4 research outputs found

    Sistema de generación de formas de onda de un array de transductores de ultrasonidos basado en FPGA

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    In this final degree thesis, a prototype of a system has been designed to assist in transcranial insonation research. The designed system is capable of generating three-level square waveforms to excite up to 8 (expandable to 16) channels of a multi-beam ultrasonic system to be used in transcranial insonation. These waveforms are burst of square signals that can be configured both in frequency and in the rest of the signal parameters, including the delays between channels, by means of a particular program. In this report are the needs and specifications to be accomplished, with the corresponding solutions adopted, each and every one of them with the most precise justifications on the validity of the same. It is due to these premises that there is an implicit visualization of the system in question, the necessary simulations and tests and, consequently, the final result obtained

    Performance optimization in warehouses

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    Quan es tracta de gestionar magatzems i dissenyar tots els processos, normalment hi ha molts aspectes que es poden millorar de múltiples maneres. Aquest és l'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte. Planificar i organitzar la distribució d'un magatzem amb l'ajuda d'una eina software, ajuntar comandes i obtenir un grup d'aquests adequat juntament amb una ruta de recol·lecció conformen els tres pilars fonamentals de tot aquest projecte. En tractar-se de diversos problemes a resoldre, aquests requereixen diferents solucions per cadascun d'ells. Per planificar i organitzar la distribució d'un magatzem s'ha implementat un model de renderitzat en 3d junt amb algunes funcionalitats. I, per l'altra banda, pels afers d'ajuntar comandes i calcular una ruta adequada, s'ha implementat un algoritme optimitzat per cadascun d'ells. Totes aquestes millores s'han implementat a la infraestructura i flux de treball d'Amphora.When managing warehouses and designing all the processes usually many aspects can be optimized in multiple ways. That is the primary goal of this project. Planning and organizing a warehouse layout with the support of a software tool, cluster orders, and getting a suitable group of them along with an optimized picking route are the three pillars of this whole project. Since there are multiple problems to solve, these require a different solution for each one of them. To plan and organize a warehouse layout while interacting with real-time data, a 3d rendering model has been implemented along with some functionalities. And on the other hand, for the clustering and routing problems, an optimized algorithm has been implemented for each one. All these improvements are implemented in the infrastructure and workflow created by Amphora

    Techniques supporting threadprivate in OpenMP

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    This paper presents the alternatives available to support threadprivate data in OpenMP and evaluates them. We show how current compilation systems rely on custom techniques for implementing thread-local data. But in fact the ELF binary specification currently supports data sections that become threadprivate by default. ELF naming for such areas is Thread-Local Storage (TLS). Our experiments demonstrate that implementing threadprivate based on the TLS support is very easy, and more efficient. This proposal goes in the same line as the future implementation of OpenMP on the GNU compiler collection. In addition, our experience with the use of threadprivate in OpenMP applications shows that usually it is better to avoid it. This is because threadprivate variables reside in common blocks and they impede the compiler to fully optimize the code. So it is better to keep threadprivate as a temporary technique only to ease porting MPI codes to OpenMP. 1. Introduction an