12 research outputs found

    Die Kariesprotektive Wirkung von Zahnpasten mit aktivem Fluor

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    Autori iznose rezultate postignute paralelnom primjenom fluorovih spojeva u preventivi zubnog karijesa u nas. U Zavodu za slijepu djecu primijenjena je uz tuÅ”iranje zubi 2% otopinom natrijeva fluorida i zubna pasta s 0,27% natrijeva fluorida. Postignuti rezultati u usporedbi s onima u skupini djece gdje je bila primijenjena samo jedna metoda preventive ā€” tuÅ”iranje zubi, pokazuje signifikantno smanjenje zubnog karijesa i ispravnost ovakvog načina preventive karijesa zubi u djece. U nekim se zemljama paralelne metode preventive primjenjuju već dulje vremena te se iznose miÅ”ljenja pojedinih autora i uspjesi postignuti tim metodama.The authors discuss the results achieved by parallel application of fluorine compounds in the prevention of dental caries in Yugoslavia. In addition to douching of teeth with a 2% solution of sodium fluoride a tooth paste containing 0.27% of sodium fluoride was used at the Institute for Blind Children. The results achieved compared to those in children where only one method of prevention was applied, i. e. douching of the teeth, showed a significant reduction of dental caries and justifies the application of such a method of preservation of the teeth in children. In some countries parallel methods of prevention have been applied for quite some time. The opinions of individual authors are given and the results obtained by these methods are listed.Die Autoren bringen die Resultate der parallelen Anwendung von Fluorverbindungen in der PrƤventive der Zahnkaries bei uns, vor. Im Institut fĆ¼r blinde Kinder wurden gleichzeitig das Tuschieren der ZƤhne mit 2%-iger Natriumfluoridlƶsung und Zahnpasten mit einem Gehalt von 0,27% Natrium- fluorid angewendet. Die erhaltenen Resultate im Vergleich mit Kindern bei denen blos das Tuschierverfahren angewendet wurde, zeigt eine bedeutende ErmƤssigung der Zahnkaries und die Richtigkeit dieser Methode der ZahnprƤventive bei Kindern. In manchen LƤndern findet die parallele Methode in der PrƤventive schon lƤngere Zeit ihre Anwendung. Es werden auch die Meinungen verschiedener Autoren und die erhaltenen Resultate vorgebracht

    Komparativna studija o djelovanju meridol tekućine na smanjenje upalnih promjena gingive

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    The aim o f this study was to evaluate the effects of Ā»MeridolĀ« solution for mouth rinsing (containing SnF2 and aminfluoride 297) on plaque and gingiva. The study was carried out in four groups of children. Group A rinsed their mouth once a week during six months, group B once a day for a month, while groups KA and KB served as control. The criterion for relevant plaque recording was OH index as modified by green and Vermillion. Periodontal status was obtained by applying the CPTIN index. The plaque reduction was significant in groups A and B. When the solution was applied, it was noted the reduction in bleeding sextants. Results showed Ā»MeridolĀ« solution to be recommendable together with proper oral hygiene in the prophylactic treatment o f decay and gingivitis.U radu je ispitivan učinak Meridol tekućine za ispiranje usta (koja sadrži SnF2 i amin fluorid 297) na plak i gingivu. Ispitivanje je provedeno u četiri skupine djece. Skupina A ispirala je usta jedanput tjedno tijekom 6 mjeseci, skupina B jedanput dnevno tijekom mjesec dana, a skupine KA i KB bile su kontrolne. Kriterij za objektivnu registraciju plaka bio je OHI - indeks prema Greenu i Vermillionu. Podaci o stanju parodonta dobiveni su primjenom CPITN indeksa. Smanjenje plaka u A i B skupini bilo je značajno. Primjenom samo Meridola nisu uočene promjene na parodontnom tkivu gdje je već doÅ”lo do bolesnih promjena, uočeno je jedino smanjenje sekstanta s krvarenjem iz gingivnoga sulkusa. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju kako se Meridol tekućina može preporučiti u profilaksi karijesa i gingivitisa, uz odgovarajuće pravilno provođenje oralne higijene

