobility through αβ-integrin activation

    Tissue-specific inhibition of protein sumoylation uncovers diverse SUMO functions during C. elegans vulval development

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    The sumoylation (SUMO) pathway is involved in a variety of processes during C. elegans development, such as gonadal and vulval fate specification, cell cycle progression and maintenance of chromosome structure. The ubiquitous expression and pleiotropic effects have made it difficult to dissect the tissue-specific functions of the SUMO pathway and identify its target proteins. To overcome these challenges, we have established tools to block protein sumoylation and degrade sumoylated target proteins in a tissue-specific and temporally controlled manner. We employed the auxin-inducible protein degradation system (AID) to down-regulate the SUMO E3 ligase GEI-17 or the SUMO ortholog SMO-1, either in the vulval precursor cells (VPCs) or in the gonadal anchor cell (AC). Our results indicate that the SUMO pathway acts in multiple tissues to control different aspects of vulval development, such as AC positioning, basement membrane (BM) breaching, VPC fate specification and morphogenesis. Inhibition of protein sumoylation in the VPCs resulted in abnormal toroid formation and ectopic cell fusions during vulval morphogenesis. In particular, sumoylation of the ETS transcription factor LIN-1 at K169 is necessary for the proper contraction of the ventral vulA toroids. Thus, the SUMO pathway plays several distinct roles throughout vulval development

    Prolonging somatic cell proliferation through constitutive hox gene expression in C. elegans

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    hox genes encode a conserved family of homeodomain transcription factors that are essential to determine the identity of body segments during embryogenesis and maintain adult somatic stem cells competent to regenerate organs. In contrast to higher organisms, somatic cells in C. elegans irreversibly exit the cell cycle after completing their cell lineage and the adult soma cannot regenerate. Here, we show that hox gene expression levels in C. elegans determine the temporal competence of somatic cells to proliferate. Down-regulation of the central hox gene lin-39 in dividing vulval cells results in their premature cell cycle exit, whereas constitutive lin-39 expression causes precocious Pn.p cell and sex myoblast divisions and prolongs the proliferative phase of the vulval cells past their normal point of arrest. Furthermore, ectopic expression of hox genes in the quiescent anchor cell re-activates the cell cycle and induces proliferation until young adulthood. Thus, constitutive expression of a single hox transcription factor is sufficient to prolong somatic cell proliferation beyond the restriction imposed by the cell lineage. The down-regulation of hox gene expression in most somatic cells at the end of larval development may be one cause for the absence of cell proliferation in adult C. elegans

    Neuron-Specific Regulation of Associative Learning and Memory by MAGI-1 in C. elegans

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    Background: Identifying the molecular mechanisms and neural circuits that control learning and memory are major challenges in neuroscience. Mammalian MAGI/S-SCAM is a multi-PDZ domain synaptic scaffolding protein that interacts with a number of postsynaptic signaling proteins and is thereby thought to regulate synaptic plasticity [1,2,3]. Principal Findings: While investigating the behavioral defects of C. elegans nematodes carrying a mutation in the single MAGI ortholog magi-1, we have identified specific neurons that require MAGI-1 function for different aspects of associative learning and memory. Various sensory stimuli and a food deprivation signal are associated in RIA interneurons during learning, while additional expression of MAGI-1 in glutamatergic AVA, AVD and possibly AVE interneurons is required for efficient memory consolidation, i.e. the ability to retain the conditioned changes in behavior over time. During associative learning, MAGI-1 in RIA neurons controls in a cell non-autonomous fashion the dynamic remodeling of AVA, AVD and AVE synapses containing the ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR) GLR-1 [4]. During memory consolidation, however, MAGI-1 controls GLR-1 clustering in AVA and AVD interneurons cell-autonomously and depends on the ability to interact with the b-catenin HMP-2. Significance: Together, these results indicate that different aspects of associative learning and memory in C. elegans are likely carried out by distinct subsets of interneurons. The synaptic scaffolding protein MAGI-1 plays a critical role in thes