    A comparative analysis of oral health in mentally retarded and normal children

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    Ispitivanjem je utvrđena razlika u frekvenciji karijesa kod mentalno nedovoljno razvijene djece i zdrave, utjecaj MNR na intenzitet karijesa, razlika u broju zuba i korelacija Ā»stupnja MNR i gingivoparodontnih oboljenja. Pregledano je 119 umjereno, teÅ”ko i profundno mentalno nedovoljno razvijene djece. Utvrđeno je da postoji značajna razlika u prevalenciji karijesa kod teÅ”ko mentalno nedovoljno razvijene i zdrave djece, intenzitet karijesa pada sa stupnjem MNR, hipodoncija raste s mentalnom nerazvijenoŔću, a također i oboljenja oralne sluznice.This study was undertaken to find the differences in the prevalence of caries between mentally retarded and normal children, as well as the effect of mental retardation on the severity of teeth and the correlation between the degree of mental retardation and gingivoperiodontal diseases. A group of 119 children with moderate, severe of profound mental retardation were examined. A significant difference in the prevalence of caries was recorded between a subgroup of severely retarded children and normal children. The severity of caries was found to decline, and hypodontia and oral mucosa diseases to increase with the degree of mental retardation

    Possibility of ultrasonic diagnosis in dentistry

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    U radu je prikazana mogućnost primjene ultrazvučnih dijagnostičkih metoda u stomatologiji. Do sada se ultrazvuk u stomatologiji koristio isključivo za sterilizaciju instrumenata, čiŔćenje instrumenata i neke terapijske svrhe kao: npr. čiŔćenje zubnog kamenca, punjenje zuba itd. Autori su u svom radu primijenili jednodimenzionalnu ultrazvučnu (A-Scann metodu) i dvodimenzionalnu (B-Scann) metodu za dijagnostiku bolesnog zuba, te temporomandibularnog zgloba. A- Scann metoda je rađena aparatom Ehopan Siemens sondom 2 i 4 mHz promjera 10 mm. Na sondu je fiksirana vodena kupelj vlastite konstrukcije, tako da se pritiskom sonde mogao prilagoditi promjer kontaktne povrÅ”ine zavisno od povrÅ”ine ispitivanog zuba. B-Scann metoda je rađena na aparatu Diosonograf - 4102 sa sondom frekvencije 2,5 MHz promjera 13 mm uz aplikaciju vodene kupelji vlastite konstrukcije. Rezultati ispitivanja jasno su pokazali korisnost ultrazvučnih dijagnostičkih metoda u stomatologiji. Ultrazvučne dijagnostičke metode imaju prednost jer su neinvazivne, lako izvedive i bezopasne za bolesnika, a otvaraju mogućnost Å”ire dijagnostičke primjene.The possible applications of ultrasonic diagnostic methods in dentistry are presented. Untill now ultrasound in dentistry has been used only in sterilisation and cleaning of instruments and in some therapeutic purposes such as the tartar cleaning, tooth filling etc. The autors applied onedimensional ultrasound (A-scann) method and twodimensional ultrasound (B-scann) method in diagnostics of the healthy and affected tooth and of the temporomandibular joint. A-scann method was done using the Echopan Siemens probe of 2 and 4 MHz of 10 mm diametar. The probe was provided with the water cap of our own construction. Thus by pressing the probe we could adjust the diametar of the contact area depending upon the area of the tooth examined. B-scann method was done using the Diosonograf 4104 mashine with a probe frequency of 2.5 MHz diametar 13 mm, appying water cap of our own construction. The obtained results have clearly indicated the advantages of the ultrasonic diagnostic methods in dentistry. The advantages of these methods are that they are non-invasive, easy to apply and without any rise for the patient. It is also possible to apply them in wider diagnostic purposes

    Autistic children and dental care

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    Autori iznose problem autistične djece u stomatoloÅ”koj ordinaciji. Uz osvrt o autizmu u svjetlu razvoja takvog djeteta, detaljno se osvrću na rad s takvom djecom u području stomatoloÅ”ke preventive i rada u samoj ordinaciji. Slijedi tabelarni prikaz rada tokom jedne Å”kolske godine, gdje je suradnja StomatoloÅ”ke ordinacije za djecu sa smetnjama u razvoju i Centra za autizam donijela rezultate u smanjenju karijesa u ukupnom KEP-u od 3,3 na 1,3 tj. postotak saniranih zuba je povećan za 190Ā°/o kp mliječnih zubi iznosio je 3,3 zuba po djetetu, bez ikakve sanacije, da bi nakon godinu dana bilo sanirano 2,4 zuba po djetetu. Vidljivo je da se kombiniranim tretmanom stomatoloÅ”kog tima, pedopsihijatrijskog tima mogu postići dobri rezultati u rehabilitaciji oralnog zdravlja autistične djece.The problems encountered with autistic children in dental office are presented. Following a review of autism in the light of the development of such a child, the treatment of autistic children with in dental prevention and in the office is described in detail. Activities during an academic year are tabularly presented, showing that collaboration between the Dental O ffice for Retarded Children and Center for Autism resulted in a decreased prevalence of caries in the total KEP from 3.3 to 1.3, i. e. the porcentage of successfully treated teeth increased by 190%; the primary dentition kp had been 3.3 per child without any treatment, whereas after a year 2.4 teeth per child were successfully treated. Thus, a combined treatment, provided by a dental team and a pedopsychiatric team together, can obviously result in good rehabilitation of oral health in autistic children

    On the possibility of the preparation open framework manganese phosphate

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    Manganese(ll)/phosphate/organic template hydrothermal reactions were investigated with the aim of preparing novel crystalline porous materials. Ethylenediamine, isopropylamine, and piperidine were explored as organics that would be able to organize oxide moieties of Mn(II) and P(V) into a porous MnPO, crystalline lattice. The synthesis in the presence of ethylenediamine yields a product with the double protonated organic entrapped in the void space of the crystal. However, the products obtained in the presence of isopropylamine and piperidine do not contain any organics. It seems that the only role of isopropylamine and piperidine in the crystallization of MnPO material is that of a base. Total removal of the occluded species occurs at around 3OOā€C, after which the manganese phosphate products become X-ray amorphous

    Dental health analysis and orthodontic anomalies in normal children and in children with hearing or sight loss

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    Autori su analizirali dentalno zdravlje i učestalost ortodonskih nepravilnosti kod djece oÅ”tećena sluha i vida i kontrolne skupine zdrave djece. Rezultati prikazani u tablicama i grafikonima ukazuju na statistički značajnu razliku u broju djece bez karijesa između gluhe i zdrave djece (P<0,05), te slijepe i zdrave djece (<0,01). Učestalost ortodontskih nepravilnosti je za 12,65% veća u ukupnoj količini kod gluhe djece u odnosu na zdravu, a 24,69% veća kod slijepe djece u odnosu na zdravu. Ispitivanja su rađena sa ciljem da bi se moglo Å”to efikasnije preventivno djelovati u djece koja zahtijevaju pojačanu zdravstvenu skrbA complex analysis of dental health and of prevalence of orthodontic anomalies was carried out in children with hearing or sight loss and in a control group of normal children. Results presented tabularly and graphically point to a statistically significant difference in the number of caries-free children between deaf and normal children (P<0.05) as well as between blind and normal children (P<0.01). The overall prevalence of orthodontic anomalies was found to be by 12.65% higher indeaf as compared to normal children, and by 24.69% higher in blind than in normal children. The study was conducted with am aim to allow the most efficient interventions in children requiring intensified health care